const commonTooltips = () => ({ mode: 'x', intersect: false, }); const adjustedFontScale = () => ({ fontSize: 8, }); const yAxesConfig = (shouldAdjustFontSize = false) => ({ yAxes: [ { ticks: { beginAtZero: true, ...(shouldAdjustFontSize ? adjustedFontScale() : {}), }, }, ], }); const xAxesConfig = (shouldAdjustFontSize = false) => ({ xAxes: [ { ticks: { ...(shouldAdjustFontSize ? adjustedFontScale() : {}), }, }, ], }); const commonChartOptions = () => ({ responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, legend: false, }); export const barChartOptions = shouldAdjustFontSize => ({ ...commonChartOptions(), scales: { ...yAxesConfig(shouldAdjustFontSize), ...xAxesConfig(shouldAdjustFontSize), }, tooltips: { ...commonTooltips(), displayColors: false, callbacks: { title() { return ''; }, label({ xLabel, yLabel }) { return `${xLabel}: ${yLabel}`; }, }, }, }); export const pieChartOptions = commonChartOptions; export const lineChartOptions = ({ width, numberOfPoints, shouldAdjustFontSize }) => ({ ...commonChartOptions(), scales: { ...yAxesConfig(shouldAdjustFontSize), ...xAxesConfig(shouldAdjustFontSize), }, elements: { point: { hitRadius: width / (numberOfPoints * 2), }, }, tooltips: { ...commonTooltips(), caretSize: 0, multiKeyBackground: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', callbacks: { labelColor({ datasetIndex }, { config }) { return { backgroundColor:[datasetIndex].backgroundColor, borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', }; }, }, }, }); /** * Takes a dataset and returns an array containing the y-values of it's first and last entry. * (e.g., [['xValue1', 'yValue1'], ['xValue2', 'yValue2'], ['xValue3', 'yValue3']] will yield ['yValue1', 'yValue3']) * * @param {Array} data * @returns {[*, *]} */ export const firstAndLastY = data => { const [firstEntry] = data; const [lastEntry] = data.slice(-1); const firstY = firstEntry[1]; const lastY = lastEntry[1]; return [firstY, lastY]; };