import Vue from 'vue'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { createStore } from '~/ide/stores'; import * as actions from '~/ide/stores/actions/file'; import * as types from '~/ide/stores/mutation_types'; import service from '~/ide/services'; import router from '~/ide/ide_router'; import eventHub from '~/ide/eventhub'; import { file } from '../../helpers'; const ORIGINAL_CONTENT = 'original content'; const RELATIVE_URL_ROOT = '/gitlab'; describe('IDE store file actions', () => { let mock; let originalGon; let store; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); originalGon = window.gon; window.gon = { ...window.gon, relative_url_root: RELATIVE_URL_ROOT, }; store = createStore(); jest.spyOn(store, 'commit'); jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch'); jest.spyOn(router, 'push').mockImplementation(() => {}); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); window.gon = originalGon; }); describe('closeFile', () => { let localFile; beforeEach(() => { localFile = file('testFile'); = true; localFile.opened = true; localFile.parentTreeUrl = 'parentTreeUrl'; store.state.openFiles.push(localFile); store.state.entries[localFile.path] = localFile; }); it('closes open files', done => { store .dispatch('closeFile', localFile) .then(() => { expect(localFile.opened).toBeFalsy(); expect(; expect(store.state.openFiles.length).toBe(0); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('closes file even if file has changes', done => { store.state.changedFiles.push(localFile); store .dispatch('closeFile', localFile) .then(Vue.nextTick) .then(() => { expect(store.state.openFiles.length).toBe(0); expect(store.state.changedFiles.length).toBe(1); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('closes file & opens next available file', done => { const f = { ...file('newOpenFile'), url: '/newOpenFile', }; store.state.openFiles.push(f); store.state.entries[f.path] = f; store .dispatch('closeFile', localFile) .then(Vue.nextTick) .then(() => { expect(router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`/project${f.url}`); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('removes file if it pending', done => { store.state.openFiles.push({ ...localFile, pending: true, }); store .dispatch('closeFile', localFile) .then(() => { expect(store.state.openFiles.length).toBe(0); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('setFileActive', () => { let localFile; let scrollToTabSpy; let oldScrollToTab; beforeEach(() => { scrollToTabSpy = jest.fn(); oldScrollToTab = store._actions.scrollToTab; // eslint-disable-line store._actions.scrollToTab = [scrollToTabSpy]; // eslint-disable-line localFile = file('setThisActive'); store.state.entries[localFile.path] = localFile; }); afterEach(() => { store._actions.scrollToTab = oldScrollToTab; // eslint-disable-line }); it('calls scrollToTab', () => { const dispatch = jest.fn(); actions.setFileActive( { commit() {}, state: store.state, getters: store.getters, dispatch }, localFile.path, ); expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('scrollToTab'); }); it('commits SET_FILE_ACTIVE', () => { const commit = jest.fn(); actions.setFileActive( { commit, state: store.state, getters: store.getters, dispatch() {} }, localFile.path, ); expect(commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('SET_FILE_ACTIVE', { path: localFile.path, active: true, }); }); it('sets current active file to not active', () => { const f = file('newActive'); store.state.entries[f.path] = f; = true; store.state.openFiles.push(localFile); const commit = jest.fn(); actions.setFileActive( { commit, state: store.state, getters: store.getters, dispatch() {} }, f.path, ); expect(commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('SET_FILE_ACTIVE', { path: localFile.path, active: false, }); }); }); describe('getFileData', () => { let localFile; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(service, 'getFileData'); localFile = file(`newCreate-${Math.random()}`); store.state.entries[localFile.path] = localFile; store.state.currentProjectId = 'test/test'; store.state.currentBranchId = 'master'; store.state.projects['test/test'] = { branches: { master: { commit: { id: '7297abc', }, }, }, }; }); describe('call to service', () => { const callExpectation = serviceCalled => { store.dispatch('getFileData', { path: localFile.path }); if (serviceCalled) { expect(service.getFileData).toHaveBeenCalled(); } else { expect(service.getFileData).