# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab # This module implements a simple rate limiter that can be used to throttle # certain actions. Unlike Rack Attack and Rack::Throttle, which operate at # the middleware level, this can be used at the controller or API level. # See CheckRateLimit concern for usage. module ApplicationRateLimiter InvalidKeyError = Class.new(StandardError) class << self # Application rate limits # # Threshold value can be either an Integer or a Proc # in order to not evaluate it's value every time this method is called # and only do that when it's needed. def rate_limits # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize { issues_create: { threshold: -> { application_settings.issues_create_limit }, interval: 1.minute }, notes_create: { threshold: -> { application_settings.notes_create_limit }, interval: 1.minute }, project_export: { threshold: -> { application_settings.project_export_limit }, interval: 1.minute }, project_download_export: { threshold: -> { application_settings.project_download_export_limit }, interval: 1.minute }, project_repositories_archive: { threshold: 5, interval: 1.minute }, project_generate_new_export: { threshold: -> { application_settings.project_export_limit }, interval: 1.minute }, project_import: { threshold: -> { application_settings.project_import_limit }, interval: 1.minute }, project_testing_hook: { threshold: 5, interval: 1.minute }, play_pipeline_schedule: { threshold: 1, interval: 1.minute }, raw_blob: { threshold: -> { application_settings.raw_blob_request_limit }, interval: 1.minute }, group_export: { threshold: -> { application_settings.group_export_limit }, interval: 1.minute }, group_download_export: { threshold: -> { application_settings.group_download_export_limit }, interval: 1.minute }, group_import: { threshold: -> { application_settings.group_import_limit }, interval: 1.minute }, group_testing_hook: { threshold: 5, interval: 1.minute }, profile_add_new_email: { threshold: 5, interval: 1.minute }, web_hook_calls: { interval: 1.minute }, users_get_by_id: { threshold: -> { application_settings.users_get_by_id_limit }, interval: 10.minutes }, username_exists: { threshold: 20, interval: 1.minute }, user_sign_up: { threshold: 20, interval: 1.minute }, profile_resend_email_confirmation: { threshold: 5, interval: 1.minute }, profile_update_username: { threshold: 10, interval: 1.minute }, update_environment_canary_ingress: { threshold: 1, interval: 1.minute }, auto_rollback_deployment: { threshold: 1, interval: 3.minutes }, search_rate_limit: { threshold: -> { application_settings.search_rate_limit }, interval: 1.minute }, search_rate_limit_unauthenticated: { threshold: -> { application_settings.search_rate_limit_unauthenticated }, interval: 1.minute }, gitlab_shell_operation: { threshold: 600, interval: 1.minute } }.freeze end # Increments the given key and returns true if the action should # be throttled. # # @param key [Symbol] Key attribute registered in `.rate_limits` # @param scope [Array] Array of ActiveRecord models, Strings or Symbols to scope throttling to a specific request (e.g. per user per project) # @param threshold [Integer] Optional threshold value to override default one registered in `.rate_limits` # @param users_allowlist [Array] Optional list of usernames to exclude from the limit. This param will only be functional if Scope includes a current user. # @param peek [Boolean] Optional. When true the key will not be incremented but the current throttled state will be returned. # # @return [Boolean] Whether or not a request should be throttled def throttled?(key, scope:, threshold: nil, users_allowlist: nil, peek: false) raise InvalidKeyError unless rate_limits[key] return false if scoped_user_in_allowlist?(scope, users_allowlist) threshold_value = threshold || threshold(key) return false if threshold_value == 0 interval_value = interval(key) # `period_key` is based on the current time and interval so when time passes to the next interval # the key changes and the rate limit count starts again from 0. # Based on https://github.com/rack/rack-attack/blob/886ba3a18d13c6484cd511a4dc9b76c0d14e5e96/lib/rack/attack/cache.rb#L63-L68 period_key, time_elapsed_in_period = Time.now.to_i.divmod(interval_value) cache_key = cache_key(key, scope, period_key) value = if peek read(cache_key) else increment(cache_key, interval_value, time_elapsed_in_period) end value > threshold_value end # Returns the current rate limited state without incrementing the count. # # @param key [Symbol] Key attribute registered in `.rate_limits` # @param scope [Array] Array of ActiveRecord models to scope throttling to a specific request (e.g. per user per project) # @param threshold [Integer] Optional threshold value to override default one registered in `.rate_limits` # @param users_allowlist [Array] Optional list of usernames to exclude from the limit. This param will only be functional if Scope includes a current user. # # @return [Boolean] Whether or not a request is currently throttled def peek(key, scope:, threshold: nil, users_allowlist: nil) throttled?(key, peek: true, scope: scope, threshold: threshold, users_allowlist: users_allowlist) end # Logs request using provided logger # # @param request [Http::Request] - Web request to be logged # @param type [Symbol] A symbol key that represents the request # @param current_user [User] Current user of the request, it can be nil # @param logger [Logger] Logger to log request to a specific log file. Defaults to Gitlab::AuthLogger def log_request(request, type, current_user, logger = Gitlab::AuthLogger) request_information = { message: 'Application_Rate_Limiter_Request', env: type, remote_ip: request.ip, request_method: request.request_method, path: request.fullpath } if current_user request_information.merge!({ user_id: current_user.id, username: current_user.username }) end logger.error(request_information) end private def threshold(key) value = rate_limit_value_by_key(key, :threshold) return value.call if value.is_a?(Proc) value.to_i end def interval(key) rate_limit_value_by_key(key, :interval).to_i end def rate_limit_value_by_key(key, setting) action = rate_limits[key] action[setting] if action end # Increments the rate limit count and returns the new count value. def increment(cache_key, interval_value, time_elapsed_in_period) # We add a 1 second buffer to avoid timing issues when we're at the end of a period expiry = interval_value - time_elapsed_in_period + 1 ::Gitlab::Redis::RateLimiting.with do |redis| redis.pipelined do redis.incr(cache_key) redis.expire(cache_key, expiry) end.first end end # Returns the rate limit count. # Will be 0 if there is no data in the cache. def read(cache_key) ::Gitlab::Redis::RateLimiting.with do |redis| redis.get(cache_key).to_i end end def cache_key(key, scope, period_key) composed_key = [key, scope].flatten.compact serialized = composed_key.map do |obj| if obj.is_a?(String) || obj.is_a?(Symbol) "#{obj}" else "#{obj.class.model_name.to_s.underscore}:#{obj.id}" end end.join(":") "application_rate_limiter:#{serialized}:#{period_key}" end def application_settings Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings end def scoped_user_in_allowlist?(scope, users_allowlist) return unless users_allowlist.present? scoped_user = [scope].flatten.find { |s| s.is_a?(User) } return unless scoped_user scoped_user.username.downcase.in?(users_allowlist) end end end end