import setWindowLocation from 'helpers/set_window_location_helper'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; import { apiParams, apiParamsWithSpecialValues, filteredTokens, filteredTokensWithSpecialValues, locationSearch, locationSearchWithSpecialValues, urlParams, urlParamsWithSpecialValues, } from 'jest/issues/list/mock_data'; import { PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE_MANUAL, RELATIVE_POSITION_ASC, urlSortParams, } from '~/issues/list/constants'; import { convertToApiParams, convertToSearchQuery, convertToUrlParams, getFilterTokens, getInitialPageParams, getSortKey, getSortOptions, isSortKey, } from '~/issues/list/utils'; describe('getInitialPageParams', () => { it.each(Object.keys(urlSortParams))( 'returns the correct page params for sort key %s', (sortKey) => { const firstPageSize = sortKey === RELATIVE_POSITION_ASC ? PAGE_SIZE_MANUAL : PAGE_SIZE; expect(getInitialPageParams(sortKey)).toEqual({ firstPageSize }); }, ); it.each(Object.keys(urlSortParams))( 'returns the correct page params for sort key %s with afterCursor', (sortKey) => { const firstPageSize = sortKey === RELATIVE_POSITION_ASC ? PAGE_SIZE_MANUAL : PAGE_SIZE; const afterCursor = 'randomCursorString'; const beforeCursor = undefined; expect(getInitialPageParams(sortKey, afterCursor, beforeCursor)).toEqual({ firstPageSize, afterCursor, }); }, ); it.each(Object.keys(urlSortParams))( 'returns the correct page params for sort key %s with beforeCursor', (sortKey) => { const firstPageSize = sortKey === RELATIVE_POSITION_ASC ? PAGE_SIZE_MANUAL : PAGE_SIZE; const afterCursor = undefined; const beforeCursor = 'anotherRandomCursorString'; expect(getInitialPageParams(sortKey, afterCursor, beforeCursor)).toEqual({ firstPageSize, beforeCursor, }); }, ); }); describe('getSortKey', () => { it.each(Object.keys(urlSortParams))('returns %s given the correct inputs', (sortKey) => { const sort = urlSortParams[sortKey]; expect(getSortKey(sort)).toBe(sortKey); }); }); describe('isSortKey', () => { it.each(Object.keys(urlSortParams))('returns true given %s', (sort) => { expect(isSortKey(sort)).toBe(true); }); it.each(['', 'asdf', null, undefined])('returns false given %s', (sort) => { expect(isSortKey(sort)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('getSortOptions', () => { describe.each` hasIssueWeightsFeature | hasBlockedIssuesFeature | length | containsWeight | containsBlocking ${false} | ${false} | ${9} | ${false} | ${false} ${true} | ${false} | ${10} | ${true} | ${false} ${false} | ${true} | ${10} | ${false} | ${true} ${true} | ${true} | ${11} | ${true} | ${true} `( 'when hasIssueWeightsFeature=$hasIssueWeightsFeature and hasBlockedIssuesFeature=$hasBlockedIssuesFeature', ({ hasIssueWeightsFeature, hasBlockedIssuesFeature, length, containsWeight, containsBlocking, }) => { const sortOptions = getSortOptions(hasIssueWeightsFeature, hasBlockedIssuesFeature); it('returns the correct length of sort options', () => { expect(sortOptions).toHaveLength(length); }); it(`${containsWeight ? 'contains' : 'does not contain'} weight option`, () => { expect(sortOptions.some((option) => option.title === 'Weight')).toBe(containsWeight); }); it(`${containsBlocking ? 'contains' : 'does not contain'} blocking option`, () => { expect(sortOptions.some((option) => option.title === 'Blocking')).toBe(containsBlocking); }); }, ); }); describe('getFilterTokens', () => { it('returns filtered tokens given ""', () => { expect(getFilterTokens(locationSearch)).toEqual(filteredTokens); }); it('returns filtered tokens given "" with special values', () => { expect(getFilterTokens(locationSearchWithSpecialValues)).toEqual( filteredTokensWithSpecialValues, ); }); }); describe('convertToApiParams', () => { beforeEach(() => { setWindowLocation(TEST_HOST); }); it('returns api params given filtered tokens', () => { expect(convertToApiParams(filteredTokens)).toEqual(apiParams); }); it('returns api params given filtered tokens with special values', () => { setWindowLocation('?assignee_id=123'); expect(convertToApiParams(filteredTokensWithSpecialValues)).toEqual(apiParamsWithSpecialValues); }); }); describe('convertToUrlParams', () => { beforeEach(() => { setWindowLocation(TEST_HOST); }); it('returns url params given filtered tokens', () => { expect(convertToUrlParams(filteredTokens)).toEqual(urlParams); }); it('returns url params given filtered tokens with special values', () => { setWindowLocation('?assignee_id=123'); expect(convertToUrlParams(filteredTokensWithSpecialValues)).toEqual(urlParamsWithSpecialValues); }); }); describe('convertToSearchQuery', () => { it('returns search string given filtered tokens', () => { expect(convertToSearchQuery(filteredTokens)).toBe('find issues'); }); });