# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe WebHook do include AfterNextHelpers let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let(:hook) { build(:project_hook, project: project) } around do |example| if example.metadata[:skip_freeze_time] example.run else freeze_time { example.run } end end describe 'associations' do it { is_expected.to have_many(:web_hook_logs) } end describe 'validations' do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:url) } describe 'url_variables' do it { is_expected.to allow_value({}).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.to allow_value({ 'foo' => 'bar' }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.to allow_value({ 'FOO' => 'bar' }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.to allow_value({ 'MY_TOKEN' => 'bar' }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.to allow_value({ 'foo2' => 'bar' }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.to allow_value({ 'x' => 'y' }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.to allow_value({ 'x' => ('a' * 100) }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.to allow_value({ 'foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz' }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.to allow_value((1..20).to_h { ["k#{_1}", 'value'] }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value([]).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value({ 'foo' => 1 }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value({ 'bar' => :baz }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value({ 'bar' => nil }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value({ 'foo' => '' }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value({ 'foo' => ('a' * 101) }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value({ 'has spaces' => 'foo' }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value({ '' => 'foo' }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value({ '1foo' => 'foo' }).for(:url_variables) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value((1..21).to_h { ["k#{_1}", 'value'] }).for(:url_variables) } end describe 'url' do it { is_expected.to allow_value('http://example.com').for(:url) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('https://example.com').for(:url) } it { is_expected.to allow_value(' https://example.com ').for(:url) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('http://test.com/api').for(:url) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('http://test.com/api?key=abc').for(:url) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('http://test.com/api?key=abc&type=def').for(:url) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('example.com').for(:url) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('ftp://example.com').for(:url) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('herp-and-derp').for(:url) } context 'when url is local' do let(:url) { 'http://localhost:9000' } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value(url).for(:url) } it 'is valid if application settings allow local requests from web hooks' do settings = ApplicationSetting.new(allow_local_requests_from_web_hooks_and_services: true) allow(ApplicationSetting).to receive(:current).and_return(settings) is_expected.to allow_value(url).for(:url) end end it 'strips :url before saving it' do hook.url = ' https://example.com ' hook.save! expect(hook.url).to eq('https://example.com') end end describe 'token' do it { is_expected.to allow_value("foobar").for(:token) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_values("foo\nbar", "foo\r\nbar").for(:token) } end describe 'push_events_branch_filter' do it { is_expected.to allow_values("good_branch_name", "another/good-branch_name").for(:push_events_branch_filter) } it { is_expected.to allow_values("").for(:push_events_branch_filter) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_values("bad branch name", "bad~branchname").for(:push_events_branch_filter) } it 'gets rid of whitespace' do hook.push_events_branch_filter = ' branch ' hook.save! expect(hook.push_events_branch_filter).to eq('branch') end it 'stores whitespace only as empty' do hook.push_events_branch_filter = ' ' hook.save! expect(hook.push_events_branch_filter).to eq('') end end end describe 'encrypted attributes' do subject { described_class.encrypted_attributes.keys } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(:token, :url, :url_variables) } end describe 'execute' do let(:data) { { key: 'value' } } let(:hook_name) { 'project hook' } it '#execute' do expect_next(WebHookService).to receive(:execute) hook.execute(data, hook_name) end it 'passes force: false to the web hook service by default' do expect(WebHookService) .to receive(:new).with(hook, data, hook_name, force: false).and_return(double(execute: :done)) expect(hook.execute(data, hook_name)).to eq :done end it 'passes force: true to the web hook service if required' do expect(WebHookService) .to receive(:new).with(hook, data, hook_name, force: true).and_return(double(execute: :forced)) expect(hook.execute(data, hook_name, force: true)).to eq :forced end it '#async_execute' do expect_next(WebHookService).to receive(:async_execute) hook.async_execute(data, hook_name) end it 'does not async execute non-executable hooks' do hook.update!