# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe 'Subscriptions::Notes::Updated', feature_category: :team_planning do include GraphqlHelpers include Graphql::Subscriptions::Notes::Helper let_it_be(:guest) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:reporter) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let_it_be(:task) { create(:work_item, :task, project: project) } let_it_be(:note, refind: true) { create(:note, noteable: task, project: task.project, type: 'DiscussionNote') } let(:current_user) { nil } let(:subscribe) { note_subscription('workItemNoteUpdated', task, current_user) } let(:updated_note) { graphql_dig_at(graphql_data(response[:result]), :workItemNoteUpdated) } before do stub_const('GitlabSchema', Graphql::Subscriptions::ActionCable::MockGitlabSchema) Graphql::Subscriptions::ActionCable::MockActionCable.clear_mocks project.add_guest(guest) project.add_reporter(reporter) end subject(:response) do subscription_response do note.update!(note: 'changing the note body') end end context 'when user is unauthorized' do it 'does not receive any data' do expect(response).to be_nil end end context 'when user is authorized' do let(:current_user) { reporter } it 'receives updated note data' do expect(updated_note['id']).to eq(note.to_gid.to_s) expect(updated_note['body']).to eq('changing the note body') end context 'when note is confidential' do let_it_be(:note, refind: true) do create(:note, :confidential, noteable: task, project: task.project, type: 'DiscussionNote') end context 'and user has permission to read confidential notes' do it 'receives updated note data' do expect(updated_note['id']).to eq(note.to_gid.to_s) expect(updated_note['body']).to eq('changing the note body') end end context 'and user does not have permission to read confidential notes' do let(:current_user) { guest } it 'does not receive updated note data' do expect(updated_note).to be_nil end end end end end