import { CopyAsGFM } from '~/behaviors/copy_as_gfm'; describe('CopyAsGFM', () => { describe('CopyAsGFM.pasteGFM', () => { function callPasteGFM() { const e = { originalEvent: { clipboardData: { getData(mimeType) { // When GFM code is copied, we put the regular plain text // on the clipboard as `text/plain`, and the GFM as `text/x-gfm`. // This emulates the behavior of `getData` with that data. if (mimeType === 'text/plain') { return 'code'; } if (mimeType === 'text/x-gfm') { return '`code`'; } return null; }, }, }, preventDefault() {}, }; CopyAsGFM.pasteGFM(e); } it('wraps pasted code when not already in code tags', () => { spyOn(, 'insertText').and.callFake((el, textFunc) => { const insertedText = textFunc('This is code: ', ''); expect(insertedText).toEqual('`code`'); }); callPasteGFM(); }); it('does not wrap pasted code when already in code tags', () => { spyOn(, 'insertText').and.callFake((el, textFunc) => { const insertedText = textFunc('This is code: `', '`'); expect(insertedText).toEqual('code'); }); callPasteGFM(); }); }); });