import { GlButton, GlFormGroup } from '@gitlab/ui'; import Vue from 'vue'; import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'; import { __, s__, sprintf } from '~/locale'; import { mountExtended } from 'jest/__helpers__/vue_test_utils_helper'; import CommitStep, { i18n } from '~/pipeline_wizard/components/commit.vue'; import createMockApollo from 'helpers/mock_apollo_helper'; import createCommitMutation from '~/pipeline_wizard/queries/create_commit.graphql'; import getFileMetadataQuery from '~/pipeline_wizard/queries/get_file_meta.graphql'; import RefSelector from '~/ref/components/ref_selector.vue'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import { createCommitMutationErrorResult, createCommitMutationResult, fileQueryErrorResult, fileQueryResult, fileQueryEmptyResult, } from '../mock/query_responses'; Vue.use(VueApollo); const COMMIT_MESSAGE_ADD_FILE = s__('PipelineWizardDefaultCommitMessage|Add %{filename}'); const COMMIT_MESSAGE_UPDATE_FILE = s__('PipelineWizardDefaultCommitMessage|Update %{filename}'); describe('Pipeline Wizard - Commit Page', () => { const createCommitMutationHandler = jest.fn(); const $toast = { show: jest.fn(), }; let wrapper; const getMockApollo = (scenario = {}) => { return createMockApollo([ [ createCommitMutation, createCommitMutationHandler.mockResolvedValue( scenario.commitHasError ? createCommitMutationErrorResult : createCommitMutationResult, ), ], [ getFileMetadataQuery, (vars) => { if (scenario.fileResultByRef) return scenario.fileResultByRef[vars.ref]; if (scenario.hasError) return fileQueryErrorResult; return scenario.fileExists ? fileQueryResult : fileQueryEmptyResult; }, ], ]); }; const createComponent = (props = {}, mockApollo = getMockApollo()) => { wrapper = mountExtended(CommitStep, { apolloProvider: mockApollo, propsData: { projectPath: 'some/path', defaultBranch: 'main', filename: 'newFile.yml', ...props, }, mocks: { $toast }, stubs: { RefSelector: true, GlFormGroup, }, }); }; function getButtonWithLabel(label) { return wrapper.findAllComponents(GlButton).filter((n) => n.text().match(label)); } describe('ui setup', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent(); }); it('shows a commit message input with the correct label', () => { expect(wrapper.findByTestId('commit_message').exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find('label[for="commit_message"]').text()).toBe(i18n.commitMessageLabel); }); it('shows a branch selector with the correct label', () => { expect(wrapper.findByTestId('branch').exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find('label[for="branch"]').text()).toBe(i18n.branchSelectorLabel); }); it('shows a commit button', () => { expect(getButtonWithLabel(i18n.commitButtonLabel).exists()).toBe(true); }); it('shows a back button', () => { expect(getButtonWithLabel(__('Back')).exists()).toBe(true); }); it('does not show a next button', () => { expect(getButtonWithLabel(__('Next')).exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('loading the remote file', () => { const projectPath = 'foo/bar'; const filename = 'foo.yml'; it('does not show a load error if call is successful', async () => { createComponent({ projectPath, filename }); await waitForPromises(); expect(wrapper.findByTestId('load-error').exists()).not.toBe(true); }); it('shows a load error if call returns an unexpected error', async () => { const branch = 'foo'; createComponent( { defaultBranch: branch, projectPath, filename }, createMockApollo([[getFileMetadataQuery, () => fileQueryErrorResult]]), ); await waitForPromises(); expect(wrapper.findByTestId('load-error').exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.findByTestId('load-error').text()).toBe(i18n.errors.loadError); }); }); describe('commit result handling', () => { describe('successful commit', () => { beforeEach(async () => { createComponent(); await waitForPromises(); await