module Elasticsearch module Model module Response # Encapsulates the "hit" returned from the Elasticsearch client # # Wraps the raw Hash with in a `Hashie::Mash` instance, providing # access to the Hash properties by calling Ruby methods. # # @see # class Result # @param attributes [Hash] A Hash with document properties # def initialize(attributes={}) @result = end # Return document `_id` as `id` # def id @result['_id'] end # Return document `_type` as `_type` # def type @result['_type'] end # Delegate methods to `@result` or `@result._source` # def method_missing(name, *arguments) case when name.to_s.end_with?('?') @result.__send__(name, *arguments) || ( @result._source && @result._source.__send__(name, *arguments) ) when @result.respond_to?(name) @result.__send__ name, *arguments when @result._source && @result._source.respond_to?(name) @result._source.__send__ name, *arguments else super end end # Respond to methods from `@result` or `@result._source` # def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) @result.respond_to?(method_name.to_sym) || \ @result._source && @result._source.respond_to?(method_name.to_sym) || \ super end def as_json(options={}) @result.as_json(options) end # TODO: #to_s, #inspect, with support for Pry end end end end