import { Document, parseDocument } from 'yaml'; import { GlProgressBar } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import { shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import PipelineWizardWrapper, { i18n } from '~/pipeline_wizard/components/wrapper.vue'; import WizardStep from '~/pipeline_wizard/components/step.vue'; import CommitStep from '~/pipeline_wizard/components/commit.vue'; import YamlEditor from '~/pipeline_wizard/components/editor.vue'; import { sprintf } from '~/locale'; import { steps as stepsYaml } from '../mock/yaml'; describe('Pipeline Wizard - wrapper.vue', () => { let wrapper; const steps = parseDocument(stepsYaml).toJS(); const getAsYamlNode = (value) => new Document(value).contents; const createComponent = (props = {}) => { wrapper = shallowMountExtended(PipelineWizardWrapper, { propsData: { projectPath: '/user/repo', defaultBranch: 'main', filename: '.gitlab-ci.yml', steps: getAsYamlNode(steps), ...props, }, }); }; const getEditorContent = () => { return wrapper.getComponent(YamlEditor).attributes().doc.toString(); }; const getStepWrapper = () => wrapper.getComponent(WizardStep); const getGlProgressBarWrapper = () => wrapper.getComponent(GlProgressBar); describe('display', () => { afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('shows the steps', () => { createComponent(); expect(getStepWrapper().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('shows the progress bar', () => { createComponent(); const expectedMessage = sprintf(i18n.stepNofN, { currentStep: 1, stepCount: 3, }); expect(wrapper.findByTestId('step-count').text()).toBe(expectedMessage); expect(getGlProgressBarWrapper().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('shows the editor', () => { createComponent(); expect(wrapper.findComponent(YamlEditor).exists()).toBe(true); }); it('shows the editor header with the default filename', () => { createComponent(); const expectedMessage = sprintf(i18n.draft, { filename: '.gitlab-ci.yml', }); expect(wrapper.findByTestId('editor-header').text()).toBe(expectedMessage); }); it('shows the editor header with a custom filename', async () => { const filename = 'my-file.yml'; createComponent({ filename, }); const expectedMessage = sprintf(i18n.draft, { filename, }); expect(wrapper.findByTestId('editor-header').text()).toBe(expectedMessage); }); }); describe('steps', () => { const totalSteps = steps.length + 1; // **Note** on `expectProgressBarValue` // Why are we expecting 50% here and not 66% or even 100%? // The reason is mostly a UX thing. // First, we count the commit step as an extra step, so that would // be 66% by now (2 of 3). // But then we add yet another one to the calc, because when we // arrived on the second step's page, it's not *completed* (which is // what the progress bar indicates). So in that case we're at 33%. // Lastly, we want to start out with the progress bar not at zero, // because UX research indicates that makes a process like this less // intimidating, so we're always adding one step to the value bar // (but not to the step counter. Now we're back at 50%. describe.each` step | navigationEventChain | expectStepNumber | expectCommitStepShown | expectStepDef | expectProgressBarValue ${'initial step'} | ${[]} | ${1} | ${false} | ${steps[0]} | ${25} ${'second step'} | ${['next']} | ${2} | ${false} | ${steps[1]} | ${50} ${'commit step'} | ${['next', 'next']} | ${3} | ${true} | ${null} | ${75} ${'stepping back'} | ${['next', 'back']} | ${1} | ${false} | ${steps[0]} | ${25} ${'clicking next>next>back'} | ${['next', 'next', 'back']} | ${2} | ${false} | ${steps[1]} | ${50} ${'clicking all the way through and back'} | ${['next', 'next', 'back', 'back']} | ${1} | ${false} | ${steps[0]} | ${25} `( '$step', ({ navigationEventChain, expectStepNumber, expectCommitStepShown, expectStepDef, expectProgressBarValue, }) => { beforeAll(async () => { createComponent(); for (const emittedValue of navigationEventChain) { wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'step' }).vm.$emit(emittedValue); // We have to wait for the next step to be mounted // before we can emit the next event, so we have to await // inside the loop. // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await nextTick(); } }); afterAll(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); if (expectCommitStepShown) { it('does not show the step wrapper', async () => { expect(wrapper.findComponent(WizardStep).exists()).toBe(false); }); it('shows the commit step page', () => { expect(wrapper.findComponent(CommitStep).exists()).toBe(true); }); } else { it('passes the correct step config to the step component', async () => { expect(getStepWrapper().props('inputs')).toMatchObject(expectStepDef.inputs); }); it('does not show the commit step page', () => { expect(wrapper.findComponent(CommitStep).exists()).toBe(false); }); } it('updates the progress bar', () => { expect(getGlProgressBarWrapper().attributes('value')).toBe(`${expectProgressBarValue}`); }); it('updates the step number', () => { const expectedMessage = sprintf(i18n.stepNofN, { currentStep: expectStepNumber, stepCount: totalSteps, }); expect(wrapper.findByTestId('step-count').text()).toBe(expectedMessage); }); }, ); }); describe('editor overlay', () => { beforeAll(() => { createComponent(); }); afterAll(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('initially shows a placeholder', async () => { const editorContent = getEditorContent(); await nextTick(); expect(editorContent).toBe('foo: $FOO\nbar: $BAR\n'); }); it('shows an overlay with help text after setup', () => { expect(wrapper.findByTestId('placeholder-overlay').exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.findByTestId('filename').text()).toBe('.gitlab-ci.yml'); expect(wrapper.findByTestId('description').text()).toBe(i18n.overlayMessage); }); it('does not show overlay when content has changed', async () => { const newCompiledDoc = new Document({ faa: 'bur' }); await getStepWrapper().vm.$emit('update:compiled', newCompiledDoc); await nextTick(); const overlay = wrapper.findByTestId('placeholder-overlay'); expect(overlay.exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('editor updates', () => { beforeAll(() => { createComponent(); }); afterAll(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('editor reflects changes', async () => { const newCompiledDoc = new Document({ faa: 'bur' }); await getStepWrapper().vm.$emit('update:compiled', newCompiledDoc); expect(getEditorContent()).toBe(newCompiledDoc.toString()); }); }); describe('line highlights', () => { beforeAll(() => { createComponent(); }); afterAll(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('highlight requests by the step get passed on to the editor', async () => { const highlight = 'foo'; await getStepWrapper().vm.$emit('update:highlight', highlight); expect(wrapper.getComponent(YamlEditor).props('highlight')).toBe(highlight); }); it('removes the highlight when clicking through to the commit step', async () => { // Simulate clicking through all steps until the last one await Promise.all( () => { await getStepWrapper().vm.$emit('next'); await nextTick(); }), ); expect(wrapper.getComponent(YamlEditor).props('highlight')).toBe(null); }); }); });