import Vue from 'vue'; import store from '~/ide/stores'; import service from '~/ide/services'; import { file, resetStore } from '../../helpers'; describe('Multi-file store tree actions', () => { let projectTree; const basicCallParameters = { endpoint: 'rootEndpoint', projectId: 'abcproject', branch: 'master', }; beforeEach(() => { store.state.currentProjectId = 'abcproject'; store.state.currentBranchId = 'master'; store.state.projects.abcproject = { web_url: '', branches: { master: { workingReference: '1', }, }, }; }); afterEach(() => { resetStore(store); }); describe('getTreeData', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(service, 'getTreeData').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({ headers: { 'page-title': 'test', }, json: () => Promise.resolve({ last_commit_path: 'last_commit_path', parent_tree_url: 'parent_tree_url', path: '/', trees: [{ name: 'tree' }], blobs: [{ name: 'blob' }], submodules: [{ name: 'submodule' }], }), })); }); it('calls service getTreeData', (done) => { store.dispatch('getTreeData', basicCallParameters) .then(() => { expect(service.getTreeData).toHaveBeenCalledWith('rootEndpoint'); done(); }).catch(; }); it('adds data into tree', (done) => { store.dispatch('getTreeData', basicCallParameters) .then(() => { projectTree = store.state.trees['abcproject/master']; expect(projectTree.tree.length).toBe(3); expect(projectTree.tree[0].type).toBe('tree'); expect(projectTree.tree[1].type).toBe('submodule'); expect(projectTree.tree[2].type).toBe('blob'); done(); }).catch(; }); it('sets parent tree URL', (done) => { store.dispatch('getTreeData', basicCallParameters) .then(() => { expect(store.state.parentTreeUrl).toBe('parent_tree_url'); done(); }).catch(; }); it('sets last commit path', (done) => { store.dispatch('getTreeData', basicCallParameters) .then(() => { expect(store.state.trees['abcproject/master'].lastCommitPath).toBe('last_commit_path'); done(); }).catch(; }); it('sets root if not currently at root', (done) => { store.state.isInitialRoot = false; store.dispatch('getTreeData', basicCallParameters) .then(() => { expect(store.state.isInitialRoot).toBeTruthy(); expect(store.state.isRoot).toBeTruthy(); done(); }).catch(; }); it('sets page title', (done) => { store.dispatch('getTreeData', basicCallParameters) .then(() => { expect(document.title).toBe('test'); done(); }).catch(; }); it('calls getLastCommitData if prevLastCommitPath is not null', (done) => { const getLastCommitDataSpy = jasmine.createSpy('getLastCommitData'); const oldGetLastCommitData = store._actions.getLastCommitData; // eslint-disable-line store._actions.getLastCommitData = [getLastCommitDataSpy]; // eslint-disable-line store.state.prevLastCommitPath = 'test'; store.dispatch('getTreeData', basicCallParameters) .then(() => { expect(getLastCommitDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(projectTree); store._actions.getLastCommitData = oldGetLastCommitData; // eslint-disable-line done(); }).catch(; }); }); describe('toggleTreeOpen', () => { let oldGetTreeData; let getTreeDataSpy; let tree; beforeEach(() => { getTreeDataSpy = jasmine.createSpy('getTreeData'); oldGetTreeData = store._actions.getTreeData; // eslint-disable-line store._actions.getTreeData = [getTreeDataSpy]; // eslint-disable-line tree = { projectId: 'abcproject', branchId: 'master', opened: false, tree: [], }; }); afterEach(() => { store._actions.getTreeData = oldGetTreeData; // eslint-disable-line }); it('toggles the tree open', (done) => { store.dispatch('toggleTreeOpen', { endpoint: 'test', tree, }).then(() => { expect(tree.opened).toBeTruthy(); done(); }).catch(; }); it('calls getTreeData if tree is closed', (done) => { store.dispatch('toggleTreeOpen', { endpoint: 'test', tree, }).then(() => { expect(getTreeDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ projectId: 'abcproject', branch: 'master', endpoint: 'test', tree, }); done(); }).catch(; }); it('resets entries tree', (done) => { Object.assign(tree, { opened: true, tree: ['a'], }); store.dispatch('toggleTreeOpen', { endpoint: 'test', tree, }).then(() => { expect(tree.tree.length).toBe(0); done(); }).catch(; }); }); describe('createTempTree', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.state.trees['abcproject/mybranch'] = { tree: [], }; projectTree = store.state.trees['abcproject/mybranch']; }); it('creates temp tree', (done) => { store.dispatch('createTempTree', { projectId: store.state.currentProjectId, branchId: store.state.currentBranchId, name: 'test', parent: projectTree, }) .then(() => { expect(projectTree.tree[0].name).toBe('test'); expect(projectTree.tree[0].type).toBe('tree'); done(); }).catch(; }); it('creates new folder inside another tree', (done) => { const tree = { type: 'tree', name: 'testing', tree: [], }; projectTree.tree.push(tree); store.dispatch('createTempTree', { projectId: store.state.currentProjectId, branchId: store.state.currentBranchId, name: 'testing/test', parent: projectTree, }) .then(() => { expect(projectTree.tree[0].name).toBe('testing'); expect(projectTree.tree[0].tree[0].tempFile).toBeTruthy(); expect(projectTree.tree[0].tree[0].name).toBe('test'); expect(projectTree.tree[0].tree[0].type).toBe('tree'); done(); }).catch(; }); it('does not create new tree if already exists', (done) => { const tree = { type: 'tree', name: 'testing', endpoint: 'test', tree: [], }; projectTree.tree.push(tree); store.dispatch('createTempTree', { projectId: store.state.currentProjectId, branchId: store.state.currentBranchId, name: 'testing/test', parent: projectTree, }) .then(() => { expect(projectTree.tree[0].name).toBe('testing'); expect(projectTree.tree[0].tempFile).toBeUndefined(); done(); }).catch(; }); }); describe('getLastCommitData', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(service, 'getTreeLastCommit').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({ headers: { 'more-logs-url': null, }, json: () => Promise.resolve([{ type: 'tree', file_name: 'testing', commit: { message: 'commit message', authored_date: '123', }, }]), })); store.state.trees['abcproject/mybranch'] = { tree: [], }; projectTree = store.state.trees['abcproject/mybranch']; projectTree.tree.push(file('testing', '1', 'tree')); projectTree.lastCommitPath = 'lastcommitpath'; }); it('calls service with lastCommitPath', (done) => { store.dispatch('getLastCommitData', projectTree) .then(() => { expect(service.getTreeLastCommit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('lastcommitpath'); done(); }).catch(; }); it('updates trees last commit data', (done) => { store.dispatch('getLastCommitData', projectTree) .then(Vue.nextTick) .then(() => { expect(projectTree.tree[0].lastCommit.message).toBe('commit message'); done(); }).catch(; }); it('does not update entry if not found', (done) => { projectTree.tree[0].name = 'a'; store.dispatch('getLastCommitData', projectTree) .then(Vue.nextTick) .then(() => { expect(projectTree.tree[0].lastCommit.message).not.toBe('commit message'); done(); }).catch(; }); }); describe('updateDirectoryData', () => { it('adds data into tree', (done) => { const tree = { tree: [], }; const data = { trees: [{ name: 'tree' }], submodules: [{ name: 'submodule' }], blobs: [{ name: 'blob' }], }; store.dispatch('updateDirectoryData', { data, tree, }).then(() => { expect(tree.tree[0].name).toBe('tree'); expect(tree.tree[0].type).toBe('tree'); expect(tree.tree[1].name).toBe('submodule'); expect(tree.tree[1].type).toBe('submodule'); expect(tree.tree[2].name).toBe('blob'); expect(tree.tree[2].type).toBe('blob'); done(); }).catch(; }); }); });