# frozen_string_literal: true module Members # This class serves as more of an app-wide way we add/create members # All roads to add members should take this path. class CreatorService class << self def parsed_access_level(access_level) access_levels.fetch(access_level) { access_level.to_i } end def access_levels Gitlab::Access.sym_options_with_owner end def add_users( # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists source, users, access_level, current_user: nil, expires_at: nil, tasks_to_be_done: [], tasks_project_id: nil, ldap: nil, blocking_refresh: nil ) return [] unless users.present? # If this user is attempting to manage Owner members and doesn't have permission, do not allow return [] if managing_owners?(current_user, access_level) && cannot_manage_owners?(source, current_user) emails, users, existing_members = parse_users_list(source, users) Member.transaction do (emails + users).map! do |user| new(source, user, access_level, existing_members: existing_members, current_user: current_user, expires_at: expires_at, tasks_to_be_done: tasks_to_be_done, tasks_project_id: tasks_project_id, ldap: ldap, blocking_refresh: blocking_refresh) .execute end end end def add_user( # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists source, user, access_level, current_user: nil, expires_at: nil, ldap: nil, blocking_refresh: nil ) add_users(source, [user], access_level, current_user: current_user, expires_at: expires_at, ldap: ldap, blocking_refresh: blocking_refresh).first end private def managing_owners?(current_user, access_level) current_user && Gitlab::Access.sym_options_with_owner[access_level] == Gitlab::Access::OWNER end def parse_users_list(source, list) emails = [] user_ids = [] users = [] existing_members = {} list.each do |item| case item when User users << item when Integer user_ids << item when /\A\d+\Z/ user_ids << item.to_i when Devise.email_regexp emails << item end end # the below will automatically discard invalid user_ids users.concat(User.id_in(user_ids)) if user_ids.present? # de-duplicate just in case as there is no controlling if user records and ids are sent multiple times users.uniq! users_by_emails = source.users_by_emails(emails) # preloads our request store for all emails # in case emails belong to a user that is being invited by user or user_id, remove them from # emails and let users/user_ids handle it. parsed_emails = emails.select do |email| user = users_by_emails[email] !user || (users.exclude?(user) && user_ids.exclude?(user.id)) end if users.present? || users_by_emails.present? # helps not have to perform another query per user id to see if the member exists later on when fetching existing_members = source.members_and_requesters.with_user(users + users_by_emails.values).index_by(&:user_id) end [parsed_emails, users, existing_members] end end def initialize(source, user, access_level, **args) @source = source @user = user @access_level = self.class.parsed_access_level(access_level) @args = args end private_class_method :new def execute find_or_build_member commit_member after_commit_tasks member end private delegate :new_record?, to: :member attr_reader :source, :user, :access_level, :member, :args def assign_member_attributes member.attributes = member_attributes end def commit_member if can_commit_member? assign_member_attributes commit_changes else add_commit_error end end def can_commit_member? # There is no current user for bulk actions, in which case anything is allowed return true if skip_authorization? if new_record? can_create_new_member? else can_update_existing_member? end end def can_create_new_member? raise NotImplementedError end def can_update_existing_member? raise NotImplementedError end # Populates the attributes of a member. # # This logic resides in a separate method so that EE can extend this logic, # without having to patch the `add_user` method directly. def member_attributes { created_by: member.created_by || current_user, access_level: access_level, expires_at: args[:expires_at] } end def commit_changes if member.request? approve_request else # Calling #save triggers callbacks even if there is no change on object. # This previously caused an incident due to the hard to predict # behaviour caused by the large number of callbacks. # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/production/-/issues/6351 # and https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/80920#note_911569038 # for details. member.save if member.changed? end end def after_commit_tasks create_member_task end def create_member_task return unless member.persisted? return if member_task_attributes.value?(nil) return if member.member_task.present? member.create_member_task(member_task_attributes) end def member_task_attributes { tasks_to_be_done: args[:tasks_to_be_done], project_id: args[:tasks_project_id] } end def approve_request ::Members::ApproveAccessRequestService.new(current_user, access_level: access_level) .execute( member, skip_authorization: ldap, skip_log_audit_event: ldap ) end def current_user args[:current_user] end def skip_authorization? !current_user end def add_commit_error msg = if new_record? _('not authorized to create member') else _('not authorized to update member') end member.errors.add(:base, msg) end def find_or_build_member @user = parse_user_param @member = if user.is_a?(User) find_or_initialize_member_by_user else source.members.build(invite_email: user) end @member.blocking_refresh = args[:blocking_refresh] end # This method is used to find users that have been entered into the "Add members" field. # These can be the User objects directly, their IDs, their emails, or new emails to be invited. def parse_user_param case user when User user when Integer # might not return anything - this needs enhancement User.find_by(id: user) # rubocop:todo CodeReuse/ActiveRecord else # must be an email or at least we'll consider it one source.users_by_emails([user])[user] || user end end def find_or_initialize_member_by_user # We have to use `members_and_requesters` here since the given `members` is modified in the models # to act more like a scope(removing the requested_at members) and therefore ActiveRecord has issues with that # on build and refreshing that relation. existing_members[user.id] || source.members_and_requesters.build(user_id: user.id) # rubocop:disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord end def ldap args[:ldap] || false end def existing_members args[:existing_members] || {} end end end Members::CreatorService.prepend_mod_with('Members::CreatorService')