(disabled_until: 1.day.from_now) expect(WebHookService).not_to receive(:new) hook.async_execute(data, hook_name) end end describe '#destroy' do it 'does not cascade to web_hook_logs' do web_hook = create(:project_hook) create_list(:web_hook_log, 3, web_hook: web_hook) expect { web_hook.destroy! }.not_to change(web_hook.web_hook_logs, :count) end end describe '.executable' do let(:not_executable) do [ [0, Time.current], [0, 1.minute.from_now], [1, 1.minute.from_now], [3, 1.minute.from_now], [4, nil], [4, 1.day.ago], [4, 1.minute.from_now] ].map do |(recent_failures, disabled_until)| create(:project_hook, project: project, recent_failures: recent_failures, disabled_until: disabled_until) end end let(:executables) do [ [0, nil], [0, 1.day.ago], [1, nil], [1, 1.day.ago], [3, nil], [3, 1.day.ago] ].map do |(recent_failures, disabled_until)| create(:project_hook, project: project, recent_failures: recent_failures, disabled_until: disabled_until) end end it 'finds the correct set of project hooks' do expect(described_class.where(project_id: project.id).executable).to match_array executables end context 'when the feature flag is not enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(web_hooks_disable_failed: false) end it 'is the same as all' do expect(described_class.where(project_id: project.id).executable).to match_array(executables + not_executable) end end end describe '#executable?' do let(:web_hook) { create(:project_hook, project: project) } where(:recent_failures, :not_until, :executable) do [ [0, :not_set, true], [0, :past, true], [0, :future, false], [0, :now, false], [1, :not_set, true], [1, :past, true], [1, :future, false], [3, :not_set, true], [3, :past, true], [3, :future, false], [4, :not_set, false], [4, :past, false], [4, :future, false] ] end with_them do # Phasing means we cannot put these values in the where block, # which is not subject to the frozen time context. let(:disabled_until) do case not_until when :not_set nil when :past 1.minute.ago when :future 1.minute.from_now when :now Time.current end end before do web_hook.update!(recent_failures: recent_failures, disabled_until: disabled_until) end it 'has the correct state' do expect(web_hook.executable?).to eq(executable) end context 'when the feature flag is enabled for a project' do before do stub_feature_flags(web_hooks_disable_failed: project) end it 'has the expected value' do expect(web_hook.executable?).to eq(executable) end end context 'when the feature flag is not enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(web_hooks_disable_failed: false) end it 'is executable' do expect(web_hook).to be_executable end end end end describe '#next_backoff' do context 'when there was no last backoff' do before do hook.backoff_count = 0 end it 'is 10 minutes' do expect(hook.next_backoff).to eq(described_class::INITIAL_BACKOFF) end end context 'when we have backed off once' do before do hook.backoff_count = 1 end it 'is twice the initial value' do expect(hook.next_backoff).to eq(20.minutes) end end context 'when we have backed off 3 times' do before do hook.backoff_count = 3 end it 'grows exponentially' do expect(hook.next_backoff).to eq(80.minutes) end end context 'when the previous backoff was large' do before do hook.backoff_count = 8 # last value before MAX_BACKOFF end it 'does not exceed the max backoff value' do expect(hook.next_backoff).to eq(described_class::MAX_BACKOFF) end end end shared_examples 'is tolerant of invalid records' do specify do hook.url = nil expect(hook).to be_invalid run_expectation end end describe '#enable!' do it 'makes a hook executable if it was marked as failed' do hook.recent_failures = 1000 expect { hook.enable! }.to change(hook, :executable?).from(false).to(true) end it 'makes a hook executable if it is currently backed off' do hook.disabled_until = 1.hour.from_now expect { hook.enable! }.to change(hook, :executable?).from(false).to(true) end it 'does not update hooks unless necessary' do sql_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { hook.enable! }.count expect(sql_count).to eq(0) end include_examples 'is tolerant of invalid records' do def run_expectation hook.recent_failures = 1000 expect { hook.enable! }.to change(hook, :executable?).from(false).to(true) end end end describe 'backoff!' do it 'sets disabled_until to the next backoff' do expect { hook.backoff! }.to change(hook, :disabled_until).to(hook.next_backoff.from_now) end it 'increments the