module Elasticsearch module Model # Provides methods for getting and setting index name and document type for the model # module Naming DEFAULT_DOC_TYPE = '_doc'.freeze module ClassMethods # Get or set the name of the index # # @example Set the index name for the `Article` model # # class Article # index_name "articles-#{Rails.env}" # end # # @example Set the index name for the `Article` model and re-evaluate it on each call # # class Article # index_name { "articles-#{}" } # end # # @example Directly set the index name for the `Article` model # # Article.index_name "articles-#{Rails.env}" # # def index_name name=nil, &block if name || block_given? return (@index_name = name || block) end if @index_name.respond_to?(:call) else @index_name || implicit(:index_name) end end # Set the index name # # @see index_name def index_name=(name) @index_name = name end # Get or set the document type # # @example Set the document type for the `Article` model # # class Article # document_type "my-article" # end # # @example Directly set the document type for the `Article` model # # Article.document_type "my-article" # def document_type name=nil @document_type = name || @document_type || implicit(:document_type) end # Set the document type # # @see document_type # def document_type=(name) @document_type = name end private def implicit(prop) value = nil if Elasticsearch::Model.settings[:inheritance_enabled] self.ancestors.each do |klass| # When Naming is included in Proxy::ClassMethods the actual model # is among its ancestors. We don't want to call the actual model # since it will result in the same call to the same instance of # Proxy::ClassMethods. To prevent this we also skip the ancestor # that is the target. next if klass == self || self.respond_to?(:target) && klass == break if value = klass.respond_to?(prop) && klass.send(prop) end end value || self.send("default_#{prop}") end def default_index_name self.model_name.collection.gsub(/\//, '-') end def default_document_type DEFAULT_DOC_TYPE end end module InstanceMethods # Get or set the index name for the model instance # # @example Set the index name for an instance of the `Article` model # # @article.index_name "articles-#{@article.user_id}" # @article.__elasticsearch__.update_document # def index_name name=nil, &block if name || block_given? return (@index_name = name || block) end if @index_name.respond_to?(:call) else @index_name || self.class.index_name end end # Set the index name # # @see index_name def index_name=(name) @index_name = name end # @example Set the document type for an instance of the `Article` model # # @article.document_type "my-article" # @article.__elasticsearch__.update_document # def document_type name=nil @document_type = name || @document_type || self.class.document_type end # Set the document type # # @see document_type # def document_type=(name) @document_type = name end end end end end