# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ::CachingArrayResolver do include GraphqlHelpers let_it_be(:non_admins) { create_list(:user, 4, admin: false) } let(:query_context) { {} } let(:max_page_size) { 10 } let(:field) { double('Field', max_page_size: max_page_size) } let(:schema) { double('Schema', default_max_page_size: 3) } let_it_be(:caching_resolver) do mod = described_class Class.new(::Resolvers::BaseResolver) do include mod def query_input(is_admin:) is_admin end def query_for(is_admin) if is_admin.nil? model_class.all else model_class.where(admin: is_admin) end end def model_class User # Happens to include FromUnion, and is cheap-ish to create end end end describe '#resolve' do context 'there are more than MAX_UNION_SIZE queries' do let_it_be(:max_union) { 3 } let_it_be(:resolver) do mod = described_class max = max_union Class.new(::Resolvers::BaseResolver) do include mod def query_input(username:) username end def query_for(username) if username.nil? model_class.all else model_class.where(username: username) end end def model_class User # Happens to include FromUnion, and is cheap-ish to create end define_method :max_union_size do max end end end it 'executes the queries in multiple batches' do users = create_list(:user, (max_union * 2) + 1) expect(User).to receive(:from_union).twice.and_call_original results = users.in_groups_of(2, false).map do |users| resolve(resolver, args: { username: users.map(&:username) }, field: field, schema: schema) end expect(results.flat_map(&method(:force))).to match_array(users) end end context 'all queries return results' do let_it_be(:admins) { create_list(:admin, 3) } it 'batches the queries' do expect do [resolve_users(true), resolve_users(false)].each(&method(:force)) end.to issue_same_number_of_queries_as { force(resolve_users(nil)) } end it 'finds the correct values' do found_admins = resolve_users(true) found_others = resolve_users(false) admins_again = resolve_users(true) found_all = resolve_users(nil) expect(force(found_admins)).to match_array(admins) expect(force(found_others)).to match_array(non_admins) expect(force(admins_again)).to match_array(admins) expect(force(found_all)).to match_array(admins + non_admins) end end it 'does not perform a union of a query with itself' do expect(User).to receive(:where).once.and_call_original [resolve_users(false), resolve_users(false)].each(&method(:force)) end context 'one of the queries returns no results' do it 'finds the correct values' do found_admins = resolve_users(true) found_others = resolve_users(false) found_all = resolve_users(nil) expect(force(found_admins)).to be_empty expect(force(found_others)).to match_array(non_admins) expect(force(found_all)).to match_array(non_admins) end end context 'one of the queries has already been cached' do before do force(resolve_users(nil)) end it 'avoids further queries' do expect do repeated_find = resolve_users(nil) expect(force(repeated_find)).to match_array(non_admins) end.not_to exceed_query_limit(0) end end context 'the resolver overrides item_found' do let_it_be(:admins) { create_list(:admin, 2) } let(:query_context) do { found: { true => [], false => [], nil => [] } } end let_it_be(:with_item_found) do Class.new(caching_resolver) do def item_found(key, item) context[:found][key] << item end end end it 'receives item_found for each key the item mapped to' do found_admins = resolve_users(true, with_item_found) found_all = resolve_users(nil, with_item_found) [found_admins, found_all].each(&method(:force)) expect(query_context[:found]).to match({ false => be_empty, true => match_array(admins), nil => match_array(admins + non_admins) }) end end context 'the max_page_size is lower than the total result size' do let(:max_page_size) { 2 } it 'respects the max_page_size, on a per subset basis' do found_all = resolve_users(nil) found_others = resolve_users(false) expect(force(found_all).size).to eq(2) expect(force(found_others).size).to eq(2) end end context 'the field does not declare max_page_size' do let(:max_page_size) { nil } it 'takes the page size from schema.default_max_page_size' do found_all = resolve_users(nil) found_others = resolve_users(false) expect(force(found_all).size).to eq(schema.default_max_page_size) expect(force(found_others).size).to eq(schema.default_max_page_size) end end specify 'force . resolve === to_a . query_for . query_input' do r = resolver_instance(caching_resolver) args = { is_admin: false } naive = r.query_for(r.query_input(**args)).to_a expect(force(r.resolve(**args))).to eq(naive) end end def resolve_users(is_admin, resolver = caching_resolver) args = { is_admin: is_admin } resolve(resolver, args: args, field: field, ctx: query_context, schema: schema) end def force(lazy) ::Gitlab::Graphql::Lazy.force(lazy) end end