= render Pajamas::CardComponent.new do |c|
- c.header do
= _("Manage your project's triggers")
- c.body do
= render 'projects/triggers/form', btn_text: _('Add trigger')
#js-ci-pipeline-triggers-list.triggers-list{ data: { triggers: @triggers_json } }
- c.footer do
= _("These examples show how to trigger this project's pipeline for a branch or tag.")
= _('In each example, replace %{code_start}TOKEN%{code_end} with the trigger token you generated and replace %{code_start}REF_NAME%{code_end} with the branch or tag name.').html_safe % { code_start: ''.html_safe, code_end: '
'.html_safe }
= _('Use cURL')
curl -X POST \
--fail \
-F token=TOKEN \
-F ref=REF_NAME \
= _('Use .gitlab-ci.yml')
- "curl -X POST --fail -F token=TOKEN -F ref=REF_NAME #{builds_trigger_url(@project.id)}"
= _('Use webhook')
#{builds_trigger_url(@project.id, ref: 'REF_NAME')}?token=TOKEN
= _('Pass job variables')
= _('To pass variables to the triggered pipeline, add %{code_start}variables[VARIABLE]=VALUE%{code_end} to the API request.').html_safe % { code_start: ''.html_safe, code_end: '
'.html_safe }
= _('cURL:')
curl -X POST \
--fail \
-F token=TOKEN \
-F "ref=REF_NAME" \
-F "variables[RUN_NIGHTLY_BUILD]=true" \
= _('Webhook:')
#{builds_trigger_url(@project.id, ref: 'REF_NAME')}?token=TOKEN&variables[RUN_NIGHTLY_BUILD]=true