import Vue from 'vue'; import Cookies from 'js-cookie'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; import { s__ } from '~/locale'; import { handleLocationHash, historyPushState, scrollToElement } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import { mergeUrlParams, getLocationHash } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import TreeWorker from '../workers/tree_worker'; import eventHub from '../../notes/event_hub'; import { getDiffPositionByLineCode, getNoteFormData, convertExpandLines, idleCallback, allDiscussionWrappersExpanded, prepareDiffData, } from './utils'; import * as types from './mutation_types'; import { PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE, INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE, DIFF_VIEW_COOKIE_NAME, MR_TREE_SHOW_KEY, TREE_LIST_STORAGE_KEY, WHITESPACE_STORAGE_KEY, TREE_LIST_WIDTH_STORAGE_KEY, OLD_LINE_KEY, NEW_LINE_KEY, TYPE_KEY, LEFT_LINE_KEY, MAX_RENDERING_DIFF_LINES, MAX_RENDERING_BULK_ROWS, MIN_RENDERING_MS, START_RENDERING_INDEX, INLINE_DIFF_LINES_KEY, PARALLEL_DIFF_LINES_KEY, DIFFS_PER_PAGE, } from '../constants'; import { diffViewerModes } from '~/ide/constants'; export const setBaseConfig = ({ commit }, options) => { const { endpoint, endpointMetadata, endpointBatch, projectPath, dismissEndpoint, showSuggestPopover, useSingleDiffStyle, } = options; commit(types.SET_BASE_CONFIG, { endpoint, endpointMetadata, endpointBatch, projectPath, dismissEndpoint, showSuggestPopover, useSingleDiffStyle, }); }; export const fetchDiffFiles = ({ state, commit }) => { const worker = new TreeWorker(); const urlParams = { w: state.showWhitespace ? '0' : '1', }; commit(types.SET_LOADING, true); worker.addEventListener('message', ({ data }) => { commit(types.SET_TREE_DATA, data); worker.terminate(); }); return axios .get(mergeUrlParams(urlParams, state.endpoint)) .then(res => { commit(types.SET_LOADING, false); commit(types.SET_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFFS, || []); commit(types.SET_DIFF_DATA,; worker.postMessage(state.diffFiles); return Vue.nextTick(); }) .then(handleLocationHash) .catch(() => worker.terminate()); }; export const fetchDiffFilesBatch = ({ commit, state }) => { commit(types.SET_BATCH_LOADING, true); const getBatch = page => axios .get(state.endpointBatch, { params: { page, per_page: DIFFS_PER_PAGE, w: state.showWhitespace ? '0' : '1' }, }) .then(({ data: { pagination, diff_files } }) => { commit(types.SET_DIFF_DATA_BATCH, { diff_files }); commit(types.SET_BATCH_LOADING, false); return pagination.next_page; }) .then(nextPage => nextPage && getBatch(nextPage)); return getBatch() .then(handleLocationHash) .catch(() => null); }; export const fetchDiffFilesMeta = ({ commit, state }) => { const worker = new TreeWorker(); commit(types.SET_LOADING, true); worker.addEventListener('message', ({ data }) => { commit(types.SET_TREE_DATA, data); worker.terminate(); }); return axios .get(state.endpointMetadata) .then(({ data }) => { const strippedData = { }; delete strippedData.diff_files; commit(types.SET_LOADING, false); commit(types.SET_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFFS, data.merge_request_diffs || []); commit(types.SET_DIFF_DATA, strippedData); prepareDiffData(data); worker.postMessage(data.diff_files); }) .catch(() => worker.terminate()); }; export const setHighlightedRow = ({ commit }, lineCode) => { const fileHash = lineCode.split('_')[0]; commit(types.SET_HIGHLIGHTED_ROW, lineCode); commit(types.UPDATE_CURRENT_DIFF_FILE_ID, fileHash); }; // This is adding line discussions to the actual lines in the diff tree // once for parallel and once for inline mode export const assignDiscussionsToDiff = ( { commit, state, rootState }, discussions = rootState.notes.discussions, ) => { const diffPositionByLineCode = getDiffPositionByLineCode(state.diffFiles); const hash = getLocationHash(); discussions .filter(discussion => discussion.diff_discussion) .forEach(discussion => { commit(types.SET_LINE_DISCUSSIONS_FOR_FILE, { discussion, diffPositionByLineCode, hash, }); }); Vue.nextTick(() => { eventHub.