import * as utils from '~/diffs/components/diff_row_utils'; import { MATCH_LINE_TYPE, CONTEXT_LINE_TYPE, OLD_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE, NEW_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE, EMPTY_CELL_TYPE, } from '~/diffs/constants'; const LINE_CODE = 'abc123'; describe('isHighlighted', () => { it('should return true if line is highlighted', () => { const state = { diffs: { highlightedRow: LINE_CODE } }; const line = { line_code: LINE_CODE }; const isCommented = false; expect(utils.isHighlighted(state, line, isCommented)).toBe(true); }); it('should return false if line is not highlighted', () => { const state = { diffs: { highlightedRow: 'xxx' } }; const line = { line_code: LINE_CODE }; const isCommented = false; expect(utils.isHighlighted(state, line, isCommented)).toBe(false); }); it('should return true if isCommented is true', () => { const state = { diffs: { highlightedRow: 'xxx' } }; const line = { line_code: LINE_CODE }; const isCommented = true; expect(utils.isHighlighted(state, line, isCommented)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('isContextLine', () => { it('return true if line type is context', () => { expect(utils.isContextLine(CONTEXT_LINE_TYPE)).toBe(true); }); it('return false if line type is not context', () => { expect(utils.isContextLine('xxx')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('isMatchLine', () => { it('return true if line type is match', () => { expect(utils.isMatchLine(MATCH_LINE_TYPE)).toBe(true); }); it('return false if line type is not match', () => { expect(utils.isMatchLine('xxx')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('isMetaLine', () => { it.each` type | expectation ${OLD_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE} | ${true} ${NEW_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE} | ${true} ${EMPTY_CELL_TYPE} | ${true} ${'xxx'} | ${false} `('should return $expectation if type is $type', ({ type, expectation }) => { expect(utils.isMetaLine(type)).toBe(expectation); }); }); describe('shouldRenderCommentButton', () => { it('should return false if comment button is not rendered', () => { expect(utils.shouldRenderCommentButton(true, false)).toBe(false); }); it('should return false if not logged in', () => { expect(utils.shouldRenderCommentButton(false, true)).toBe(false); }); it('should return true logged in and rendered', () => { expect(utils.shouldRenderCommentButton(true, true)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('hasDiscussions', () => { it('should return false if line is undefined', () => { expect(utils.hasDiscussions()).toBe(false); }); it('should return false if discussions is undefined', () => { expect(utils.hasDiscussions({})).toBe(false); }); it('should return false if discussions has legnth of 0', () => { expect(utils.hasDiscussions({ discussions: [] })).toBe(false); }); it('should return true if discussions has legnth > 0', () => { expect(utils.hasDiscussions({ discussions: [1] })).toBe(true); }); }); describe('lineHref', () => { it(`should return #${LINE_CODE}`, () => { expect(utils.lineHref({ line_code: LINE_CODE })).toEqual(`#${LINE_CODE}`); }); it(`should return '#' if line is undefined`, () => { expect(utils.lineHref()).toEqual('#'); }); it(`should return '#' if line_code is undefined`, () => { expect(utils.lineHref({})).toEqual('#'); }); }); describe('lineCode', () => { it(`should return undefined if line_code is undefined`, () => { expect(utils.lineCode()).toEqual(undefined); expect(utils.lineCode({ left: {} })).toEqual(undefined); expect(utils.lineCode({ right: {} })).toEqual(undefined); }); it(`should return ${LINE_CODE}`, () => { expect(utils.lineCode({ line_code: LINE_CODE })).toEqual(LINE_CODE); expect(utils.lineCode({ left: { line_code: LINE_CODE } })).toEqual(LINE_CODE); expect(utils.lineCode({ right: { line_code: LINE_CODE } })).toEqual(LINE_CODE); }); }); describe('classNameMapCell', () => { it.each` line | hll | loggedIn | hovered | expectation ${undefined} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${[]} ${{ type: 'new' }} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false} | ${['new', { hll: false, 'is-over': false }]} ${{ type: 'new' }} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false} | ${['new', { hll: true, 'is-over': false }]} ${{ type: 