require 'spec_helper' describe Boards::Lists::CreateService do describe '#execute' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:board) { create(:board, project: project) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:label) { create(:label, project: project, name: 'in-progress') } subject(:service) {, user, label_id: } before do project.add_developer(user) end context 'when board lists is empty' do it 'creates a new list at beginning of the list' do list = service.execute(board) expect(list.position).to eq 0 end end context 'when board lists has the done list' do it 'creates a new list at beginning of the list' do list = service.execute(board) expect(list.position).to eq 0 end end context 'when board lists has labels lists' do it 'creates a new list at end of the lists' do create(:list, board: board, position: 0) create(:list, board: board, position: 1) list = service.execute(board) expect(list.position).to eq 2 end end context 'when board lists has label and done lists' do it 'creates a new list at end of the label lists' do list1 = create(:list, board: board, position: 0) list2 = service.execute(board) expect(list1.reload.position).to eq 0 expect(list2.reload.position).to eq 1 end end context 'when provided label does not belongs to the project' do it 'raises an error' do label = create(:label, name: 'in-development') service =, user, label_id: expect { service.execute(board) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end end