stage: Create
group: IDE
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/ux/technical-writing/#assignments
# Tutorial: Connect a remote machine to the Web IDE **(FREE)**
This tutorial shows you how to:
- Create a development environment outside of GitLab.
- Connect a remote machine to the [Web IDE](../web_ide/index.md).
To connect a remote machine to the Web IDE, you must:
1. [Generate Let's Encrypt certificates](#generate-lets-encrypt-certificates).
1. [Connect a development environment to the Web IDE](#connect-a-development-environment-to-the-web-ide).
## Prerequisites
- A remote virtual machine with root access
- A domain address resolving to that machine
- Docker installation
## Generate Let's Encrypt certificates
To generate Let's Encrypt certificates:
1. Create an `A` record to point a domain to your remote machine (for example, from `example.remote.gitlab.dev` to ``).
1. Install [Certbot](https://certbot.eff.org/) to enable HTTPS:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install certbot
1. Generate the certificates:
export EMAIL="YOUR_EMAIL@example.com"
export DOMAIN="example.remote.gitlab.dev"
certbot -d "${DOMAIN}" \
-m "${EMAIL}" \
--config-dir ~/.certbot/config \
--logs-dir ~/.certbot/logs \
--work-dir ~/.certbot/work \
--manual \
--preferred-challenges dns certonly
Now that you've generated the certificates, it's time to create and connect a development environment.
## Connect a development environment to the Web IDE
To connect a development environment to the Web IDE:
1. Create a development environment:
export CERTS_DIR="/home/ubuntu/.certbot/config/live/${DOMAIN}"
export PROJECTS_DIR="/home/ubuntu"
docker run -d \
--name my-environment \
-p 3443:3443 \
-v "${CERTS_DIR}/fullchain.pem:/gitlab-rd-web-ide/certs/fullchain.pem" \
-v "${CERTS_DIR}/privkey.pem:/gitlab-rd-web-ide/certs/privkey.pem" \
-v "${PROJECTS_DIR}:/projects" \
registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/remote-development/gitlab-rd-web-ide-docker:0.2-alpha \
--log-level warn --domain "${DOMAIN}" --ignore-version-mismatch
The new development environment starts automatically.
1. Fetch a token:
docker exec my-environment cat TOKEN
1. [Configure a remote connection](#configure-a-remote-connection).
### Configure a remote connection
To configure a remote connection from the Web IDE:
1. Open the Web IDE.
1. On the menu bar, select **View > Terminal** or press Control+`.
1. In the terminal panel, select **Configure a remote connection**.
1. Enter the URL for the remote host including the port (for example, `yourdomain.com:3443`).
1. Enter the project path.
1. Enter the token you've fetched.
Alternatively, you can pass the parameters from a URL and connect directly to the Web IDE:
1. Run this command:
echo "https://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/gitlab-web-ide?remoteHost=${DOMAIN}:3443&hostPath=/projects"
1. Go to that URL and enter the token you've fetched.
You've done it! Your development environment now runs as a remote host that's connected to the Web IDE.
## Related topics
- [Manage a development environment](index.md#manage-a-development-environment)