import { s__ } from '~/locale'; export const DEFAULT_GROUPS_PER_PAGE = 10; export const ALERT_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY = 'gitlab_alert'; export const MINIMUM_SEARCH_TERM_LENGTH = 3; export const ADD_NAMESPACE_MODAL_ID = 'add-namespace-modal'; export const I18N_DEFAULT_SIGN_IN_BUTTON_TEXT = s__('Integrations|Sign in to GitLab'); export const I18N_DEFAULT_SIGN_IN_ERROR_MESSAGE = s__('Integrations|Failed to sign in to GitLab.'); const OAUTH_WINDOW_SIZE = 800; export const OAUTH_WINDOW_OPTIONS = [ 'resizable=yes', 'scrollbars=yes', 'status=yes', `width=${OAUTH_WINDOW_SIZE}`, `height=${OAUTH_WINDOW_SIZE}`, `left=${window.screen.width / 2 - OAUTH_WINDOW_SIZE / 2}`, `top=${window.screen.height / 2 - OAUTH_WINDOW_SIZE / 2}`, ].join(','); export const PKCE_CODE_CHALLENGE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM = { long: 'SHA-256', short: 'S256', };