import { wrapNodes, isTextNode } from './dom_utils'; export const cachedData = new Map(); export const getCurrentHoverElement = () => cachedData.get('current'); export const setCurrentHoverElement = (el) => cachedData.set('current', el); export const addInteractionClass = ({ path, d, wrapTextNodes }) => { const lineNumber = d.start_line + 1; const lines = document .querySelector(`[data-path="${path}"]`) .querySelectorAll(`.blob-content #LC${lineNumber}, .line_content:not(.old) #LC${lineNumber}`); if (!lines?.length) return; lines.forEach((line) => { let charCount = 0; if (wrapTextNodes) { line.childNodes.forEach((elm) => { // Highlight.js does not wrap all text nodes by default // We need all text nodes to be wrapped in order to append code nav attributes elm.replaceWith(...wrapNodes(elm.textContent, elm.classList)); }); } const el = [...line.childNodes].find(({ textContent }) => { if (charCount === d.start_char) return true; charCount += textContent.length; return false; }); if (el && !isTextNode(el)) { el.dataset.charIndex = d.start_char; el.dataset.lineIndex = d.start_line; el.classList.add('cursor-pointer', 'code-navigation', 'js-code-navigation'); el.closest('.line').classList.add('code-navigation-line'); } }); };