module ServiceParams extend ActiveSupport::Concern ALLOWED_PARAMS = [:title, :token, :type, :active, :api_key, :api_url, :api_version, :subdomain, :room, :recipients, :project_url, :webhook, :user_key, :device, :priority, :sound, :bamboo_url, :username, :password, :build_key, :server, :teamcity_url, :drone_url, :build_type, :description, :issues_url, :new_issue_url, :restrict_to_branch, :channel, :colorize_messages, :channels, # We're using `issues_events` and `merge_requests_events` # in the view so we still need to explicitly state them # here. `Service#event_names` would only give # `issue_events` and `merge_request_events` (singular!) # See app/helpers/services_helper.rb for how we # make those event names plural as special case. :issues_events, :merge_requests_events, :notify_only_broken_builds, :notify_only_broken_pipelines, :add_pusher, :send_from_committer_email, :disable_diffs, :external_wiki_url, :notify, :color, :server_host, :server_port, :default_irc_uri, :enable_ssl_verification, :jira_issue_transition_id] # Parameters to ignore if no value is specified FILTER_BLANK_PARAMS = [:password] def service_params dynamic_params = @service.event_channel_names + @service.event_names service_params = params.permit(:id, service: ALLOWED_PARAMS + dynamic_params) if service_params[:service].is_a?(Hash) FILTER_BLANK_PARAMS.each do |param| service_params[:service].delete(param) if service_params[:service][param].blank? end end service_params end end