import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { GlBanner } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { mockTracking, unmockTracking } from 'helpers/tracking_helper'; import { setCookie, parseBoolean } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import InviteMembersBanner from '~/groups/components/invite_members_banner.vue'; jest.mock('~/lib/utils/common_utils'); const isDismissedKey = 'invite_99_1'; const title = 'Collaborate with your team'; const body = "We noticed that you haven't invited anyone to this group. Invite your colleagues so you can discuss issues, collaborate on merge requests, and share your knowledge"; const svgPath = '/illustrations/background'; const inviteMembersPath = 'groups/members'; const buttonText = 'Invite your colleagues'; const trackLabel = 'invite_members_banner'; const createComponent = (stubs = {}) => { return shallowMount(InviteMembersBanner, { provide: { svgPath, inviteMembersPath, isDismissedKey, trackLabel, }, stubs, }); }; describe('InviteMembersBanner', () => { let wrapper; let trackingSpy; beforeEach(() => { = 'any:page'; trackingSpy = mockTracking('_category_', undefined, jest.spyOn); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; unmockTracking(); }); describe('tracking', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createComponent({ GlBanner }); }); const trackCategory = undefined; const displayEvent = 'invite_members_banner_displayed'; const buttonClickEvent = 'invite_members_banner_button_clicked'; const dismissEvent = 'invite_members_banner_dismissed'; it('sends the displayEvent when the banner is displayed', () => { expect(trackingSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(trackCategory, displayEvent, { label: trackLabel, }); }); it('sets the button attributes for the buttonClickEvent', () => { const button = wrapper.find(`[href='${wrapper.vm.inviteMembersPath}']`); expect(button.attributes()).toMatchObject({ 'data-track-event': buttonClickEvent, 'data-track-label': trackLabel, }); }); it('sends the dismissEvent when the banner is dismissed', () => { wrapper.find(GlBanner).vm.$emit('close'); expect(trackingSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(trackCategory, dismissEvent, { label: trackLabel, }); }); }); describe('rendering', () => { const findBanner = () => { return wrapper.find(GlBanner); }; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createComponent(); }); it('uses the svgPath for the banner svgpath', () => { expect(findBanner().attributes('svgpath')).toBe(svgPath); }); it('uses the title from options for title', () => { expect(findBanner().attributes('title')).toBe(title); }); it('includes the body text from options', () => { expect(findBanner().html()).toContain(body); }); it('uses the button_text text from options for buttontext', () => { expect(findBanner().attributes('buttontext')).toBe(buttonText); }); it('uses the href from inviteMembersPath for buttonlink', () => { expect(findBanner().attributes('buttonlink')).toBe(inviteMembersPath); }); }); describe('dismissing', () => { const findButton = () => { return wrapper.find('button'); }; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createComponent({ GlBanner }); findButton().trigger('click'); }); it('sets iDismissed to true', () => { expect(wrapper.vm.isDismissed).toBe(true); }); it('sets the cookie with the isDismissedKey', () => { expect(setCookie).toHaveBeenCalledWith(isDismissedKey, true); }); }); describe('when a dismiss cookie exists', () => { beforeEach(() => { parseBoolean.mockReturnValue(true); wrapper = createComponent({ GlBanner }); }); it('sets isDismissed to true', () => { expect(wrapper.vm.isDismissed).toBe(true); }); it('does not render the banner', () => { expect(wrapper.contains(GlBanner)).toBe(false); }); }); });