(function() { var bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; this.TemplateSelector = (function() { function TemplateSelector(opts) { var ref; if (opts == null) { opts = {}; } this.onClick = bind(this.onClick, this); this.dropdown = opts.dropdown, this.data = opts.data, this.pattern = opts.pattern, this.wrapper = opts.wrapper, this.editor = opts.editor, this.fileEndpoint = opts.fileEndpoint, this.$input = (ref = opts.$input) != null ? ref : $('#file_name'); this.dropdownIcon = $('.fa-chevron-down', this.dropdown); this.buildDropdown(); this.bindEvents(); this.onFilenameUpdate(); } TemplateSelector.prototype.buildDropdown = function() { return this.dropdown.glDropdown({ data: this.data, filterable: true, selectable: true, toggleLabel: this.toggleLabel, search: { fields: ['name'] }, clicked: this.onClick, text: function(item) { return item.name; } }); }; TemplateSelector.prototype.bindEvents = function() { return this.$input.on('keyup blur', (function(_this) { return function(e) { return _this.onFilenameUpdate(); }; })(this)); }; TemplateSelector.prototype.toggleLabel = function(item) { return item.name; }; TemplateSelector.prototype.onFilenameUpdate = function() { var filenameMatches; if (!this.$input.length) { return; } filenameMatches = this.pattern.test(this.$input.val().trim()); if (!filenameMatches) { this.wrapper.addClass('hidden'); return; } return this.wrapper.removeClass('hidden'); }; TemplateSelector.prototype.onClick = function(item, el, e) { e.preventDefault(); return this.requestFile(item); }; TemplateSelector.prototype.requestFile = function(item) { // This `requestFile` method is an abstract method that should // be added by all subclasses. }; TemplateSelector.prototype.requestFileSuccess = function(file, skipFocus) { this.editor.setValue(file.content, 1); if (!skipFocus) this.editor.focus(); }; TemplateSelector.prototype.startLoadingSpinner = function() { this.dropdownIcon .addClass('fa-spinner fa-spin') .removeClass('fa-chevron-down'); }; TemplateSelector.prototype.stopLoadingSpinner = function() { this.dropdownIcon .addClass('fa-chevron-down') .removeClass('fa-spinner fa-spin'); }; return TemplateSelector; })(); }).call(this);