import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { GlAlert, GlBadge, GlEmptyState, GlLink, GlLoadingIcon, GlTabs } from '@gitlab/ui'; import FeatureFlagsTab from '~/feature_flags/components/feature_flags_tab.vue'; const DEFAULT_PROPS = { title: 'test', count: 5, alerts: ['an alert', 'another alert'], isLoading: false, loadingLabel: 'test loading', errorState: false, errorTitle: 'test title', emptyState: true, emptyTitle: 'test empty', }; const DEFAULT_PROVIDE = { errorStateSvgPath: '/error.svg', featureFlagsHelpPagePath: '/help/page/path', }; describe('feature_flags/components/feature_flags_tab.vue', () => { let wrapper; const factory = (props = {}) => mount( { components: { GlTabs, FeatureFlagsTab, }, render(h) { return h(GlTabs, [ h(FeatureFlagsTab, { props: this.$attrs, on: this.$listeners }, this.$slots.default), ]); }, }, { propsData: { ...DEFAULT_PROPS, ...props, }, provide: DEFAULT_PROVIDE, slots: { default: '


', }, }, ); afterEach(() => { if (wrapper?.destroy) { wrapper.destroy(); } wrapper = null; }); describe('alerts', () => { let alerts; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = factory(); alerts = wrapper.findAll(GlAlert); }); it('should show any alerts', () => { expect(alerts).toHaveLength(DEFAULT_PROPS.alerts.length); alerts.wrappers.forEach((alert, i) => expect(alert.text()).toBe(DEFAULT_PROPS.alerts[i])); }); it('should emit a dismiss event for a dismissed alert', () => {$emit('dismiss'); expect(wrapper.find(FeatureFlagsTab).emitted('dismissAlert')).toEqual([[0]]); }); }); describe('loading', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = factory({ isLoading: true }); }); it('should show a loading icon and nothing else', () => { expect(wrapper.find(GlLoadingIcon).exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.findAll(GlEmptyState)).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('error', () => { let emptyState; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = factory({ errorState: true }); emptyState = wrapper.find(GlEmptyState); }); it('should show an error state if there has been an error', () => { expect(emptyState.text()).toContain(DEFAULT_PROPS.errorTitle); expect(emptyState.text()).toContain( 'Try again in a few moments or contact your support team.', ); expect(emptyState.props('svgPath')).toBe(DEFAULT_PROVIDE.errorStateSvgPath); }); }); describe('empty', () => { let emptyState; let emptyStateLink; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = factory({ emptyState: true }); emptyState = wrapper.find(GlEmptyState); emptyStateLink = emptyState.find(GlLink); }); it('should show an empty state if it is empty', () => { expect(emptyState.text()).toContain(DEFAULT_PROPS.emptyTitle); expect(emptyState.text()).toContain( 'Feature flags allow you to configure your code into different flavors by dynamically toggling certain functionality.', ); expect(emptyState.props('svgPath')).toBe(DEFAULT_PROVIDE.errorStateSvgPath); expect(emptyStateLink.attributes('href')).toBe(DEFAULT_PROVIDE.featureFlagsHelpPagePath); expect(emptyStateLink.text()).toBe('More information'); }); }); describe('slot', () => { let slot; beforeEach(async () => { wrapper = factory(); await wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); slot = wrapper.find('[data-testid="test-slot"]'); }); it('should display the passed slot', () => { expect(slot.exists()).toBe(true); expect(slot.text()).toBe('testing'); }); }); describe('count', () => { it('should display a count if there is one', async () => { wrapper = factory(); await wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); expect(wrapper.find(GlBadge).text()).toBe(DEFAULT_PROPS.count.toString()); }); it('should display 0 if there is no count', async () => { wrapper = factory({ count: undefined }); await wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); expect(wrapper.find(GlBadge).text()).toBe('0'); }); }); describe('title', () => { it('should show the title', async () => { wrapper = factory(); await wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); expect(wrapper.find('[data-testid="feature-flags-tab-title"]').text()).toBe( DEFAULT_PROPS.title, ); }); }); });