module SharedIssuable include Spinach::DSL def edit_issuable find('.issuable-edit', visible: true).click end step 'project "Community" has "Community issue" open issue' do create_issuable_for_project( project_name: 'Community', title: 'Community issue' ) end step 'project "Community" has "Community fix" open merge request' do create_issuable_for_project( project_name: 'Community', type: :merge_request, title: 'Community fix' ) end step 'project "Enterprise" has "Enterprise issue" open issue' do create_issuable_for_project( project_name: 'Enterprise', title: 'Enterprise issue' ) end step 'project "Enterprise" has "Enterprise fix" open merge request' do create_issuable_for_project( project_name: 'Enterprise', type: :merge_request, title: 'Enterprise fix' ) end step 'I leave a comment referencing issue "Community issue"' do leave_reference_comment( issuable: Issue.find_by(title: 'Community issue'), from_project_name: 'Enterprise' ) end step 'I leave a comment referencing issue "Community fix"' do leave_reference_comment( issuable: MergeRequest.find_by(title: 'Community fix'), from_project_name: 'Enterprise' ) end step 'I visit issue page "Enterprise issue"' do issue = Issue.find_by(title: 'Enterprise issue') visit namespace_project_issue_path(issue.project.namespace, issue.project, issue) end step 'I visit merge request page "Enterprise fix"' do mr = MergeRequest.find_by(title: 'Enterprise fix') visit namespace_project_merge_request_path(mr.target_project.namespace, mr.target_project, mr) end step 'I visit issue page "Community issue"' do issue = Issue.find_by(title: 'Community issue') visit namespace_project_issue_path(issue.project.namespace, issue.project, issue) end step 'I visit issue page "Community fix"' do mr = MergeRequest.find_by(title: 'Community fix') visit namespace_project_merge_request_path(mr.target_project.namespace, mr.target_project, mr) end step 'I should not see any related merge requests' do page.within '.issue-details' do expect(page).not_to have_content('#merge-requests .merge-requests-title') end end step 'I should see the "Enterprise fix" related merge request' do page.within '#merge-requests .merge-requests-title' do expect(page).to have_content('1 Related Merge Request') end page.within '#merge-requests ul' do expect(page).to have_content('Enterprise fix') end end step 'I should see a note linking to "Enterprise fix" merge request' do visible_note( issuable: MergeRequest.find_by(title: 'Enterprise fix'), from_project_name: 'Community', user_name: 'Mary Jane' ) end step 'I should see a note linking to "Enterprise issue" issue' do visible_note( issuable: Issue.find_by(title: 'Enterprise issue'), from_project_name: 'Community', user_name: 'Mary Jane' ) end step 'I click link "Edit" for the merge request' do edit_issuable end step 'I click link "Edit" for the issue' do edit_issuable end step 'I sort the list by "Oldest updated"' do find('button.dropdown-toggle.btn').click page.within('.content ul.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-align-right li') do click_link "Oldest updated" end end step 'I sort the list by "Least popular"' do find('button.dropdown-toggle.btn').click page.within('.content ul.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-align-right li') do click_link 'Least popular' end end step 'I sort the list by "Most popular"' do find('button.dropdown-toggle.btn').click page.within('.content ul.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-align-right li') do click_link 'Most popular' end end step 'The list should be sorted by "Oldest updated"' do expect(find('.issues-filters')).to have_content('Oldest updated') end step 'I click link "Next" in the sidebar' do page.within '.issuable-sidebar' do click_link 'Next' end end def create_issuable_for_project(project_name:, title:, type: :issue) project = Project.find_by(name: project_name) attrs = { title: title, author: project.users.first, description: '# Description header' } case type when :issue attrs.merge!(project: project) when :merge_request attrs.merge!( source_project: project, target_project: project, source_branch: 'fix', target_branch: 'master' ) end create(type, attrs) end def leave_reference_comment(issuable:, from_project_name:) project = Project.find_by(name: from_project_name) page.within('.js-main-target-form') do fill_in 'note[note]', with: "##{issuable.to_reference(project)}" click_button 'Comment' end end def visible_note(issuable:, from_project_name:, user_name:) project = Project.find_by(name: from_project_name) expect(page).to have_content(user_name) expect(page).to have_content("mentioned in #{issuable.class.to_s.titleize.downcase} #{issuable.to_reference(project)}") end def expect_sidebar_content(content) page.within '.issuable-sidebar' do expect(page).to have_content content end end end