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } }; beforeEach(() => { service.getFileData.mockImplementation(() => new Promise(() => {})); }); it("isn't called if file.raw exists", () => { localFile.raw = 'raw data'; callExpectation(false); }); it("isn't called if file is a tempFile", () => { localFile.raw = ''; localFile.tempFile = true; callExpectation(false); }); it('is called if file is a tempFile but also renamed', () => { localFile.raw = ''; localFile.tempFile = true; localFile.prevPath = 'old_path'; callExpectation(true); }); it('is called if tempFile but file was deleted and readded', () => { localFile.raw = ''; localFile.tempFile = true; localFile.prevPath = 'old_path'; store.state.stagedFiles = [{ ...localFile, deleted: true }]; callExpectation(true); }); }); describe('success', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock.onGet(`${RELATIVE_URL_ROOT}/test/test/-/7297abc/${localFile.path}`).replyOnce( 200, { blame_path: 'blame_path', commits_path: 'commits_path', permalink: 'permalink', raw_path: 'raw_path', binary: false, html: '123', render_error: '', }, { 'page-title': 'testing getFileData', }, ); }); it('calls the service', done => { store .dispatch('getFileData', { path: localFile.path }) .then(() => { expect(service.getFileData).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `${RELATIVE_URL_ROOT}/test/test/-/7297abc/${localFile.path}`, ); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('sets the file data', done => { store .dispatch('getFileData', { path: localFile.path }) .then(() => { expect(localFile.blamePath).toBe('blame_path'); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('sets document title with the branchId', done => { store .dispatch('getFileData', { path: localFile.path }) .then(() => { expect(document.title).toBe(`${localFile.path} · master · test/test · GitLab`); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('sets the file as active', done => { store .dispatch('getFileData', { path: localFile.path }) .then(() => { expect(; done(); }) .catch(; }); it('sets the file not as active if we pass makeFileActive false', done => { store .dispatch('getFileData', { path: localFile.path, makeFileActive: false }) .then(() => { expect(; done(); }) .catch(; }); it('adds the file to open files', done => { store .dispatch('getFileData', { path: localFile.path }) .then(() => { expect(store.state.openFiles.length).toBe(1); expect(store.state.openFiles[0].name).toBe(; done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('Re-named success', () => { beforeEach(() => { localFile = file(`newCreate-${Math.random()}`); localFile.url = `project/getFileDataURL`; localFile.prevPath = 'old-dull-file'; localFile.path = 'new-shiny-file'; store.state.entries[localFile.path] = localFile; mock.onGet(`${RELATIVE_URL_ROOT}/test/test/-/7297abc/old-dull-file`).replyOnce( 200, { blame_path: 'blame_path', commits_path: 'commits_path', permalink: 'permalink', raw_path: 'raw_path', binary: false, html: '123', render_error: '', }, { 'page-title': 'testing old-dull-file', }, ); }); it('sets document title considering `prevPath` on a file', done => { store .dispatch('getFileData', { path: localFile.path }) .then(() => { expect(document.title).toBe(`new-shiny-file · master · test/test · GitLab`); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('error', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock.onGet(`${RELATIVE_URL_ROOT}/test/test/-/7297abc/${localFile.path}`).networkError(); }); it('dispatches error action', () => { const dispatch = jest.fn(); return actions .getFileData( { state: store.state, commit() {}, dispatch, getters: store.getters }, { path: localFile.path }, ) .then(() => { expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setErrorMessage', { text: 'An error occurred while loading the file.', action: expect.any(Function), actionText: 'Please try again', actionPayload: { path: localFile.path, makeFileActive: true, }, }); }); }); }); }); describe('getRawFileData', () => { let tmpFile; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(service, 'getRawFileData'); tmpFile = { ...file('tmpFile'), rawPath: 'raw_path' }; store.state.entries[tmpFile.path] = tmpFile; }); describe('success', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock.onGet(/(.