getButtonWithLabel(__('Commit')).trigger('click'); await waitForPromises(); }); it('will not show an error', () => { expect(wrapper.findByTestId('commit-error').exists()).not.toBe(true); }); it('will show a toast message', () => { expect($ s__('PipelineWizard|The file has been committed.'), ); }); it('emits a done event', () => { expect(wrapper.emitted().done.length).toBe(1); }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); }); describe('failed commit', () => { beforeEach(async () => { createComponent({}, getMockApollo({ commitHasError: true })); await waitForPromises(); await getButtonWithLabel(__('Commit')).trigger('click'); await waitForPromises(); }); it('will show an error', () => { expect(wrapper.findByTestId('commit-error').exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.findByTestId('commit-error').text()).toBe(i18n.errors.commitError); }); it('will not show a toast message', () => { expect($; }); it('will not emit a done event', () => { expect(wrapper.emitted().done?.length).toBeUndefined(); }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); }); }); describe('modelling different input combinations', () => { const projectPath = 'some/path'; const defaultBranch = 'foo'; const fileContent = 'foo: bar'; describe.each` filename | fileExistsOnDefaultBranch | fileExistsOnInputtedBranch | fileLoadError | commitMessageInputValue | branchInputValue | expectedCommitBranch | expectedCommitMessage | expectedAction ${'foo.yml'} | ${false} | ${undefined} | ${false} | ${'foo'} | ${undefined} | ${defaultBranch} | ${'foo'} | ${'CREATE'} ${'foo.yml'} | ${true} | ${undefined} | ${false} | ${'foo'} | ${undefined} | ${defaultBranch} | ${'foo'} | ${'UPDATE'} ${'foo.yml'} | ${false} | ${true} | ${false} | ${'foo'} | ${'dev'} | ${'dev'} | ${'foo'} | ${'UPDATE'} ${'foo.yml'} | ${false} | ${undefined} | ${false} | ${null} | ${undefined} | ${defaultBranch} | ${COMMIT_MESSAGE_ADD_FILE} | ${'CREATE'} ${'foo.yml'} | ${true} | ${undefined} | ${false} | ${null} | ${undefined} | ${defaultBranch} | ${COMMIT_MESSAGE_UPDATE_FILE} | ${'UPDATE'} ${'foo.yml'} | ${false} | ${true} | ${false} | ${null} | ${'dev'} | ${'dev'} | ${COMMIT_MESSAGE_UPDATE_FILE} | ${'UPDATE'} `( 'Test with fileExistsOnDefaultBranch=$fileExistsOnDefaultBranch, fileExistsOnInputtedBranch=$fileExistsOnInputtedBranch, commitMessageInputValue=$commitMessageInputValue, branchInputValue=$branchInputValue, commitReturnsError=$commitReturnsError', ({ filename, fileExistsOnDefaultBranch, fileExistsOnInputtedBranch, commitMessageInputValue, branchInputValue, expectedCommitBranch, expectedCommitMessage, expectedAction, }) => { let consoleSpy; beforeEach(async () => { createComponent( { filename, defaultBranch, projectPath, fileContent, }, getMockApollo({ fileResultByRef: { [defaultBranch]: fileExistsOnDefaultBranch ? fileQueryResult : fileQueryEmptyResult, [branchInputValue]: fileExistsOnInputtedBranch ? fileQueryResult : fileQueryEmptyResult, }, }), ); await waitForPromises(); consoleSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error'); await wrapper .findByTestId('commit_message') .get('textarea') .setValue(commitMessageInputValue); if (branchInputValue) { await wrapper.getComponent(RefSelector).vm.$emit('input', branchInputValue); } await Vue.nextTick(); await waitForPromises(); }); it('sets up without error', () => { expect(consoleSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('does not show a load error', () => { expect(wrapper.findByTestId('load-error').exists()).not.toBe(true); }); it('sends the expected commit mutation', async () => { await getButtonWithLabel(__('Commit')).trigger('click'); expect(createCommitMutationHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ input: { actions: [ { action: expectedAction, content: fileContent, filePath: `/${filename}`, }, ], branch: expectedCommitBranch, message: sprintf(expectedCommitMessage, { filename }), projectPath, }, }); }); }, ); }); });