- page_title "Triggers" %h3.page-title Triggers %p.light Triggers can be used to force a rebuild of a specific branch or tag with an API call. %hr.clearfix -if @triggers.any? .table-holder %table.table %thead %th Token %th Last used %th = render partial: 'trigger', collection: @triggers, as: :trigger - else %h4 No triggers = form_for @trigger, url: url_for(controller: 'projects/triggers', action: 'create'), html: { class: 'form-horizontal' } do |f| .clearfix = f.submit "Add Trigger", class: 'btn btn-success pull-right' %hr.clearfix -if @triggers.any? %h3 Use CURL %p.light Copy the token above and set your branch or tag name. This is the reference that will be rebuild. %pre :plain curl -X POST \ -F token=TOKEN \ -F ref=REF_NAME \ #{builds_trigger_url(@project.id)} %h3 Use .gitlab-ci.yml %p.light Copy the snippet to %i .gitlab-ci.yml of dependent project. At the end of your build it will trigger this project to rebuilt. %pre :plain trigger: type: deploy script: - "curl -X POST -F token=TOKEN -F ref=REF_NAME #{builds_trigger_url(@project.id)}" %h3 Pass build variables %p.light Add %strong variables[VARIABLE]=VALUE to API request. The value of variable could then be used to distinguish triggered build from normal one. %pre :plain curl -X POST \ -F token=TOKEN \ -F "ref=REF_NAME" \ -F "variables[RUN_NIGHTLY_BUILD]=true" \ #{builds_trigger_url(@project.id)}