$emit('scrollToDiscussion'); }); }; export const removeDiscussionsFromDiff = ({ commit }, removeDiscussion) => { const { file_hash, line_code, id } = removeDiscussion; commit(types.REMOVE_LINE_DISCUSSIONS_FOR_FILE, { fileHash: file_hash, lineCode: line_code, id }); }; export const toggleLineDiscussions = ({ commit }, options) => { commit(types.TOGGLE_LINE_DISCUSSIONS, options); }; export const renderFileForDiscussionId = ({ commit, rootState, state }, discussionId) => { const discussion = rootState.notes.discussions.find(d => === discussionId); if (discussion && discussion.diff_file) { const file = state.diffFiles.find(f => f.file_hash === discussion.diff_file.file_hash); if (file) { if (!file.renderIt) { commit(types.RENDER_FILE, file); } if (file.viewer.collapsed) { eventHub.$emit(`loadCollapsedDiff/${file.file_hash}`); scrollToElement(document.getElementById(file.file_hash)); } else { eventHub.$emit('scrollToDiscussion'); } } } }; export const startRenderDiffsQueue = ({ state, commit }) => { const checkItem = () => new Promise(resolve => { const nextFile = state.diffFiles.find( file => !file.renderIt && (file.viewer && (!file.viewer.collapsed || ! === diffViewerModes.text)), ); if (nextFile) { requestAnimationFrame(() => { commit(types.RENDER_FILE, nextFile); }); requestIdleCallback( () => { checkItem() .then(resolve) .catch(() => {}); }, { timeout: 1000 }, ); } else { resolve(); } }); return checkItem(); }; export const setRenderIt = ({ commit }, file) => commit(types.RENDER_FILE, file); export const setInlineDiffViewType = ({ commit }) => { commit(types.SET_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE, INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE); Cookies.set(DIFF_VIEW_COOKIE_NAME, INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE); const url = mergeUrlParams({ view: INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE }, window.location.href); historyPushState(url); }; export const setParallelDiffViewType = ({ commit }) => { commit(types.SET_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE, PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE); Cookies.set(DIFF_VIEW_COOKIE_NAME, PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE); const url = mergeUrlParams({ view: PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE }, window.location.href); historyPushState(url); }; export const showCommentForm = ({ commit }, { lineCode, fileHash }) => { commit(types.TOGGLE_LINE_HAS_FORM, { lineCode, fileHash, hasForm: true }); }; export const cancelCommentForm = ({ commit }, { lineCode, fileHash }) => { commit(types.TOGGLE_LINE_HAS_FORM, { lineCode, fileHash, hasForm: false }); }; export const loadMoreLines = ({ commit }, options) => { const { endpoint, params, lineNumbers, fileHash, isExpandDown, nextLineNumbers } = options; params.from_merge_request = true; return axios.get(endpoint, { params }).then(res => { const contextLines = || []; commit(types.ADD_CONTEXT_LINES, { lineNumbers, contextLines, params, fileHash, isExpandDown, nextLineNumbers, }); }); }; export const scrollToLineIfNeededInline = (_, line) => { const hash = getLocationHash(); if (hash && line.line_code === hash) { handleLocationHash(); } }; export const scrollToLineIfNeededParallel = (_, line) => { const hash = getLocationHash(); if ( hash && ((line.left && line.left.line_code === hash) || (line.right && line.right.line_code === hash)) ) { handleLocationHash(); } }; export const loadCollapsedDiff = ({ commit, getters, state }, file) => axios .get(file.load_collapsed_diff_url, { params: { commit_id: getters.commitId, w: state.showWhitespace ? '0' : '1', }, }) .then(res => { commit(types.ADD_COLLAPSED_DIFFS, { file, data:, }); }); export const expandAllFiles = ({ commit }) => { commit(types.EXPAND_ALL_FILES); }; /** * Toggles the file discussions after user clicked on the