# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module PathRegex extend self # All routes that appear on the top level must be listed here. # This will make sure that groups cannot be created with these names # as these routes would be masked by the paths already in place. # # Example: # /api/api-project # # the path `api` shouldn't be allowed because it would be masked by `api/*` # TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES = %w[ - .well-known 404.html 422.html 500.html 502.html 503.html admin api apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png apple-touch-icon.png assets dashboard deploy.html explore favicon.ico favicon.png files groups health_check help import jwt login oauth profile projects public robots.txt s search sitemap sitemap.xml sitemap.xml.gz slash-command-logo.png snippets unsubscribes uploads users v2 ].freeze # NOTE: Do not add new items to this list unless necessary as this will # cause conflicts with existing namespaced routes for groups or projects. # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/routing.html#project-routes # # This list should contain all words following `/*namespace_id/:project_id` in # routes that contain a second wildcard. # # Example: # /*namespace_id/:project_id/badges/*ref/build # # If `badges` was allowed as a project/group name, we would not be able to access the # `badges` route for those projects: # # Consider a namespace with path `foo/bar` and a project called `badges`. # The route to the build badge would then be `/foo/bar/badges/badges/master/build.svg` # # When accessing this path the route would be matched to the `badges` path # with the following params: # - namespace_id: `foo` # - project_id: `bar` # - ref: `badges/master` # # Failing to find the project, this would result in a 404. # # By rejecting `badges` the router can _count_ on the fact that `badges` will # be preceded by the `namespace/project`. PROJECT_WILDCARD_ROUTES = %w[ - badges blame blob builds commits create create_dir edit environments/folders files find_file gitlab-lfs/objects info/lfs/objects new preview raw refs tree update wikis ].freeze # NOTE: Do not add new items to this list unless necessary as this will # cause conflicts with existing namespaced routes for groups or projects. # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/routing.html#group-routes # # These are all the paths that follow `/groups/*id/ or `/groups/*group_id` # We need to reject these because we have a `/groups/*id` page that is the same # as the `/*id`. # # If we would allow a subgroup to be created with the name `activity` then # this group would not be accessible through `/groups/parent/activity` since # this would map to the activity-page of its parent. GROUP_ROUTES = %w[ - ].freeze ILLEGAL_PROJECT_PATH_WORDS = PROJECT_WILDCARD_ROUTES ILLEGAL_GROUP_PATH_WORDS = (PROJECT_WILDCARD_ROUTES | GROUP_ROUTES).freeze # The namespace regex is used in JavaScript to validate usernames in the "Register" form. However, Javascript # does not support the negative lookbehind assertion (?<!) that disallows usernames ending in `.git` and `.atom`. # Since this is a non-trivial problem to solve in Javascript (heavily complicate the regex, modify view code to # allow non-regex validations, etc), `NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX_JS` serves as a Javascript-compatible version of # `NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX`, with the negative lookbehind assertion removed. This means that the client-side validation # will pass for usernames ending in `.atom` and `.git`, but will be caught by the server-side validation. PATH_START_CHAR = '[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]' PATH_REGEX_STR = PATH_START_CHAR + '[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*' NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX_JS = PATH_REGEX_STR + '[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]|[a-zA-Z0-9_]' NO_SUFFIX_REGEX = /(?<!