# frozen_string_literal: true class ProjectFeature < ApplicationRecord include Featurable extend Gitlab::ConfigHelper # When updating this array, make sure to update rubocop/cop/gitlab/feature_available_usage.rb as well. FEATURES = %i[ issues forking merge_requests wiki snippets builds repository pages metrics_dashboard analytics operations security_and_compliance container_registry ].freeze EXPORTABLE_FEATURES = (FEATURES - [:security_and_compliance, :pages]).freeze set_available_features(FEATURES) PRIVATE_FEATURES_MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL = { merge_requests: Gitlab::Access::REPORTER, metrics_dashboard: Gitlab::Access::REPORTER, container_registry: Gitlab::Access::REPORTER }.freeze PRIVATE_FEATURES_MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL_FOR_PRIVATE_PROJECT = { repository: Gitlab::Access::REPORTER }.freeze class << self def required_minimum_access_level(feature) feature = ensure_feature!(feature) PRIVATE_FEATURES_MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL.fetch(feature, Gitlab::Access::GUEST) end # Guest users can perform certain features on public and internal projects, but not private projects. def required_minimum_access_level_for_private_project(feature) feature = ensure_feature!(feature) PRIVATE_FEATURES_MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL_FOR_PRIVATE_PROJECT.fetch(feature) do required_minimum_access_level(feature) end end end belongs_to :project validates :project, presence: true validate :repository_children_level default_value_for :builds_access_level, value: ENABLED, allows_nil: false default_value_for :issues_access_level, value: ENABLED, allows_nil: false default_value_for :forking_access_level, value: ENABLED, allows_nil: false default_value_for :merge_requests_access_level, value: ENABLED, allows_nil: false default_value_for :snippets_access_level, value: ENABLED, allows_nil: false default_value_for :wiki_access_level, value: ENABLED, allows_nil: false default_value_for :repository_access_level, value: ENABLED, allows_nil: false default_value_for :analytics_access_level, value: ENABLED, allows_nil: false default_value_for :metrics_dashboard_access_level, value: PRIVATE, allows_nil: false default_value_for :operations_access_level, value: ENABLED, allows_nil: false default_value_for :security_and_compliance_access_level, value: PRIVATE, allows_nil: false default_value_for(:pages_access_level, allows_nil: false) do |feature| if ::Gitlab::Pages.access_control_is_forced? PRIVATE else feature.project&.public? ? ENABLED : PRIVATE end end default_value_for(:container_registry_access_level) do |feature| if gitlab_config_features.container_registry ENABLED else DISABLED end end # "enabled" here means "not disabled". It includes private features! scope :with_feature_enabled, ->(feature) { feature_access_level_attribute = arel_table[access_level_attribute(feature)] enabled_feature = feature_access_level_attribute.gt(DISABLED).or(feature_access_level_attribute.eq(nil)) where(enabled_feature) } # Picks a feature where the level is exactly that given. scope :with_feature_access_level, ->(feature, level) { feature_access_level_attribute = access_level_attribute(feature) where(project_features: { feature_access_level_attribute => level }) } # project features may be "disabled", "internal", "enabled" or "public". If "internal", # they are only available to team members. This scope returns features where # the feature is either public, enabled, or internal with permission for the user. # Note: this scope doesn't enforce that the user has access to the projects, it just checks # that the user has access to the feature. It's important to use this scope with others # that checks project authorizations first (e.g. `filter_by_feature_visibility`). # # This method uses an optimized version of `with_feature_access_level` for # logged in users to more efficiently get private projects with the given # feature. def self.with_feature_available_for_user(feature, user) visible = [ENABLED, PUBLIC] if user&.can_read_all_resources? with_feature_enabled(feature) elsif user min_access_level = required_minimum_access_level(feature) column = quoted_access_level_column(feature) where("#{column} IS NULL OR #{column} IN (:public_visible) OR (#{column} = :private_visible AND EXISTS (:authorizations))", { public_visible: visible, private_visible: PRIVATE, authorizations: user.authorizations_for_projects(min_access_level: min_access_level, related_project_column: 'project_features.project_id') }) else # This has to be added to include features whose value is nil in the db visible << nil with_feature_access_level(feature, visible) end end def public_pages? return true unless Gitlab.config.pages.access_control return false if ::Gitlab::Pages.access_control_is_forced? pages_access_level == PUBLIC || pages_access_level == ENABLED && project.public? end def private_pages? !public_pages? end private # Validates builds and merge requests access level # which cannot be higher than repository access level def repository_children_level validator = lambda do |field| level = public_send(field) || ENABLED # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend not_allowed = level > repository_access_level self.errors.add(field, "cannot have higher visibility level than repository access level") if not_allowed end %i(merge_requests_access_level builds_access_level).each(&validator) end def get_permission(user, feature) case access_level(feature) when DISABLED false when PRIVATE team_access?(user, feature) when ENABLED true when PUBLIC true else true end end def team_access?(user, feature) return unless user return true if user.can_read_all_resources? project.team.member?(user, ProjectFeature.required_minimum_access_level(feature)) end def feature_validation_exclusion %i(pages) end end ProjectFeature.prepend_mod_with('ProjectFeature')