*)/).replyOnce(200, 'raw'); }); it('calls getRawFileData service method', done => { store .dispatch('getRawFileData', { path: tmpFile.path }) .then(() => { expect(service.getRawFileData).toHaveBeenCalledWith(tmpFile); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('updates file raw data', done => { store .dispatch('getRawFileData', { path: tmpFile.path }) .then(() => { expect(tmpFile.raw).toBe('raw'); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('calls also getBaseRawFileData service method', done => { jest.spyOn(service, 'getBaseRawFileData').mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve('baseraw')); store.state.currentProjectId = 'gitlab-org/gitlab-ce'; store.state.currentMergeRequestId = '1'; store.state.projects = { 'gitlab-org/gitlab-ce': { mergeRequests: { 1: { baseCommitSha: 'SHA', }, }, }, }; tmpFile.mrChange = { new_file: false }; store .dispatch('getRawFileData', { path: tmpFile.path }) .then(() => { expect(service.getBaseRawFileData).toHaveBeenCalledWith(tmpFile, 'SHA'); expect(tmpFile.baseRaw).toBe('baseraw'); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('return JSON', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock.onGet(/(.*)/).replyOnce(200, JSON.stringify({ test: '123' })); }); it('does not parse returned JSON', done => { store .dispatch('getRawFileData', { path: tmpFile.path }) .then(() => { expect(tmpFile.raw).toEqual('{"test":"123"}'); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('error', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock.onGet(/(.*)/).networkError(); }); it('dispatches error action', () => { const dispatch = jest.fn(); return actions .getRawFileData( { state: store.state, commit() {}, dispatch, getters: store.getters }, { path: tmpFile.path }, ) .catch(() => { expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setErrorMessage', { text: 'An error occurred while loading the file content.', action: expect.any(Function), actionText: 'Please try again', actionPayload: { path: tmpFile.path, }, }); }); }); }); }); describe('changeFileContent', () => { let tmpFile; const callAction = (content = 'content\n') => store.dispatch('changeFileContent', { path: tmpFile.path, content }); beforeEach(() => { tmpFile = file('tmpFile'); tmpFile.content = '\n'; tmpFile.raw = '\n'; store.state.entries[tmpFile.path] = tmpFile; }); it('updates file content', done => { callAction() .then(() => { expect(tmpFile.content).toBe('content\n'); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('adds file into stagedFiles array', done => { store .dispatch('changeFileContent', { path: tmpFile.path, content: 'content', }) .then(() => { expect(store.state.stagedFiles.length).toBe(1); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('adds file not more than once into stagedFiles array', done => { store .dispatch('changeFileContent', { path: tmpFile.path, content: 'content', }) .then(() => store.dispatch('changeFileContent', { path: tmpFile.path, content: 'content 123', }), ) .then(() => { expect(store.state.stagedFiles.length).toBe(1); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('removes file from changedFiles array if not changed', done => { store .dispatch('changeFileContent', { path: tmpFile.path, content: 'content\n', }) .then(() => store.dispatch('changeFileContent', { path: tmpFile.path, content: '\n', }), ) .then(() => { expect(store.state.changedFiles.length).toBe(0); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('bursts unused seal', done => { store .dispatch('changeFileContent', { path: tmpFile.path, content: 'content', }) .then(() => { expect(store.state.unusedSeal).toBe(false); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('with changed file', () => { let tmpFile; beforeEach(() => { tmpFile = file('tempFile'); tmpFile.content = 'testing'; tmpFile.raw = ORIGINAL_CONTENT; store.state.changedFiles.push(tmpFile); store.state.entries[tmpFile.path] = tmpFile; }); describe('restoreOriginalFile', () => { it('resets file content', () => store.dispatch('restoreOriginalFile', tmpFile.path).then(() => { expect(tmpFile.content).toBe(ORIGINAL_CONTENT); })); it('closes temp file and deletes it', () => { tmpFile.tempFile = true; tmpFile.opened = true; tmpFile.parentPath = 'parentFile'; store.state.entries.parentFile = file('parentFile'); actions.restoreOriginalFile(store, tmpFile.path); expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('closeFile', tmpFile); expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('deleteEntry', tmpFile.path); }); describe('with renamed file', () => { beforeEach(() => { Object.assign(tmpFile, { prevPath: 'parentPath/old_name', prevName: 'old_name', prevParentPath: 'parentPath', }); store.state.entries.parentPath = file('parentPath'); actions.restoreOriginalFile(store, tmpFile.path); }); it('renames the file to its original name and closes it if it was open', () => { expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('closeFile', tmpFile); expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('renameEntry', { path: 