# frozen_string_literal: true class IssuePlacementWorker include ApplicationWorker sidekiq_options retry: 3 idempotent! deduplicate :until_executed, including_scheduled: true feature_category :issue_tracking urgency :high worker_resource_boundary :cpu weight 2 # Move at most the most recent 100 issues QUERY_LIMIT = 100 # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def perform(issue_id, project_id = nil) issue = find_issue(issue_id, project_id) return unless issue # Temporary disable moving null elements because of performance problems # For more information check https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/production/-/issues/4321 return if issue.blocked_for_repositioning? # Move the oldest 100 unpositioned items to the end. # This is to deal with out-of-order execution of the worker, # while preserving creation order. to_place = Issue .relative_positioning_query_base(issue) .where(relative_position: nil) .order({ created_at: :asc }, { id: :asc }) .limit(QUERY_LIMIT + 1) .to_a leftover = to_place.pop if to_place.count > QUERY_LIMIT Issue.move_nulls_to_end(to_place) Issues::BaseService.new(project: nil).rebalance_if_needed(to_place.max_by(&:relative_position)) IssuePlacementWorker.perform_async(nil, leftover.project_id) if leftover.present? rescue RelativePositioning::NoSpaceLeft => e Gitlab::ErrorTracking.log_exception(e, issue_id: issue_id, project_id: project_id) IssueRebalancingWorker.perform_async(nil, project_id.presence || issue.project_id) end def find_issue(issue_id, project_id) return Issue.id_in(issue_id).take if issue_id project = Project.id_in(project_id).take return unless project project.issues.take end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord end