import { __, s__ } from '~/locale'; export const BRANCHES_PER_PAGE = 20; export const PROJECTS_PER_PAGE = 20; export const I18N_NEW_BRANCH_LABEL_DROPDOWN = __('Project'); export const I18N_NEW_BRANCH_LABEL_BRANCH = __('Branch name'); export const I18N_NEW_BRANCH_LABEL_SOURCE = __('Source branch'); export const I18N_NEW_BRANCH_SUBMIT_BUTTON_TEXT = __('Create branch'); export const CREATE_BRANCH_ERROR_GENERIC = s__( 'JiraConnect|Failed to create branch. Please try again.', ); export const CREATE_BRANCH_ERROR_WITH_CONTEXT = s__('JiraConnect|Failed to create branch.'); export const I18N_PAGE_TITLE_WITH_BRANCH_NAME = s__( 'JiraConnect|Create branch for Jira issue %{jiraIssue}', ); export const I18N_PAGE_TITLE_DEFAULT = __('New branch'); export const I18N_NEW_BRANCH_SUCCESS_TITLE = s__( 'JiraConnect|New branch was successfully created.', ); export const I18N_NEW_BRANCH_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = s__( 'JiraConnect|You can now close this window and return to Jira.', ); export const I18N_NEW_BRANCH_PERMISSION_ALERT = s__( "JiraConnect|You don't have permission to create branches for this project. Select a different project or contact the project owner for access. %{linkStart}Learn more.%{linkEnd}", );