toggle discussions button. * * Gets the discussions for the provided diff. * * If all discussions are expanded, it will collapse all of them * If all discussions are collapsed, it will expand all of them * If some discussions are open and others closed, it will expand the closed ones. * * @param {Object} diff */ export const toggleFileDiscussions = ({ getters, dispatch }, diff) => { const discussions = getters.getDiffFileDiscussions(diff); const shouldCloseAll = getters.diffHasAllExpandedDiscussions(diff); const shouldExpandAll = getters.diffHasAllCollapsedDiscussions(diff); discussions.forEach(discussion => { const data = { discussionId: }; if (shouldCloseAll) { dispatch('collapseDiscussion', data, { root: true }); } else if (shouldExpandAll || (!shouldCloseAll && !shouldExpandAll && !discussion.expanded)) { dispatch('expandDiscussion', data, { root: true }); } }); }; export const toggleFileDiscussionWrappers = ({ commit }, diff) => { const discussionWrappersExpanded = allDiscussionWrappersExpanded(diff); let linesWithDiscussions; if (diff.highlighted_diff_lines) { linesWithDiscussions = diff.highlighted_diff_lines.filter(line => line.discussions.length); } if (diff.parallel_diff_lines) { linesWithDiscussions = diff.parallel_diff_lines.filter( line => (line.left && line.left.discussions.length) || (line.right && line.right.discussions.length), ); } if (linesWithDiscussions.length) { linesWithDiscussions.forEach(line => { commit(types.TOGGLE_LINE_DISCUSSIONS, { fileHash: diff.file_hash, lineCode: line.line_code, expanded: !discussionWrappersExpanded, }); }); } }; export const saveDiffDiscussion = ({ state, dispatch }, { note, formData }) => { const postData = getNoteFormData({ commit: state.commit, note, ...formData, }); return dispatch('saveNote', postData, { root: true }) .then(result => dispatch('updateDiscussion', result.discussion, { root: true })) .then(discussion => dispatch('assignDiscussionsToDiff', [discussion])) .then(() => dispatch('updateResolvableDiscussionsCounts', null, { root: true })) .then(() => dispatch('closeDiffFileCommentForm', formData.diffFile.file_hash)) .catch(() => createFlash(s__('MergeRequests|Saving the comment failed'))); }; export const toggleTreeOpen = ({ commit }, path) => { commit(types.TOGGLE_FOLDER_OPEN, path); }; export const scrollToFile = ({ state, commit }, path) => { const { fileHash } = state.treeEntries[path]; document.location.hash = fileHash; commit(types.UPDATE_CURRENT_DIFF_FILE_ID, fileHash); }; export const toggleShowTreeList = ({ commit, state }, saving = true) => { commit(types.TOGGLE_SHOW_TREE_LIST); if (saving) { localStorage.setItem(MR_TREE_SHOW_KEY, state.showTreeList); } }; export const openDiffFileCommentForm = ({ commit, getters }, formData) => { const form = getters.getCommentFormForDiffFile(formData.fileHash); if (form) { commit(types.UPDATE_DIFF_FILE_COMMENT_FORM, formData); } else { commit(types.OPEN_DIFF_FILE_COMMENT_FORM, formData); } }; export const closeDiffFileCommentForm = ({ commit }, fileHash) => { commit(types.CLOSE_DIFF_FILE_COMMENT_FORM, fileHash); }; export const setRenderTreeList = ({ commit }, renderTreeList) => { commit(types.SET_RENDER_TREE_LIST, renderTreeList); localStorage.setItem(TREE_LIST_STORAGE_KEY, renderTreeList); }; export const setShowWhitespace = ({ commit }, { showWhitespace, pushState = false }) => { commit(types.SET_SHOW_WHITESPACE, showWhitespace); localStorage.setItem(WHITESPACE_STORAGE_KEY, showWhitespace); if (pushState) { historyPushState(mergeUrlParams({ w: showWhitespace ? '0' : '1' }, window.location.href)); } eventHub.