'new' }} | ${true} | ${false} | ${true} | ${['new', { hll: true, 'is-over': false }]} ${{ type: 'new' }} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${['new', { hll: true, 'is-over': true }]} `('should return $expectation', ({ line, hll, loggedIn, hovered, expectation }) => { const classes = utils.classNameMapCell(line, hll, loggedIn, hovered); expect(classes).toEqual(expectation); }); }); describe('addCommentTooltip', () => { const brokenSymLinkTooltip = 'Commenting on symbolic links that replace or are replaced by files is currently not supported.'; const brokenRealTooltip = 'Commenting on files that replace or are replaced by symbolic links is currently not supported.'; it('should return default tooltip', () => { expect(utils.addCommentTooltip()).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should return broken symlink tooltip', () => { expect(utils.addCommentTooltip({ commentsDisabled: { wasSymbolic: true } })).toEqual( brokenSymLinkTooltip, ); expect(utils.addCommentTooltip({ commentsDisabled: { isSymbolic: true } })).toEqual( brokenSymLinkTooltip, ); }); it('should return broken real tooltip', () => { expect(utils.addCommentTooltip({ commentsDisabled: { wasReal: true } })).toEqual( brokenRealTooltip, ); expect(utils.addCommentTooltip({ commentsDisabled: { isReal: true } })).toEqual( brokenRealTooltip, ); }); }); describe('parallelViewLeftLineType', () => { it(`should return ${OLD_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE}`, () => { expect(utils.parallelViewLeftLineType({ right: { type: NEW_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE } })).toEqual( OLD_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE, ); }); it(`should return 'new'`, () => { expect(utils.parallelViewLeftLineType({ left: { type: 'new' } })).toContain('new'); }); it(`should return ${EMPTY_CELL_TYPE}`, () => { expect(utils.parallelViewLeftLineType({})).toContain(EMPTY_CELL_TYPE); }); it(`should return hll:true`, () => { expect(utils.parallelViewLeftLineType({}, true)[1]).toEqual({ hll: true }); }); }); describe('shouldShowCommentButton', () => { it.each` hover | context | meta | discussions | expectation ${true} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false} | ${true} ${false} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false} ${true} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false} | ${false} ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false} | ${false} ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false} `( 'should return $expectation when hover is $hover', ({ hover, context, meta, discussions, expectation }) => { expect(utils.shouldShowCommentButton(hover, context, meta, discussions)).toBe(expectation); }, ); }); describe('mapParallel', () => { it('should assign computed properties to the line object', () => { const side = { discussions: [{}], discussionsExpanded: true, hasForm: true, }; const content = { diffFile: {}, hasParallelDraftLeft: () => false, hasParallelDraftRight: () => false, draftForLine: () => ({}), }; const line = { left: side, right: side }; const expectation = { commentRowClasses: '', draftRowClasses: 'js-temp-notes-holder', hasDiscussionsLeft: true, hasDiscussionsRight: true, isContextLineLeft: false, isContextLineRight: false, isMatchLineLeft: false, isMatchLineRight: false, isMetaLineLeft: false, isMetaLineRight: false, }; const leftExpectation = { renderDiscussion: true, hasDraft: false, lineDraft: {}, hasCommentForm: true, }; const rightExpectation = { renderDiscussion: false, hasDraft: false, lineDraft: {}, hasCommentForm: false, }; const mapped = utils.mapParallel(content)(line); expect(mapped).toMatchObject(expectation); expect(mapped.left).toMatchObject(leftExpectation); expect(mapped.right).toMatchObject(rightExpectation); }); }); describe('mapInline', () => { it('should assign computed properties to the line object', () => { const content = { diffFile: {}, shouldRenderDraftRow: () => false, }; const line = { discussions: [{}], discussionsExpanded: true, hasForm: true, }; const expectation = { commentRowClasses: '', hasDiscussions: true, isContextLine: false, isMatchLine: false, isMetaLine: false, renderDiscussion: true, hasDraft: false, hasCommentForm: true, }; const mapped = utils.mapInline(content)(line); expect(mapped).toMatchObject(expectation); }); });