module TestHooks class ProjectService < TestHooks::BaseService private def project @project ||= hook.project end def push_events_data throw(:validation_error, 'Ensure the project has at least one commit.') if project.empty_repo? Gitlab::DataBuilder::Push.build_sample(project, current_user) end alias_method :tag_push_events_data, :push_events_data def note_events_data note = project.notes.first throw(:validation_error, 'Ensure the project has notes.') unless note.present?, current_user) end def issues_events_data issue = project.issues.first throw(:validation_error, 'Ensure the project has issues.') unless issue.present? issue.to_hook_data(current_user) end alias_method :confidential_issues_events_data, :issues_events_data def merge_requests_events_data merge_request = project.merge_requests.first throw(:validation_error, 'Ensure the project has merge requests.') unless merge_request.present? merge_request.to_hook_data(current_user) end def job_events_data build = project.builds.first throw(:validation_error, 'Ensure the project has CI jobs.') unless build.present? end def pipeline_events_data pipeline = project.pipelines.first throw(:validation_error, 'Ensure the project has CI pipelines.') unless pipeline.present? end def wiki_page_events_data page = if !project.wiki_enabled? || page.blank? throw(:validation_error, 'Ensure the wiki is enabled and has pages.') end, current_user, 'create') end end end