import { normalizeHeaders } from '../../../lib/utils/common_utils'; import flash from '../../../flash'; import service from '../../services'; import * as types from '../mutation_types'; import router from '../../ide_router'; import { findEntry, setPageTitle, createTemp, findIndexOfFile, } from '../utils'; export const closeFile = ({ commit, state, dispatch }, { file, force = false }) => { if ((file.changed || file.tempFile) && !force) return; const indexOfClosedFile = findIndexOfFile(state.openFiles, file); const fileWasActive =; commit(types.TOGGLE_FILE_OPEN, file); commit(types.SET_FILE_ACTIVE, { file, active: false }); if (state.openFiles.length > 0 && fileWasActive) { const nextIndexToOpen = indexOfClosedFile === 0 ? 0 : indexOfClosedFile - 1; const nextFileToOpen = state.openFiles[nextIndexToOpen]; dispatch('setFileActive', nextFileToOpen); } else if (!state.openFiles.length) { router.push(`/project/${file.projectId}/tree/${file.branchId}/`); } dispatch('getLastCommitData'); }; export const setFileActive = ({ commit, state, getters, dispatch }, file) => { const currentActiveFile = getters.activeFile; if ( return; if (currentActiveFile) { commit(types.SET_FILE_ACTIVE, { file: currentActiveFile, active: false }); } commit(types.SET_FILE_ACTIVE, { file, active: true }); dispatch('scrollToTab'); // reset hash for line highlighting location.hash = ''; commit(types.SET_CURRENT_PROJECT, file.projectId); commit(types.SET_CURRENT_BRANCH, file.branchId); }; export const getFileData = ({ state, commit, dispatch }, file) => { commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, file); service.getFileData(file.url) .then((res) => { const pageTitle = decodeURI(normalizeHeaders(res.headers)['PAGE-TITLE']); setPageTitle(pageTitle); return res.json(); }) .then((data) => { commit(types.SET_FILE_DATA, { data, file }); commit(types.TOGGLE_FILE_OPEN, file); dispatch('setFileActive', file); commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, file); }) .catch(() => { commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, file); flash('Error loading file data. Please try again.', 'alert', document, null, false, true); }); }; export const getRawFileData = ({ commit, dispatch }, file) => service.getRawFileData(file) .then((raw) => { commit(types.SET_FILE_RAW_DATA, { file, raw }); }) .catch(() => flash('Error loading file content. Please try again.', 'alert', document, null, false, true)); export const changeFileContent = ({ commit }, { file, content }) => { commit(types.UPDATE_FILE_CONTENT, { file, content }); }; export const setFileLanguage = ({ state, commit }, { fileLanguage }) => { if (state.selectedFile) { commit(types.SET_FILE_LANGUAGE, { file: state.selectedFile, fileLanguage }); } }; export const setFileEOL = ({ state, commit }, { eol }) => { if (state.selectedFile) { commit(types.SET_FILE_EOL, { file: state.selectedFile, eol }); } }; export const setEditorPosition = ({ state, commit }, { editorRow, editorColumn }) => { if (state.selectedFile) { commit(types.SET_FILE_POSITION, { file: state.selectedFile, editorRow, editorColumn }); } }; export const createTempFile = ({ state, commit, dispatch }, { projectId, branchId, parent, name, content = '', base64 = '' }) => { const path = parent.path !== undefined ? parent.path : ''; // We need to do the replacement otherwise the web_url + file.url duplicate const newUrl = `/${projectId}/blob/${branchId}/${path}${path ? '/' : ''}${name}`; const file = createTemp({ projectId, branchId, name: name.replace(`${path}/`, ''), path, type: 'blob', level: parent.level !== undefined ? parent.level + 1 : 0, changed: true, content, base64, url: newUrl, }); if (findEntry(parent.tree, 'blob', return flash(`The name "${}" is already taken in this directory.`, 'alert', document, null, false, true); commit(types.CREATE_TMP_FILE, { parent, file, }); commit(types.TOGGLE_FILE_OPEN, file); dispatch('setFileActive', file); if (!state.editMode && !file.base64) { dispatch('toggleEditMode', true); } router.push(`/project${file.url}`); return Promise.resolve(file); };