import { mount, shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { Document } from 'yaml'; import InputWrapper from '~/pipeline_wizard/components/input_wrapper.vue'; import TextWidget from '~/pipeline_wizard/components/widgets/text.vue'; describe('Pipeline Wizard -- Input Wrapper', () => { let wrapper; const createComponent = (props = {}, mountFunc = mount) => { wrapper = mountFunc(InputWrapper, { propsData: { template: new Document({ template: { bar: 'baz', foo: { some: '$TARGET' }, }, }).get('template'), compiled: new Document({ bar: 'baz', foo: { some: '$TARGET' } }), target: '$TARGET', widget: 'text', label: 'some label (required by the text widget)', ...props, }, }); }; describe('API', () => { const inputValue = 'dslkfjsdlkfjlskdjfn'; let inputChild; beforeEach(() => { createComponent({}); inputChild = wrapper.findComponent(TextWidget); }); it('will replace its value in compiled', async () => { await inputChild.vm.$emit('input', inputValue); const expected = new Document({ bar: 'baz', foo: { some: inputValue }, }); expect(wrapper.emitted()['update:compiled']).toEqual([[expected]]); }); it('will emit a highlight event with the correct path if child emits an input event', async () => { await inputChild.vm.$emit('input', inputValue); const expected = ['foo', 'some']; expect(wrapper.emitted().highlight).toEqual([[expected]]); }); }); describe('Target Path Discovery', () => { it.each` scenario | template | target | expected ${'simple nested object'} | ${{ foo: { bar: { baz: '$BOO' } } }} | ${'$BOO'} | ${['foo', 'bar', 'baz']} ${'list, first pos.'} | ${{ foo: ['$BOO'] }} | ${'$BOO'} | ${['foo', 0]} ${'list, second pos.'} | ${{ foo: ['bar', '$BOO'] }} | ${'$BOO'} | ${['foo', 1]} ${'lowercase target'} | ${{ foo: { bar: '$jupp' } }} | ${'$jupp'} | ${['foo', 'bar']} ${'root list'} | ${['$BOO']} | ${'$BOO'} | ${[0]} `('$scenario', ({ template, target, expected }) => { createComponent( { template: new Document({ template }).get('template'), target, }, shallowMount, ); expect(wrapper.vm.path).toEqual(expected); }); }); });