# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Database module Migrations class TestBackgroundRunner # TODO - build a rake task to call this method, and support it in the gitlab-com-database-testing project. # Until then, we will inject a migration with a very high timestamp during database testing # that calls this class to run jobs # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/database-team/gitlab-com-database-testing/-/issues/41 for details def initialize @job_coordinator = Gitlab::BackgroundMigration.coordinator_for_database(Gitlab::Database::MAIN_DATABASE_NAME) end def traditional_background_migrations @job_coordinator.pending_jobs end def run_jobs(for_duration:) jobs_to_run = traditional_background_migrations.group_by { |j| class_name_for_job(j) } return if jobs_to_run.empty? # without .to_f, we do integer division # For example, 3.minutes / 2 == 1.minute whereas 3.minutes / 2.to_f == (1.minute + 30.seconds) duration_per_migration_type = for_duration / jobs_to_run.count.to_f jobs_to_run.each do |_migration_name, jobs| run_until = duration_per_migration_type.from_now jobs.shuffle.each do |j| break if run_until <= Time.current run_job(j) end end end private def run_job(job) Gitlab::BackgroundMigration.perform(job.args[0], job.args[1]) end def class_name_for_job(job) job.args[0] end end end end end