#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'fileutils'

# This script assumes tmp/tests/gitaly already contains the correct
# Gitaly version. We just have to compile it and run its 'bundle
# install'. We have this separate script for that because weird things
# were happening in CI when we have a 'bundle exec' process that later
# called 'bundle install' using a different Gemfile, as happens with
# gitlab-ce and gitaly.

tmp_tests_gitaly_dir = File.expand_path('../tmp/tests/gitaly', __dir__)

# Use the top-level bundle vendor folder so that we don't reinstall gems twice
bundle_vendor_path = File.expand_path('../vendor', __dir__)

env = {
  # This ensure the `clean` config set in `scripts/prepare_build.sh` isn't taken into account
  'BUNDLE_GEMFILE' => File.join(tmp_tests_gitaly_dir, 'ruby', 'Gemfile'),
  'BUNDLE_FLAGS' => "--jobs=4 --path=#{bundle_vendor_path} --retry=3"

abort 'gitaly build failed' unless system(env, 'make', chdir: tmp_tests_gitaly_dir)

# Make the 'gitaly' executable look newer than 'GITALY_SERVER_VERSION'.
# Without this a gitaly executable created in the setup-test-env job
# will look stale compared to GITALY_SERVER_VERSION.
FileUtils.touch(File.join(tmp_tests_gitaly_dir, 'gitaly'), mtime: Time.now + (1 << 24))