# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe BulkInsertSafe do before(:all) do ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :_test_bulk_insert_parent_items, force: true do |t| t.string :name, null: false end create_table :_test_bulk_insert_items, force: true do |t| t.string :name, null: true t.integer :enum_value, null: false t.text :encrypted_secret_value, null: false t.string :encrypted_secret_value_iv, null: false t.binary :sha_value, null: false, limit: 20 t.jsonb :jsonb_value, null: false t.belongs_to :bulk_insert_parent_item, foreign_key: { to_table: :_test_bulk_insert_parent_items }, null: true t.timestamps null: true t.index :name, unique: true end create_table :_test_bulk_insert_items_with_composite_pk, id: false, force: true do |t| t.integer :id, null: true t.string :name, null: true end execute("ALTER TABLE _test_bulk_insert_items_with_composite_pk ADD PRIMARY KEY (id,name);") end end after(:all) do ActiveRecord::Schema.define do drop_table :_test_bulk_insert_items, force: true drop_table :_test_bulk_insert_parent_items, force: true drop_table :_test_bulk_insert_items_with_composite_pk, force: true end end BulkInsertParentItem = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do self.table_name = :_test_bulk_insert_parent_items self.inheritance_column = :_type_disabled def self.name table_name.singularize.camelcase end end let_it_be(:bulk_insert_parent_item) do BulkInsertParentItem.create!(name: 'parent') end let_it_be(:bulk_insert_item_class) do Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do self.table_name = '_test_bulk_insert_items' include BulkInsertSafe include ShaAttribute validates :name, :enum_value, :secret_value, :sha_value, :jsonb_value, presence: true belongs_to :bulk_insert_parent_item sha_attribute :sha_value enum enum_value: { case_1: 1 } attr_encrypted :secret_value, mode: :per_attribute_iv, algorithm: 'aes-256-gcm', key: Settings.attr_encrypted_db_key_base_32, insecure_mode: false default_value_for :enum_value, 'case_1' default_value_for :sha_value, '2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12' default_value_for :jsonb_value, { "key" => "value" } def self.name 'BulkInsertItem' end def self.valid_list(count, bulk_insert_parent_item: nil) Array.new(count) { |n| new(name: "item-#{n}", secret_value: 'my-secret', bulk_insert_parent_item: bulk_insert_parent_item) } end def self.invalid_list(count) Array.new(count) { new(secret_value: 'my-secret') } end end end describe 'BulkInsertItem' do it_behaves_like 'a BulkInsertSafe model' do let(:target_class) { bulk_insert_item_class.dup } let(:valid_items_for_bulk_insertion) { target_class.valid_list(10) } let(:invalid_items_for_bulk_insertion) { target_class.invalid_list(10) } end context 'when inheriting class methods' do let(:inherited_unsafe_methods_module) do Module.new do extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do after_save -> { "unsafe" } end end end let(:inherited_safe_methods_module) do Module.new do extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do after_initialize -> { "safe" } end end end it 'raises an error when method is not bulk-insert safe' do expect { bulk_insert_item_class.include(inherited_unsafe_methods_module) } .to raise_error(bulk_insert_item_class::MethodNotAllowedError) end it 'does not raise an error when method is bulk-insert safe' do expect { bulk_insert_item_class.include(inherited_safe_methods_module) }.not_to raise_error end end context 'primary keys' do it 'raises error if primary keys are set prior to insertion' do item = bulk_insert_item_class.new(name: 'valid', id: 10, secret_value: 'my-secret') expect { bulk_insert_item_class.bulk_insert!([item]) } .to raise_error(bulk_insert_item_class::PrimaryKeySetError) end end describe '.bulk_insert!' do it 'inserts items in the given number of batches' do items = bulk_insert_item_class.valid_list(10) expect(ActiveRecord::InsertAll).to receive(:new).twice.and_call_original bulk_insert_item_class.bulk_insert!(items, batch_size: 5) end it 'inserts items with belongs_to association' do items = bulk_insert_item_class.valid_list(10, bulk_insert_parent_item: bulk_insert_parent_item) bulk_insert_item_class.bulk_insert!(items, batch_size: 5) expect(bulk_insert_item_class.last(items.size).map(&:bulk_insert_parent_item)).to eq([bulk_insert_parent_item] * 10) end it 'items can be properly fetched from database' do items = bulk_insert_item_class.valid_list(10) bulk_insert_item_class.bulk_insert!(items) attribute_names = bulk_insert_item_class.attribute_names - %w[id created_at updated_at] expect(bulk_insert_item_class.last(items.size).pluck(*attribute_names)).to eq( items.pluck(*attribute_names)) end it 'rolls back the transaction when any item is invalid' do # second batch is bad all_items = bulk_insert_item_class.valid_list(10) + bulk_insert_item_class.invalid_list(10) expect do bulk_insert_item_class.bulk_insert!(all_items, batch_size: 2) rescue StandardError nil end.not_to change { bulk_insert_item_class.count } end it 'does nothing and returns an empty array when items are empty' do expect(bulk_insert_item_class.bulk_insert!([])).to eq([]) expect(bulk_insert_item_class.count).to eq(0) end context 'with returns option set' do let(:items) { bulk_insert_item_class.valid_list(1) } subject(:legacy_bulk_insert) { bulk_insert_item_class.bulk_insert!(items, returns: returns) } context 'when is set to :ids' do let(:returns) { :ids } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(a_kind_of(Integer)) } end context 'when is set to nil' do let(:returns) { nil } it { is_expected.to eq([]) } end context 'when is set to a list of attributes' do let(:returns) { [:id, :sha_value] } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly([a_kind_of(Integer), '2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12']) } end end end context 'when duplicate items are to be inserted' do let!(:existing_object) { bulk_insert_item_class.create!(name: 'duplicate', secret_value: 'old value') } let(:new_object) { bulk_insert_item_class.new(name: 'duplicate', secret_value: 'new value') } describe '.bulk_insert!' do context 'when skip_duplicates is set to false' do it 'raises an exception' do expect { bulk_insert_item_class.bulk_insert!([new_object], skip_duplicates: false) } .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique) end end context 'when skip_duplicates is set to true' do it 'does not update existing object' do bulk_insert_item_class.bulk_insert!([new_object], skip_duplicates: true) expect(existing_object.reload.secret_value).to eq('old value') end end end describe '.bulk_upsert!' do subject(:bulk_upsert) { bulk_insert_item_class.bulk_upsert!([new_object], unique_by: %w[name]) } it 'updates existing object' do expect { bulk_upsert }.to change { existing_object.reload.secret_value }.to('new value') end context 'when the `created_at` attribute is provided' do before do new_object.created_at = 10.days.from_now end it 'does not change the existing `created_at` value' do expect { bulk_upsert }.not_to change { existing_object.reload.created_at } end end end end context 'when a model with composite primary key is inserted' do let_it_be(:bulk_insert_items_with_composite_pk_class) do Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do self.table_name = '_test_bulk_insert_items_with_composite_pk' include BulkInsertSafe end end let(:new_object) { bulk_insert_items_with_composite_pk_class.new(id: 1, name: 'composite') } it 'successfully inserts an item' do expect(ActiveRecord::InsertAll).to receive(:new) .with( bulk_insert_items_with_composite_pk_class.insert_all_proxy_class, [new_object.as_json], on_duplicate: :raise, returning: false, unique_by: %w[id name] ).and_call_original expect { bulk_insert_items_with_composite_pk_class.bulk_insert!([new_object]) }.to( change(bulk_insert_items_with_composite_pk_class, :count).from(0).to(1) ) end end end end