import Vue from 'vue'; import itemStatsComponent from '~/groups/components/item_stats.vue'; import { mockParentGroupItem, ITEM_TYPE, VISIBILITY_TYPE_ICON, GROUP_VISIBILITY_TYPE, PROJECT_VISIBILITY_TYPE, } from '../mock_data'; import mountComponent from '../../helpers/vue_mount_component_helper'; const createComponent = (item = mockParentGroupItem) => { const Component = Vue.extend(itemStatsComponent); return mountComponent(Component, { item, }); }; describe('ItemStatsComponent', () => { describe('computed', () => { describe('visibilityIcon', () => { it('should return icon class based on `item.visibility` value', () => { Object.keys(VISIBILITY_TYPE_ICON).forEach((visibility) => { const item = Object.assign({}, mockParentGroupItem, { visibility }); const vm = createComponent(item); expect(vm.visibilityIcon).toBe(VISIBILITY_TYPE_ICON[visibility]); vm.$destroy(); }); }); }); describe('visibilityTooltip', () => { it('should return tooltip string for Group based on `item.visibility` value', () => { Object.keys(GROUP_VISIBILITY_TYPE).forEach((visibility) => { const item = Object.assign({}, mockParentGroupItem, { visibility, type: ITEM_TYPE.GROUP, }); const vm = createComponent(item); expect(vm.visibilityTooltip).toBe(GROUP_VISIBILITY_TYPE[visibility]); vm.$destroy(); }); }); it('should return tooltip string for Project based on `item.visibility` value', () => { Object.keys(PROJECT_VISIBILITY_TYPE).forEach((visibility) => { const item = Object.assign({}, mockParentGroupItem, { visibility, type: ITEM_TYPE.PROJECT, }); const vm = createComponent(item); expect(vm.visibilityTooltip).toBe(PROJECT_VISIBILITY_TYPE[visibility]); vm.$destroy(); }); }); }); describe('isProject', () => { it('should return boolean value representing whether `item.type` is Project or not', () => { let item; let vm; item = Object.assign({}, mockParentGroupItem, { type: ITEM_TYPE.PROJECT }); vm = createComponent(item); expect(vm.isProject).toBeTruthy(); vm.$destroy(); item = Object.assign({}, mockParentGroupItem, { type: ITEM_TYPE.GROUP }); vm = createComponent(item); expect(vm.isProject).toBeFalsy(); vm.$destroy(); }); }); describe('isGroup', () => { it('should return boolean value representing whether `item.type` is Group or not', () => { let item; let vm; item = Object.assign({}, mockParentGroupItem, { type: ITEM_TYPE.GROUP }); vm = createComponent(item); expect(vm.isGroup).toBeTruthy(); vm.$destroy(); item = Object.assign({}, mockParentGroupItem, { type: ITEM_TYPE.PROJECT }); vm = createComponent(item); expect(vm.isGroup).toBeFalsy(); vm.$destroy(); }); }); }); describe('template', () => { it('renders component container element correctly', () => { const vm = createComponent(); expect(vm.$el.classList.contains('stats')).toBeTruthy(); vm.$destroy(); }); it('renders item visibility icon and tooltip correctly', () => { const vm = createComponent(); const visibilityIconEl = vm.$el.querySelector('.item-visibility'); expect(visibilityIconEl).not.toBe(null); expect(visibilityIconEl.dataset.originalTitle).toBe(vm.visibilityTooltip); expect(visibilityIconEl.querySelectorAll('svg').length > 0).toBeTruthy(); vm.$destroy(); }); it('renders start count and last updated information for project item correctly', () => { const item = Object.assign({}, mockParentGroupItem, { type: ITEM_TYPE.PROJECT, starCount: 4, }); const vm = createComponent(item); const projectStarIconEl = vm.$el.querySelector('.project-stars'); expect(projectStarIconEl).not.toBe(null); expect(projectStarIconEl.querySelectorAll('svg').length > 0).toBeTruthy(); expect(projectStarIconEl.querySelectorAll('.stat-value').length > 0).toBeTruthy(); expect(vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.last-updated').length > 0).toBeTruthy(); vm.$destroy(); }); }); });