--- stage: Release group: Release info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # Getting started with Continuous Deployment to AWS Elastic Container Service **(FREE)** This step-by-step guide helps you use [Continuous Deployment to ECS](../index.md#deploy-your-application-to-the-aws-elastic-container-service-ecs) that deploys a project hosted on GitLab.com to [Elastic Container Service](https://aws.amazon.com/ecs/) (ECS) on AWS. In this guide, you begin by creating an ECS cluster manually using the AWS console. You create and deploy a simple application that you create from a GitLab template. These instructions work for both SaaS and self-managed GitLab instances. Ensure your own [runners are configured](../../runners/index.md). ## Prerequisites - An [AWS account](https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/create-and-activate-aws-account/). Sign in with an existing AWS account or create a new one. - In this guide, you create an infrastructure in [`us-east-2` region](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-regions-availability-zones.html). You can use any region, but do not change it after you begin. ## Create an infrastructure and initial deployment on AWS For deploying an application from GitLab, you must first create an infrastructure and initial deployment on AWS. This includes an [ECS cluster](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/clusters.html) and related components, such as [ECS task definitions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_definitions.html), [ECS services](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ecs_services.html), and containerized application image. For the first step here, you create a demo application from a project template. ### Create a new project from a template Use a GitLab project template to get started. As the name suggests, these projects provide a bare-bones application built on some well-known frameworks. 1. In GitLab, select the plus icon (**{plus-square}**) at the top of the navigation bar, and select **New project**. 1. Select **Create from template**, where you can choose from a Ruby on Rails, Spring, or NodeJS Express project. For this guide, use the Ruby on Rails template. ![Select project template](img/rails-template.png) 1. Give your project a name. In this example, it's named `ecs-demo`. Make it public so that you can take advantage of the features available in the [GitLab Ultimate plan](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/). 1. Select **Create project**. Now that you created a demo project, you must containerize the application and push it to the container registry. ### Push a containerized application image to GitLab Container Registry [ECS](https://aws.amazon.com/ecs/) is a container orchestration service, meaning that you must provide a containerized application image during the infrastructure build. To do so, you can use GitLab [Auto Build](../../../topics/autodevops/stages.md#auto-build) and [Container Registry](../../../user/packages/container_registry/index.md). 1. Go to **ecs-demo** project on GitLab. 1. Select **Setup up CI/CD**. It brings you to a `.gitlab-ci.yml` creation form. 1. Copy and paste the following content into the empty `.gitlab-ci.yml`. This defines [a pipeline for continuous deployment to ECS](../index.md#deploy-your-application-to-the-aws-elastic-container-service-ecs). ```yaml include: - template: AWS/Deploy-ECS.gitlab-ci.yml ``` 1. Select **Commit Changes**. It automatically triggers a new pipeline. In this pipeline, the `build` job containerizes the application and pushes the image to [GitLab Container Registry](../../../user/packages/container_registry/index.md). ![Create project](img/initial-pipeline.png) 1. Visit **Packages & Registries > Container Registry**. Make sure the application image has been pushed. ![Create project](img/registry.png) Now you have a containerized application image that can be pulled from AWS. Next, you define the spec of how this application image is used in AWS. Note that the `production_ecs` job fails because ECS Cluster is not connected yet. You'll fix this later. ### Create an ECS task definition [ECS Task definitions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_definitions.html) is a specification about how the application image is started by an [ECS service](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ecs_services.html). 1. Go to **ECS > Task Definitions** on [AWS console](https://aws.amazon.com/). 1. Select **Create new Task Definition**. ![Create project](img/ecs-task-definitions.png) 1. Choose **EC2** as the launch type. Select **Next Step**. 1. Set `ecs_demo` to **Task Definition Name**. 1. Set `512` to **Task Size > Task memory** and **Task CPU**. 1. Select **Container Definitions > Add container**. This opens a container registration form. 1. Set `web` to **Container name**. 1. Set `registry.gitlab.com//ecs-demo/master:latest` to **Image**. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the image path from the [GitLab Container Registry page](#push-a-containerized-application-image-to-gitlab-container-registry). ![Create project](img/container-name.png) 1. Add a port mapping. Set `80` to **Host Port** and `5000` to **Container port**. ![Create project](img/container-port-mapping.png) 1. Select **Create**. Now you have the initial task definition. Next, you create an actual infrastructure to run the application image. ### Create an ECS cluster An [ECS cluster](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/clusters.html) is a virtual group of [ECS services](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ecs_services.html). It's also associated with EC2 or Fargate as the computation resource. 