# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'package details' do include GraphqlHelpers let_it_be_with_reload(:group) { create(:group) } let_it_be_with_reload(:project) { create(:project, group: group) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:composer_package) { create(:composer_package, project: project) } let_it_be(:composer_json) { { name: 'name', type: 'type', license: 'license', version: 1 } } let_it_be(:composer_metadatum) do # we are forced to manually create the metadatum, without using the factory to force the sha to be a string # and avoid an error where gitaly can't find the repository create(:composer_metadatum, package: composer_package, target_sha: 'foo_sha', composer_json: composer_json) end let(:depth) { 3 } let(:excluded) { %w[metadata apiFuzzingCiConfiguration pipeline packageFiles] } let(:metadata) { query_graphql_fragment('ComposerMetadata') } let(:package_files) {all_graphql_fields_for('PackageFile')} let(:package_global_id) { global_id_of(composer_package) } let(:package_details) { graphql_data_at(:package) } let(:query) do graphql_query_for(:package, { id: package_global_id }, <<~FIELDS) #{all_graphql_fields_for('PackageDetailsType', max_depth: depth, excluded: excluded)} metadata { #{metadata} } packageFiles { nodes { #{package_files} } } FIELDS end subject { post_graphql(query, current_user: user) } context 'with unauthorized user' do before do project.update!(visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE) end it 'returns no packages' do subject expect(graphql_data_at(:package)).to be_nil end end context 'with authorized user' do before do project.add_developer(user) end it_behaves_like 'a working graphql query' do before do subject end it 'matches the JSON schema' do expect(package_details).to match_schema('graphql/packages/package_details') end end context 'there are other versions of this package' do let(:depth) { 3 } let(:excluded) { %w[metadata project tags pipelines] } # to limit the query complexity let_it_be(:siblings) { create_list(:composer_package, 2, project: project, name: composer_package.name) } it 'includes the sibling versions' do subject expect(graphql_data_at(:package, :versions, :nodes)).to match_array( siblings.map { |p| a_hash_including('id' => global_id_of(p)) } ) end context 'going deeper' do let(:depth) { 6 } it 'does not create a cycle of versions' do subject expect(graphql_data_at(:package, :versions, :nodes, :version)).to be_present expect(graphql_data_at(:package, :versions, :nodes, :versions, :nodes)).to match_array [nil, nil] end end end context 'with package files pending destruction' do let_it_be(:package_file) { create(:package_file, package: composer_package) } let_it_be(:package_file_pending_destruction) { create(:package_file, :pending_destruction, package: composer_package) } let(:package_file_ids) { graphql_data_at(:package, :package_files, :nodes).map { |node| node["id"] } } it 'does not return them' do subject expect(package_file_ids).to contain_exactly(package_file.to_global_id.to_s) end end context 'with a batched query' do let_it_be(:conan_package) { create(:conan_package, project: project) } let(:batch_query) do <<~QUERY { a: package(id: "#{global_id_of(composer_package)}") { name } b: package(id: "#{global_id_of(conan_package)}") { name } } QUERY end let(:a_packages_names) { graphql_data_at(:a, :packages, :nodes, :name) } it 'returns an error for the second package and data for the first' do post_graphql(batch_query, current_user: user) expect(graphql_data_at(:a, :name)).to eq(composer_package.name) expect_graphql_errors_to_include [/Package details can be requested only for one package at a time/] expect(graphql_data_at(:b)).to be(nil) end end context 'pipelines field', :aggregate_failures do let(:pipelines) { create_list(:ci_pipeline, 6, project: project) } let(:pipeline_gids) { pipelines.sort_by(&:id).map(&:to_gid).map(&:to_s).reverse } before do pipelines.each do |pipeline| create(:package_build_info, package: composer_package, pipeline: pipeline) end end def run_query(args) pipelines_nodes = <<~QUERY nodes { id } pageInfo { startCursor endCursor } QUERY query = graphql_query_for(:package, { id: package_global_id }, query_graphql_field("pipelines", args, pipelines_nodes)) post_graphql(query, current_user: user) end it 'loads the second page with pagination first correctly' do run_query(first: 2) pipeline_ids = graphql_data.dig('package', 'pipelines', 'nodes').pluck('id') expect(pipeline_ids).to eq(pipeline_gids[0..1]) cursor = graphql_data.dig('package', 'pipelines', 'pageInfo', 'endCursor') run_query(first: 2, after: cursor) pipeline_ids = graphql_data.dig('package', 'pipelines', 'nodes').pluck('id') expect(pipeline_ids).to eq(pipeline_gids[2..3]) end it 'loads the second page with pagination last correctly' do run_query(last: 2) pipeline_ids = graphql_data.dig('package', 'pipelines', 'nodes').pluck('id') expect(pipeline_ids).to eq(pipeline_gids[4..5]) cursor = graphql_data.dig('package', 'pipelines', 'pageInfo', 'startCursor') run_query(last: 2, before: cursor) pipeline_ids = graphql_data.dig('package', 'pipelines', 'nodes').pluck('id') expect(pipeline_ids).to eq(pipeline_gids[2..3]) end end context 'package managers paths' do before do subject end it 'returns npm_url correctly' do expect(graphql_data_at(:package, :npm_url)).to eq("http://localhost/api/v4/projects/#{project.id}/packages/npm") end it 'returns maven_url correctly' do expect(graphql_data_at(:package, :maven_url)).to eq("http://localhost/api/v4/projects/#{project.id}/packages/maven") end it 'returns conan_url correctly' do expect(graphql_data_at(:package, :conan_url)).to eq("http://localhost/api/v4/projects/#{project.id}/packages/conan") end it 'returns nuget_url correctly' do expect(graphql_data_at(:package, :nuget_url)).to eq("http://localhost/api/v4/projects/#{project.id}/packages/nuget/index.json") end it 'returns pypi_url correctly' do expect(graphql_data_at(:package, :pypi_url)).to eq("http://__token__:@localhost/api/v4/projects/#{project.id}/packages/pypi/simple") end it 'returns pypi_setup_url correctly' do expect(graphql_data_at(:package, :pypi_setup_url)).to eq("http://localhost/api/v4/projects/#{project.id}/packages/pypi") end it 'returns composer_url correctly' do expect(graphql_data_at(:package, :composer_url)).to eq("http://localhost/api/v4/group/#{group.id}/-/packages/composer/packages.json") end it 'returns composer_config_repository_url correctly' do expect(graphql_data_at(:package, :composer_config_repository_url)).to eq("localhost/#{group.id}") end end end end