backoff count' do expect { hook.backoff! }.to change(hook, :backoff_count).by(1) end context 'when the hook is permanently disabled' do before do allow(hook).to receive(:permanently_disabled?).and_return(true) end it 'does not set disabled_until' do expect { hook.backoff! }.not_to change(hook, :disabled_until) end it 'does not increment the backoff count' do expect { hook.backoff! }.not_to change(hook, :backoff_count) end end context 'when we have backed off MAX_FAILURES times' do before do stub_const("#{described_class}::MAX_FAILURES", 5) 5.times { hook.backoff! } end it 'does not let the backoff count exceed the maximum failure count' do expect { hook.backoff! }.not_to change(hook, :backoff_count) end it 'does not change disabled_until', :skip_freeze_time do travel_to(hook.disabled_until - 1.minute) do expect { hook.backoff! }.not_to change(hook, :disabled_until) end end it 'changes disabled_until when it has elapsed', :skip_freeze_time do travel_to(hook.disabled_until + 1.minute) do expect { hook.backoff! }.to change { hook.disabled_until } expect(hook.backoff_count).to eq(described_class::MAX_FAILURES) end end end include_examples 'is tolerant of invalid records' do def run_expectation expect { hook.backoff! }.to change(hook, :backoff_count).by(1) end end end describe 'failed!' do it 'increments the failure count' do expect { hook.failed! }.to change(hook, :recent_failures).by(1) end it 'does not update the hook if the the failure count exceeds the maximum value' do hook.recent_failures = described_class::MAX_FAILURES sql_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { hook.failed! }.count expect(sql_count).to eq(0) end include_examples 'is tolerant of invalid records' do def run_expectation expect { hook.failed! }.to change(hook, :recent_failures).by(1) end end end describe '#disable!' do it 'disables a hook' do expect { hook.disable! }.to change(hook, :executable?).from(true).to(false) end include_examples 'is tolerant of invalid records' do def run_expectation expect { hook.disable! }.to change(hook, :executable?).from(true).to(false) end end end describe '#temporarily_disabled?' do it 'is false when not temporarily disabled' do expect(hook).not_to be_temporarily_disabled end context 'when hook has been told to back off' do before do hook.backoff! end it 'is true' do expect(hook).to be_temporarily_disabled end it 'is false when `web_hooks_disable_failed` flag is disabled' do stub_feature_flags(web_hooks_disable_failed: false) expect(hook).not_to be_temporarily_disabled end it 'can ignore the feature flag' do stub_feature_flags(web_hooks_disable_failed: false) expect(hook).to be_temporarily_disabled(ignore_flag: true) end end end describe '#permanently_disabled?' do it 'is false when not disabled' do expect(hook).not_to be_permanently_disabled end context 'when hook has been disabled' do before do hook.disable! end it 'is true' do expect(hook).to be_permanently_disabled end it 'is false when `web_hooks_disable_failed` flag is disabled' do stub_feature_flags(web_hooks_disable_failed: false) expect(hook).not_to be_permanently_disabled end it 'can ignore the feature flag' do stub_feature_flags(web_hooks_disable_failed: false) expect(hook).to be_permanently_disabled(ignore_flag: true) end end end describe '#rate_limited?' do it 'is false when hook has not been rate limited' do expect_next_instance_of(Gitlab::WebHooks::RateLimiter) do |rate_limiter| expect(rate_limiter).to receive(:rate_limited?).and_return(false) end expect(hook).not_to be_rate_limited end it 'is true when hook has been rate limited' do expect_next_instance_of(Gitlab::WebHooks::RateLimiter) do |rate_limiter| expect(rate_limiter).to receive(:rate_limited?).and_return(true) end expect(hook).to be_rate_limited end end describe '#rate_limit' do it 'returns the hook rate limit' do expect_next_instance_of(Gitlab::WebHooks::RateLimiter) do |rate_limiter| expect(rate_limiter).to receive(:limit).and_return(10) end expect(hook.rate_limit).to eq(10) end end describe '#alert_status' do subject(:status) { hook.alert_status } it { is_expected.to eq :executable } context 'when hook has been disabled' do before do hook.disable! end it { is_expected.to eq :disabled } end context 'when hook has been backed off' do before do hook.disabled_until = 1.hour.from_now end it { is_expected.to eq :temporarily_disabled } end end describe '#to_json' do it 'does not error' do expect { hook.to_json }.not_to raise_error end it 'does not error, when serializing unsafe attributes' do expect { hook.to_json(unsafe_serialization_hash: true) }.not_to raise_error end it 'does not contain binary attributes' do expect(hook.to_json).not_to include('encrypted_url_variables') end it 'does not contain binary attributes, even when serializing unsafe attributes' do expect(hook.to_json(unsafe_serialization_hash: true)).not_to include('encrypted_url_variables') end end end