1. Go to **ECS > Clusters** on [AWS console](https://aws.amazon.com/). 1. Select **Create Cluster**. 1. Select **EC2 Linux + Networking** as the cluster template. Select **Next Step**. 1. Set `ecs-demo` to **Cluster Name**. 1. Choose the default [VPC](https://aws.amazon.com/vpc/?vpc-blogs.sort-by=item.additionalFields.createdDate&vpc-blogs.sort-order=desc) in **Networking**. If there are no existing VPCs, you can leave it as-is to create a new one. 1. Set all available subnets of the VPC to **Subnets**. 1. Select **Create**. 1. Make sure that the ECS cluster has been successfully created. ![Create project](img/ecs-launch-status.png) Now you can register an ECS service to the ECS cluster in the next step. Note the following: - Optionally, you can set a SSH key pair in the creation form. This allows you to SSH to the EC2 instance for debugging. - If you don't choose an existing VPC, it creates a new VPC by default. This could cause an error if it reaches the maximum allowed number of internet gateways on your account. - The cluster requires an EC2 instance, meaning it costs you [according to the instance-type](https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/on-demand/). ### Create an ECS Service [ECS service](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ecs_services.html) is a daemon to create an application container based on the [ECS task definition](#create-an-ecs-task-definition). 1. Go to **ECS > Clusters > ecs-demo > Services** on the [AWS console](https://aws.amazon.com/) 1. Select **Deploy**. This opens a service creation form. 1. Select `EC2` in **Launch Type**. 1. Set `ecs_demo` to **Task definition**. This corresponds to [the task definition you created above](#create-an-ecs-task-definition). 1. Set `ecs_demo` to **Service name**. 1. Set `1` to **Desired tasks**. ![Create project](img/service-parameter.png) 1. Select **Deploy**. 1. Make sure that the created service is active. ![Create project](img/service-running.png) Note that AWS's console UI changes from time to time. If you can't find a relevant component in the instructions, select the closest one. ### View the demo application Now, the demo application is accessible from the internet. 1. Go to **EC2 > Instances** on the [AWS console](https://aws.amazon.com/) 1. Search by `ECS Instance` to find the corresponding EC2 instance that [the ECS cluster created](#create-an-ecs-cluster). 1. Select the ID of the EC2 instance. This brings you to the instance detail page. 1. Copy **Public IPv4 address** and paste it in the browser. Now you can see the demo application running. ![Create project](img/view-running-app.png) In this guide, HTTPS/SSL is **NOT** configured. You can access to the application through HTTP only (for example, `http://`). ## Setup Continuous Deployment from GitLab Now that you have an application running on ECS, you can set up continuous deployment from GitLab. ### Create a new IAM user as a deployer For GitLab to access the ECS cluster, service, and task definition that you created above, You must create a deployer user on AWS: 1. Go to **IAM > Users** on [AWS console](https://aws.amazon.com/). 1. Select **Add user**. 1. Set `ecs_demo` to **User name**. 1. Enable **Programmatic access** checkbox. Select **Next: Permissions**. 1. Select `Attach existing policies directly` in **Set permissions**. 1. Select `AmazonECS_FullAccess` from the policy list. Select **Next: Tags** and **Next: Review**. ![Create project](img/ecs-policy.png) 1. Select **Create user**. 1. Take note of the **Access key ID** and **Secret access key** of the created user. NOTE: Do not share the secret access key in a public place. You must save it in a secure place. ### Setup credentials in GitLab to let pipeline jobs access to ECS You can register the access information in [GitLab Environment Variables](../../variables/index.md#custom-cicd-variables). These variables are injected into the pipeline jobs and can access the ECS API. 1. Go to **ecs-demo** project on GitLab. 1. Go to **Settings > CI/CD > Variables**. 1. Select **Add Variable** and set the following key-value pairs. |Key|Value|Note| |---|---|---| |`AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`|``| For authenticating `aws` CLI. | |`AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`|``| For authenticating `aws` CLI. | |`AWS_DEFAULT_REGION`|`us-east-2`| For authenticating `aws` CLI. | |`CI_AWS_ECS_CLUSTER`|`ecs-demo`| The ECS cluster is accessed by `production_ecs` job. | |`CI_AWS_ECS_SERVICE`|`ecs_demo`| The ECS service of the cluster is updated by `production_ecs` job. | |`CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION`|`ecs_demo`| The ECS task definition is updated by `production_ecs` job. | ### Make a change to the demo application Change a file in the project and see if it's reflected in the demo application on ECS: 1. Go to **ecs-demo** project on GitLab. 1. Open the file at **app > views > welcome > `index.html.erb`**. 1. Select **Edit**. 1. Change the text to `You're on ECS!`. 1. Select **Commit Changes**. This automatically triggers a new pipeline. Wait until it finishes. 1. [Access the running application on the ECS cluster](#view-the-demo-application). You should see this: ![Create project](img/view-running-app-2.png) Congratulations! You successfully set up continuous deployment to ECS. ## Further reading - If you're interested in more of the continuous deployments to clouds, see [cloud deployments](../index.md). - If you want to quickly set up DevSecOps in your project, see [Auto DevOps](../../../topics/autodevops/index.md). - If you want to quickly set up the production-grade environment, see [the 5 Minute Production App](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/5-minute-production-app/deploy-template/-/blob/master/README.md).