'tempFile', name: 'old_name', parentPath: 'parentPath', }); }); it('resets file content', () => { expect(tmpFile.content).toBe(ORIGINAL_CONTENT); }); }); }); describe('discardFileChanges', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$on').mockImplementation(() => {}); jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit').mockImplementation(() => {}); }); describe('with regular file', () => { beforeEach(() => { actions.discardFileChanges(store, tmpFile.path); }); it('restores original file', () => { expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('restoreOriginalFile', tmpFile.path); }); it('removes file from changedFiles array', () => { expect(store.state.changedFiles.length).toBe(0); }); it('does not push a new route', () => { expect(router.push).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('emits eventHub event to dispose cached model', () => { actions.discardFileChanges(store, tmpFile.path); expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `${tmpFile.key}`, ORIGINAL_CONTENT, ); expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `editor.update.model.dispose.unstaged-${tmpFile.key}`, ORIGINAL_CONTENT, ); }); }); describe('with active file', () => { beforeEach(() => { = true; store.state.openFiles.push(tmpFile); actions.discardFileChanges(store, tmpFile.path); }); it('pushes route for active file', () => { expect(router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`/project${tmpFile.url}`); }); }); }); }); describe('stageChange', () => { it('calls STAGE_CHANGE with file path', () => { const f = { ...file('path'), content: 'old' }; store.state.entries[f.path] = f; actions.stageChange(store, 'path'); expect(store.commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith( types.STAGE_CHANGE, expect.objectContaining({ path: 'path' }), ); expect(store.commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith(types.SET_LAST_COMMIT_MSG, ''); }); }); describe('unstageChange', () => { it('calls UNSTAGE_CHANGE with file path', () => { const f = { ...file('path'), content: 'old' }; store.state.entries[f.path] = f; store.state.stagedFiles.push({ f, content: 'new' }); actions.unstageChange(store, 'path'); expect(store.commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith( types.UNSTAGE_CHANGE, expect.objectContaining({ path: 'path' }), ); }); }); describe('openPendingTab', () => { let f; beforeEach(() => { f = { ...file(), projectId: '123', }; store.state.entries[f.path] = f; }); it('makes file pending in openFiles', done => { store .dispatch('openPendingTab', { file: f, keyPrefix: 'pending' }) .then(() => { expect(store.state.openFiles[0].pending).toBe(true); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('returns true when opened', done => { store .dispatch('openPendingTab', { file: f, keyPrefix: 'pending' }) .then(added => { expect(added).toBe(true); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('returns false when already opened', done => { store.state.openFiles.push({ ...f, active: true, key: `pending-${f.key}`, }); store .dispatch('openPendingTab', { file: f, keyPrefix: 'pending' }) .then(added => { expect(added).toBe(false); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('pushes router URL when added', done => { store.state.currentBranchId = 'master'; store .dispatch('openPendingTab', { file: f, keyPrefix: 'pending' }) .then(() => { expect(router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/project/123/tree/master/'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('removePendingTab', () => { let f; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit').mockImplementation(() => {}); f = { ...file('pendingFile'), pending: true, }; }); it('removes pending file from open files', done => { store.state.openFiles.push(f); store .dispatch('removePendingTab', f) .then(() => { expect(store.state.openFiles.length).toBe(0); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('emits event to dispose model', done => { store .dispatch('removePendingTab', f) .then(() => { expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`editor.update.model.dispose.${f.key}`); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('triggerFilesChange', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit').mockImplementation(() => {}); }); it('emits event that files have changed', done => { store .dispatch('triggerFilesChange') .then(() => { expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('ide.files.change'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); });