$emit('refetchDiffData'); }; export const toggleFileFinder = ({ commit }, visible) => { commit(types.TOGGLE_FILE_FINDER_VISIBLE, visible); }; export const cacheTreeListWidth = (_, size) => { localStorage.setItem(TREE_LIST_WIDTH_STORAGE_KEY, size); }; export const requestFullDiff = ({ commit }, filePath) => commit(types.REQUEST_FULL_DIFF, filePath); export const receiveFullDiffSucess = ({ commit }, { filePath }) => commit(types.RECEIVE_FULL_DIFF_SUCCESS, { filePath }); export const receiveFullDiffError = ({ commit }, filePath) => { commit(types.RECEIVE_FULL_DIFF_ERROR, filePath); createFlash(s__('MergeRequest|Error loading full diff. Please try again.')); }; export const setExpandedDiffLines = ({ commit, state }, { file, data }) => { const expandedDiffLines = { highlighted_diff_lines: convertExpandLines({ diffLines: file.highlighted_diff_lines, typeKey: TYPE_KEY, oldLineKey: OLD_LINE_KEY, newLineKey: NEW_LINE_KEY, data, mapLine: ({ line, oldLine, newLine }) => Object.assign(line, { old_line: oldLine, new_line: newLine, line_code: `${file.file_hash}_${oldLine}_${newLine}`, }), }), parallel_diff_lines: convertExpandLines({ diffLines: file.parallel_diff_lines, typeKey: [LEFT_LINE_KEY, TYPE_KEY], oldLineKey: [LEFT_LINE_KEY, OLD_LINE_KEY], newLineKey: [LEFT_LINE_KEY, NEW_LINE_KEY], data, mapLine: ({ line, oldLine, newLine }) => ({ left: { ...line, old_line: oldLine, line_code: `${file.file_hash}_${oldLine}_${newLine}`, }, right: { ...line, new_line: newLine, line_code: `${file.file_hash}_${newLine}_${oldLine}`, }, }), }), }; const currentDiffLinesKey = state.diffViewType === INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE ? INLINE_DIFF_LINES_KEY : PARALLEL_DIFF_LINES_KEY; const hiddenDiffLinesKey = state.diffViewType === INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE ? PARALLEL_DIFF_LINES_KEY : INLINE_DIFF_LINES_KEY; commit(types.SET_HIDDEN_VIEW_DIFF_FILE_LINES, { filePath: file.file_path, lines: expandedDiffLines[hiddenDiffLinesKey], }); if (expandedDiffLines[currentDiffLinesKey].length > MAX_RENDERING_DIFF_LINES) { let index = START_RENDERING_INDEX; commit(types.SET_CURRENT_VIEW_DIFF_FILE_LINES, { filePath: file.file_path, lines: expandedDiffLines[currentDiffLinesKey].slice(0, index), }); commit(types.TOGGLE_DIFF_FILE_RENDERING_MORE, file.file_path); const idleCb = t => { const startIndex = index; while ( t.timeRemaining() >= MIN_RENDERING_MS && index !== expandedDiffLines[currentDiffLinesKey].length && index - startIndex !== MAX_RENDERING_BULK_ROWS ) { const line = expandedDiffLines[currentDiffLinesKey][index]; if (line) { commit(types.ADD_CURRENT_VIEW_DIFF_FILE_LINES, { filePath: file.file_path, line }); index += 1; } } if (index !== expandedDiffLines[currentDiffLinesKey].length) { idleCallback(idleCb); } else { commit(types.TOGGLE_DIFF_FILE_RENDERING_MORE, file.file_path); } }; idleCallback(idleCb); } else { commit(types.SET_CURRENT_VIEW_DIFF_FILE_LINES, { filePath: file.file_path, lines: expandedDiffLines[currentDiffLinesKey], }); } }; export const fetchFullDiff = ({ dispatch }, file) => axios .get(file.context_lines_path, { params: { full: true, from_merge_request: true, }, }) .then(({ data }) => { dispatch('receiveFullDiffSucess', { filePath: file.file_path }); dispatch('setExpandedDiffLines', { file, data }); }) .catch(() => dispatch('receiveFullDiffError', file.file_path)); export const toggleFullDiff = ({ dispatch, getters, state }, filePath) => { const file = state.diffFiles.find(f => f.file_path === filePath); dispatch('requestFullDiff', filePath); if (file.isShowingFullFile) { dispatch('loadCollapsedDiff', file) .then(() => dispatch('assignDiscussionsToDiff', getters.getDiffFileDiscussions(file))) .catch(() => dispatch('receiveFullDiffError', filePath)); } else { dispatch('fetchFullDiff', file); } }; export const setFileCollapsed = ({ commit }, { filePath, collapsed }) => commit(types.SET_FILE_COLLAPSED, { filePath, collapsed }); export const setSuggestPopoverDismissed = ({ commit, state }) => axios .post(state.dismissEndpoint, { feature_name: 'suggest_popover_dismissed', }) .then(() => { commit(types.SET_SHOW_SUGGEST_POPOVER); }) .catch(() => { createFlash(s__('MergeRequest|Error dismissing suggestion popover. Please try again.')); }); // prevent babel-plugin-rewire from generating an invalid default during karma tests export default () => {};