# frozen_string_literal: true # AccessMatchersGeneric # # Matchers to test the access permissions for service classes or other generic pieces of business logic. module AccessMatchersGeneric extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL include AccessMatchersHelpers ERROR_CLASS = Gitlab::Access::AccessDeniedError def error_message(error) str = error.class.name str += ": #{error.message}" if error.message != error.class.name str end def error_expectation_message(allowed, error) if allowed "Expected to raise nothing but #{error_message(error)} was raised." else "Expected to raise #{ERROR_CLASS} but nothing was raised." end end def description_for(role, type, error) allowed = type == 'allowed' "be #{type} for #{role} role. #{error_expectation_message(allowed, error)}" end matcher :be_allowed_for do |role| match do |action| # methods called in this and negated block are being run in context of ExampleGroup # (not matcher) instance so we have to pass data via local vars run_matcher(action, role, @membership, @owned_objects) do |action| action.call rescue => e @error = e raise unless e.is_a?(ERROR_CLASS) end @error.nil? end chain :of do |membership| @membership = membership end chain :own do |*owned_objects| @owned_objects = owned_objects end failure_message do "expected this action to #{description_for(role, 'allowed', @error)}" end failure_message_when_negated do "expected this action to #{description_for(role, 'denied', @error)}" end supports_block_expectations end RSpec::Matchers.define_negated_matcher :be_denied_for, :be_allowed_for end