# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::WithLockRetries do let(:env) { {} } let(:logger) { Gitlab::Database::WithLockRetries::NULL_LOGGER } let(:subject) { described_class.new(env: env, logger: logger, timing_configuration: timing_configuration) } let(:timing_configuration) do [ [1.second, 1.second], [1.second, 1.second], [1.second, 1.second], [1.second, 1.second], [1.second, 1.second] ] end describe '#run' do it 'requires block' do expect { subject.run }.to raise_error(StandardError, 'no block given') end context 'when DISABLE_LOCK_RETRIES is set' do let(:env) { { 'DISABLE_LOCK_RETRIES' => 'true' } } it 'executes the passed block without retrying' do object = double expect(object).to receive(:method).once subject.run { object.method } end end context 'when lock retry is enabled' do let(:lock_fiber) do Fiber.new do # Initiating a second DB connection for the lock conn = ActiveRecordSecond.establish_connection(Rails.configuration.database_configuration[Rails.env]).connection conn.transaction do conn.execute("LOCK TABLE #{Project.table_name} in exclusive mode") Fiber.yield end ActiveRecordSecond.remove_connection # force disconnect end end before do stub_const('ActiveRecordSecond', Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)) lock_fiber.resume # start the transaction and lock the table end after do lock_fiber.resume if lock_fiber.alive? end context 'lock_fiber' do it 'acquires lock successfully' do check_exclusive_lock_query = """ SELECT 1 FROM pg_locks l JOIN pg_class t ON l.relation = t.oid WHERE t.relkind = 'r' AND l.mode = 'ExclusiveLock' AND t.relname = '#{Project.table_name}' """ expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(check_exclusive_lock_query).to_a).to be_present end end shared_examples 'retriable exclusive lock on `projects`' do it 'succeeds executing the given block' do lock_attempts = 0 lock_acquired = false # the actual number of attempts to run_block_with_transaction can never exceed the number of # timings_configurations, so here we limit the retry_count if it exceeds that value # # also, there is no call to sleep after the final attempt, which is why it will always be one less expected_runs_with_timeout = [retry_count, timing_configuration.size].min expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).exactly(expected_runs_with_timeout - 1).times expect(subject).to receive(:run_block_with_transaction).exactly(expected_runs_with_timeout).times.and_wrap_original do |method| lock_fiber.resume if lock_attempts == retry_count method.call end subject.run do lock_attempts += 1 if lock_attempts == retry_count # we reached the last retry iteration, if we kill the thread, the last try (no lock_timeout) will succeed lock_fiber.resume end ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("LOCK TABLE #{Project.table_name} in exclusive mode") lock_acquired = true end end expect(lock_attempts).to eq(retry_count) expect(lock_acquired).to eq(true) end end context 'after 3 iterations' do it_behaves_like 'retriable exclusive lock on `projects`' do let(:retry_count) { 4 } end context 'setting the idle transaction timeout' do context 'when there is no outer transaction: disable_ddl_transaction! is set in the migration' do it 'does not disable the idle transaction timeout' do allow(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(false) allow(subject).to receive(:run_block_with_transaction).once.and_raise(ActiveRecord::LockWaitTimeout) allow(subject).to receive(:run_block_with_transaction).once expect(subject).not_to receive(:disable_idle_in_transaction_timeout) subject.run {} end end context 'when there is outer transaction: disable_ddl_transaction! is not set in the migration' do it 'disables the idle transaction timeout so the code can sleep and retry' do allow(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(true) n = 0 allow(subject).to receive(:run_block_with_transaction).twice do n += 1 raise(ActiveRecord::LockWaitTimeout) if n == 1 end expect(subject).to receive(:disable_idle_in_transaction_timeout).once subject.run {} end end end end context 'after the retries are exhausted' do let(:timing_configuration) do [ [1.second, 1.second] ] end context 'when there is no outer transaction: disable_ddl_transaction! is set in the migration' do it 'does not disable the lock_timeout' do allow(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(false) allow(subject).to receive(:run_block_with_transaction).once.and_raise(ActiveRecord::LockWaitTimeout) expect(subject).not_to receive(:disable_lock_timeout) subject.run {} end end context 'when there is outer transaction: disable_ddl_transaction! is not set in the migration' do it 'disables the lock_timeout' do allow(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(true) allow(subject).to receive(:run_block_with_transaction).once.and_raise(ActiveRecord::LockWaitTimeout) expect(subject).to receive(:disable_lock_timeout) subject.run {} end end end context 'after the retries, without setting lock_timeout' do let(:retry_count) { timing_configuration.size + 1 } it_behaves_like 'retriable exclusive lock on `projects`' do before do expect(subject).to receive(:run_block_without_lock_timeout).and_call_original end end end context 'after the retries, when requested to raise an error' do let(:expected_attempts_with_timeout) { timing_configuration.size } let(:retry_count) { timing_configuration.size + 1 } it 'raises an error instead of waiting indefinitely for the lock' do lock_attempts = 0 lock_acquired = false expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).exactly(expected_attempts_with_timeout - 1).times expect(subject).to receive(:run_block_with_transaction).exactly(expected_attempts_with_timeout).times.and_call_original expect do subject.run(raise_on_exhaustion: true) do lock_attempts += 1 ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("LOCK TABLE #{Project.table_name} in exclusive mode") lock_acquired = true end end end.to raise_error(described_class::AttemptsExhaustedError) expect(lock_attempts).to eq(retry_count - 1) expect(lock_acquired).to eq(false) end end context 'when statement timeout is reached' do it 'raises QueryCanceled error' do lock_acquired = false ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SET LOCAL statement_timeout='100ms'") expect do subject.run do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT 1 FROM pg_sleep(0.11)") # 110ms lock_acquired = true end end.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::QueryCanceled) expect(lock_acquired).to eq(false) end end end end context 'restore local database variables' do it do expect { subject.run {} }.not_to change { ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SHOW lock_timeout").to_a } end it do expect { subject.run {} }.not_to change { ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SHOW idle_in_transaction_session_timeout").to_a } end end context 'casting durations correctly' do let(:timing_configuration) { [[0.015.seconds, 0.025.seconds], [0.015.seconds, 0.025.seconds]] } # 15ms, 25ms it 'executes `SET LOCAL lock_timeout` using the configured timeout value in milliseconds' do expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:execute).with("SAVEPOINT active_record_1").and_call_original expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:execute).with('RESET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout; RESET lock_timeout').and_call_original expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:execute).with("SET LOCAL lock_timeout TO '15ms'").and_call_original expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection).to receive(:execute).with("RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1").and_call_original subject.run { } end it 'calls `sleep` after the first iteration fails, using the configured sleep time' do expect(subject).to receive(:run_block_with_transaction).and_raise(ActiveRecord::LockWaitTimeout).twice expect(subject).to receive(:sleep).with(0.025) subject.run { } end end end