# frozen_string_literal: true module Ci module JobArtifacts class DestroyBatchService include BaseServiceUtility include ::Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize # Danger: Private - Should only be called in Ci Services that pass a batch of job artifacts # Not for use outside of the Ci:: namespace # Adds the passed batch of job artifacts to the `ci_deleted_objects` table # for asyncronous destruction of the objects in Object Storage via the `Ci::DeleteObjectsService` # and then deletes the batch of related `ci_job_artifacts` records. # Params: # +job_artifacts+:: A relation of job artifacts to destroy (fewer than MAX_JOB_ARTIFACT_BATCH_SIZE) # +pick_up_at+:: When to pick up for deletion of files # Returns: # +Hash+:: A hash with status and destroyed_artifacts_count keys def initialize(job_artifacts, pick_up_at: nil) @job_artifacts = job_artifacts.with_destroy_preloads.to_a @pick_up_at = pick_up_at end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def execute(update_stats: true) return success(destroyed_artifacts_count: 0, statistics_updates: {}) if @job_artifacts.empty? Ci::DeletedObject.transaction do Ci::DeletedObject.bulk_import(@job_artifacts, @pick_up_at) Ci::JobArtifact.id_in(@job_artifacts.map(&:id)).delete_all destroy_related_records(@job_artifacts) end # This is executed outside of the transaction because it depends on Redis update_project_statistics! if update_stats increment_monitoring_statistics(artifacts_count) success(destroyed_artifacts_count: artifacts_count, statistics_updates: affected_project_statistics) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord private # This method is implemented in EE and it must do only database work def destroy_related_records(artifacts); end # using ! here since this can't be called inside a transaction def update_project_statistics! affected_project_statistics.each do |project, delta| project.increment_statistic_value(Ci::JobArtifact.project_statistics_name, delta) end end def affected_project_statistics strong_memoize(:affected_project_statistics) do artifacts_by_project = @job_artifacts.group_by(&:project) artifacts_by_project.each.with_object({}) do |(project, artifacts), accumulator| delta = -artifacts.sum { |artifact| artifact.size.to_i } accumulator[project] = delta end end end def increment_monitoring_statistics(size) metrics.increment_destroyed_artifacts(size) end def metrics @metrics ||= ::Gitlab::Ci::Artifacts::Metrics.new end def artifacts_count strong_memoize(:artifacts_count) do @job_artifacts.count end end end end end Ci::JobArtifacts::DestroyBatchService.prepend_mod_with('Ci::JobArtifacts::DestroyBatchService')