import Vue from 'vue'; import confirmationInput from '~/vue_shared/components/confirmation_input.vue'; import mountComponent from '../../helpers/vue_mount_component_helper'; describe('Confirmation input component', () => { const Component = Vue.extend(confirmationInput); const props = { inputId: 'dummy-id', confirmationKey: 'confirmation-key', confirmationValue: 'confirmation-value', }; let vm; afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); }); describe('props', () => { beforeEach(() => { vm = mountComponent(Component, props); }); it('sets id of the input field to inputId', () => { expect(vm.$; }); it('sets name of the input field to confirmationKey', () => { expect(vm.$; }); }); describe('computed', () => { describe('inputLabel', () => { it('escapes confirmationValue by default', () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { ...props, confirmationValue: 'nds escap"ng' }); expect(vm.inputLabel).toBe('Type n<e></e>ds escap"ng to confirm:'); }); it('does not escape confirmationValue if escapeValue is false', () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { ...props, confirmationValue: 'nds escap"ng', shouldEscapeConfirmationValue: false }); expect(vm.inputLabel).toBe('Type nds escap"ng to confirm:'); }); }); }); describe('methods', () => { describe('hasCorrectValue', () => { beforeEach(() => { vm = mountComponent(Component, props); }); it('returns false if entered value is incorrect', () => { vm.$refs.enteredValue.value = 'incorrect'; expect(vm.hasCorrectValue()).toBe(false); }); it('returns true if entered value is correct', () => { vm.$refs.enteredValue.value = props.confirmationValue; expect(vm.hasCorrectValue()).toBe(true); }); }); }); });