\.git|\.atom)/.freeze NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX = /(?:#{NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX_JS})#{NO_SUFFIX_REGEX}/.freeze PROJECT_PATH_FORMAT_REGEX = /(?:#{PATH_REGEX_STR})#{NO_SUFFIX_REGEX}/.freeze FULL_NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX = %r{(#{NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX}/){,#{Namespace::NUMBER_OF_ANCESTORS_ALLOWED}}#{NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX}}.freeze def root_namespace_route_regex @root_namespace_route_regex ||= begin illegal_words = Regexp.new(Regexp.union(TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES).source, Regexp::IGNORECASE) single_line_regexp %r{ (?!(#{illegal_words})/) #{NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX} }x end end def full_namespace_route_regex @full_namespace_route_regex ||= begin illegal_words = Regexp.new(Regexp.union(ILLEGAL_GROUP_PATH_WORDS).source, Regexp::IGNORECASE) single_line_regexp %r{ #{root_namespace_route_regex} (?: / (?!#{illegal_words}/) #{NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX} )* }x end end def project_route_regex @project_route_regex ||= begin illegal_words = Regexp.new(Regexp.union(ILLEGAL_PROJECT_PATH_WORDS).source, Regexp::IGNORECASE) single_line_regexp %r{ (?!(#{illegal_words})/) #{PROJECT_PATH_FORMAT_REGEX} }x end end def repository_route_regex @repository_route_regex ||= /(#{full_namespace_route_regex}|#{personal_snippet_repository_path_regex})\.*/.freeze end def repository_git_route_regex @repository_git_route_regex ||= /#{repository_route_regex}\.git/.freeze end def repository_wiki_git_route_regex @repository_wiki_git_route_regex ||= /#{full_namespace_route_regex}\.*\.wiki\.git/.freeze end def full_namespace_path_regex @full_namespace_path_regex ||= %r{\A#{full_namespace_route_regex}/\z} end def full_project_path_regex @full_project_path_regex ||= %r{\A#{full_namespace_route_regex}/#{project_route_regex}/\z} end def full_project_git_path_regex @full_project_git_path_regex ||= %r{\A\/?(?<namespace_path>#{full_namespace_route_regex})\/(?<project_path>#{project_route_regex})\.git\z} end def namespace_format_regex @namespace_format_regex ||= /\A#{NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX}\z/.freeze end def namespace_format_message "can contain only letters, digits, '_', '-' and '.'. " \ "Cannot start with '-' or end in '.', '.git' or '.atom'." \ end def project_path_format_regex @project_path_format_regex ||= /\A#{PROJECT_PATH_FORMAT_REGEX}\z/.freeze end def project_path_format_message "can contain only letters, digits, '_', '-' and '.'. " \ "Cannot start with '-', end in '.git' or end in '.atom'" \ end def archive_formats_regex # |zip|tar| tar.gz | tar.bz2 | @archive_formats_regex ||= /(zip|tar|tar\.gz|tgz|gz|tar\.bz2|tbz|tbz2|tb2|bz2)/.freeze end def git_reference_regex # Valid git ref regex, see: # https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-check-ref-format.html @git_reference_regex ||= single_line_regexp %r{ (?! (?# doesn't begins with) \/| (?# rule #6) (?# doesn't contain) .*(?: [\/.]\.| (?# rule #1,3) \/\/| (?# rule #6) @\{| (?# rule #8) \\ (?# rule #9) ) ) [^\000-\040\177~^:?*\[]+ (?# rule #4-5) (?# doesn't end with) (?<!\.lock) (?# rule #1) (?<![\/.]) (?# rule #6-7) }x end def full_snippets_repository_path_regex %r{\A(#{personal_snippet_repository_path_regex}|#{project_snippet_repository_path_regex})\z} end def container_image_regex @container_image_regex ||= %r{([\w\.-]+\/){0,1}[\w\.-]+}.freeze end def container_image_blob_sha_regex @container_image_blob_sha_regex ||= %r{[\w+.-]+:?\w+}.freeze end private def personal_snippet_path_regex /snippets/ end def personal_snippet_repository_path_regex %r{#{personal_snippet_path_regex}/\d+} end def project_snippet_path_regex %r{#{full_namespace_route_regex}/#{project_route_regex}/snippets} end def project_snippet_repository_path_regex %r{#{project_snippet_path_regex}/\d+} end def single_line_regexp(regex) # Turns a multiline extended regexp into a single line one, # because `rake routes` breaks on multiline regexes. Regexp.new(regex.source.gsub(/\(\?#.+?\)/, '').gsub(/\s*/, ''), regex.options ^ Regexp::EXTENDED).freeze end end end Gitlab::PathRegex.prepend_mod_with('Gitlab::PathRegex')