import Vue from 'vue'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import '~/render_math'; import '~/render_gfm'; import * as urlUtils from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import issuableApp from '~/issue_show/components/app.vue'; import eventHub from '~/issue_show/event_hub'; import issueShowData from '../mock_data'; import setTimeoutPromise from '../../helpers/set_timeout_promise_helper'; function formatText(text) { return text.trim().replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '); } const REALTIME_REQUEST_STACK = [ issueShowData.initialRequest, issueShowData.secondRequest, ]; describe('Issuable output', () => { let mock; let realtimeRequestCount = 0; let vm; document.body.innerHTML = ''; beforeEach((done) => { spyOn(eventHub, '$emit'); const IssuableDescriptionComponent = Vue.extend(issuableApp); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet('/gitlab-org/gitlab-shell/issues/9/realtime_changes/realtime_changes').reply(() => { const res = Promise.resolve([200, REALTIME_REQUEST_STACK[realtimeRequestCount]]); realtimeRequestCount += 1; return res; }); vm = new IssuableDescriptionComponent({ propsData: { canUpdate: true, canDestroy: true, endpoint: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-shell/issues/9/realtime_changes', updateEndpoint: gl.TEST_HOST, issuableRef: '#1', initialTitleHtml: '', initialTitleText: '', initialDescriptionHtml: 'test', initialDescriptionText: 'test', markdownPreviewPath: '/', markdownDocsPath: '/', projectNamespace: '/', projectPath: '/', }, }).$mount(); setTimeout(done); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); realtimeRequestCount = 0; vm.poll.stop(); vm.$destroy(); }); it('should render a title/description/edited and update title/description/edited on update', (done) => { let editedText; Vue.nextTick() .then(() => { editedText = vm.$el.querySelector('.edited-text'); }) .then(() => { expect(document.querySelector('title').innerText).toContain('this is a title (#1)'); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.title').innerHTML).toContain('
this is a title
'); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.wiki').innerHTML).toContain('this is a description!
'); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-task-list-field').value).toContain('this is a description'); expect(formatText(editedText.innerText)).toMatch(/Edited[\s\S]+?by Some User/); expect(editedText.querySelector('.author_link').href).toMatch(/\/some_user$/); expect(editedText.querySelector('time')).toBeTruthy(); }) .then(() => { vm.poll.makeRequest(); }) .then(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve))) .then(() => { expect(document.querySelector('title').innerText).toContain('2 (#1)'); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.title').innerHTML).toContain('2
'); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.wiki').innerHTML).toContain('42
'); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-task-list-field').value).toContain('42'); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.edited-text')).toBeTruthy(); expect(formatText(vm.$el.querySelector('.edited-text').innerText)).toMatch(/Edited[\s\S]+?by Other User/); expect(editedText.querySelector('.author_link').href).toMatch(/\/other_user$/); expect(editedText.querySelector('time')).toBeTruthy(); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('shows actions if permissions are correct', (done) => { vm.showForm = true; Vue.nextTick(() => { expect( vm.$el.querySelector('.btn'), ).not.toBeNull(); done(); }); }); it('does not show actions if permissions are incorrect', (done) => { vm.showForm = true; vm.canUpdate = false; Vue.nextTick(() => { expect( vm.$el.querySelector('.btn'), ).toBeNull(); done(); }); }); it('does not update formState if form is already open', (done) => { vm.openForm(); vm.state.titleText = 'testing 123'; vm.openForm(); Vue.nextTick(() => { expect(, ).not.toBe('testing 123'); done(); }); }); describe('updateIssuable', () => { it('fetches new data after update', (done) => { spyOn(vm.service, 'getData').and.callThrough(); spyOn(vm.service, 'updateIssuable').and.callFake(() => new Promise((resolve) => { resolve({ data: { confidential: false, web_url: location.pathname, }, }); })); vm.updateIssuable() .then(() => { expect(vm.service.getData).toHaveBeenCalled(); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('correctly updates issuable data', (done) => { spyOn(vm.service, 'updateIssuable').and.callFake(() => new Promise((resolve) => { resolve(); })); vm.updateIssuable() .then(() => { expect(vm.service.updateIssuable).toHaveBeenCalledWith(vm.formState); expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('close.form'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('does not redirect if issue has not moved', (done) => { spyOn(urlUtils, 'visitUrl'); spyOn(vm.service, 'updateIssuable').and.callFake(() => new Promise((resolve) => { resolve({ data: { web_url: location.pathname, confidential: vm.isConfidential, }, }); })); vm.updateIssuable(); setTimeout(() => { expect( urlUtils.visitUrl, ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it('redirects if returned web_url has changed', (done) => { spyOn(urlUtils, 'visitUrl'); spyOn(vm.service, 'updateIssuable').and.callFake(() => new Promise((resolve) => { resolve({ data: { web_url: '/testing-issue-move', confidential: vm.isConfidential, }, }); })); vm.updateIssuable(); setTimeout(() => { expect( urlUtils.visitUrl, ).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/testing-issue-move'); done(); }); }); describe('shows dialog when issue has unsaved changed', () => { it('confirms on title change', (done) => { vm.showForm = true; vm.state.titleText = 'title has changed'; const e = { returnValue: null }; vm.handleBeforeUnloadEvent(e); Vue.nextTick(() => { expect(e.returnValue).not.toBeNull(); done(); }); }); it('confirms on description change', (done) => { vm.showForm = true; vm.state.descriptionText = 'description has changed'; const e = { returnValue: null }; vm.handleBeforeUnloadEvent(e); Vue.nextTick(() => { expect(e.returnValue).not.toBeNull(); done(); }); }); it('does nothing when nothing has changed', (done) => { const e = { returnValue: null }; vm.handleBeforeUnloadEvent(e); Vue.nextTick(() => { expect(e.returnValue).toBeNull(); done(); }); }); }); describe('error when updating', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(window, 'Flash').and.callThrough(); spyOn(vm.service, 'updateIssuable').and.callFake(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject(); })); }); it('closes form on error', (done) => { vm.updateIssuable(); setTimeout(() => { expect( eventHub.$emit, ).toHaveBeenCalledWith('close.form'); expect( window.Flash, ).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Error updating issue'); done(); }); }); it('returns the correct error message for issuableType', (done) => { vm.issuableType = 'merge request'; Vue.nextTick(() => { vm.updateIssuable(); setTimeout(() => { expect( eventHub.$emit, ).toHaveBeenCalledWith('close.form'); expect( window.Flash, ).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Error updating merge request'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('opens recaptcha modal if update rejected as spam', (done) => { function mockScriptSrc() { const recaptchaChild = vm.$children .find(child => child.$options._componentTag === 'recaptcha-modal'); // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle recaptchaChild.scriptSrc = '//scriptsrc'; } let modal; const promise = new Promise((resolve) => { resolve({ data: { recaptcha_html: '