import { screen } from '@testing-library/dom'; import { useOverclockTimers } from 'test_helpers/utils/overclock_timers'; import * as ideHelper from './helpers/ide_helper'; import startWebIDE from './helpers/start'; describe('IDE: User opens IDE', () => { useOverclockTimers(); let vm; let container; beforeEach(() => { setFixtures('
'); container = document.querySelector('.webide-container'); }); afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); vm = null; }); it('shows loading indicator while the IDE is loading', async () => { vm = startWebIDE(container); expect(container.querySelectorAll('.multi-file-loading-container')).toHaveLength(3); }); describe('when the project is empty', () => { beforeEach(() => { vm = startWebIDE(container, { isRepoEmpty: true }); }); it('shows "No files" in the left sidebar', async () => { expect(await screen.findByText('No files')).toBeDefined(); }); it('shows a "New file" button', () => { const buttons = screen.queryAllByTitle('New file'); expect( => x.tagName)).toContain('BUTTON'); }); }); describe('when the file tree is loaded', () => { beforeEach(async () => { vm = startWebIDE(container); await screen.findByText('README'); // wait for file tree to load }); it('shows a list of files in the left sidebar', async () => { expect(ideHelper.getFilesList()).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining(['README', 'LICENSE', '']), ); }); it('shows empty state in the main editor window', async () => { expect( await screen.findByText( "Select a file from the left sidebar to begin editing. Afterwards, you'll be able to commit your changes.", ), ).toBeDefined(); }); it('shows commit button in disabled state', async () => { const button = await screen.findByTestId('begin-commit-button'); expect(button.getAttribute('disabled')).toBeDefined(); }); it('shows branch/MR dropdown with master selected', async () => { const dropdown = await screen.findByTestId('ide-nav-dropdown'); expect(dropdown.textContent).toContain('master'); }); }); describe('a path to a text file is present in the URL', () => { beforeEach(async () => { vm = startWebIDE(container, { path: '' }); await ideHelper.waitForTabToOpen(''); }); it('opens the file and its contents are shown in Monaco', async () => { expect(await ideHelper.getEditorValue()).toContain('Sample repo for testing gitlab features'); }); }); describe('a path to a binary file is present in the URL', () => { beforeEach(async () => { vm = startWebIDE(container, { path: '' }); await ideHelper.waitForTabToOpen(''); }); it('shows download viewer', async () => { const downloadButton = await screen.findByText('Download'); expect(downloadButton.getAttribute('download')).toEqual(''); expect(downloadButton.getAttribute('href')).toContain('/raw/'); }); }); describe('a path to an image is present in the URL', () => { beforeEach(async () => { vm = startWebIDE(container, { path: 'files/images/logo-white.png' }); await ideHelper.waitForTabToOpen('logo-white.png'); }); it('shows image viewer', async () => { const viewer = await screen.findByTestId('image-viewer'); const img = viewer.querySelector('img'); expect(img.src).toContain('logo-white.png'); }); }); describe('path in URL is a directory', () => { beforeEach(async () => { vm = startWebIDE(container, { path: 'files/images' }); // wait for folders in left sidebar to be expanded await screen.findByText('images'); }); it('expands folders in the left sidebar', () => { expect(ideHelper.getFilesList()).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining(['files', 'images', 'logo-white.png', 'logo-black.png']), ); }); it('shows empty state in the main editor window', async () => { expect( await screen.findByText( "Select a file from the left sidebar to begin editing. Afterwards, you'll be able to commit your changes.", ), ).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe("a file for path in url doesn't exist in the repo", () => { beforeEach(async () => { vm = startWebIDE(container, { path: 'abracadabra/hocus-focus.txt' }); await ideHelper.waitForTabToOpen('hocus-focus.txt'); }); it('create new folders and file in the left sidebar', () => { expect(ideHelper.getFilesList()).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining(['abracadabra', 'hocus-focus.txt']), ); }); it('creates a blank new file', async () => { expect(await ideHelper.getEditorValue()).toEqual('\n'); }); }); });