import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { projectData, branches } from 'jest/ide/mock_data'; import CommitActions from '~/ide/components/commit_sidebar/actions.vue'; import { createStore } from '~/ide/stores'; import { COMMIT_TO_NEW_BRANCH, COMMIT_TO_CURRENT_BRANCH, } from '~/ide/stores/modules/commit/constants'; const ACTION_UPDATE_COMMIT_ACTION = 'commit/updateCommitAction'; const BRANCH_DEFAULT = 'main'; const BRANCH_PROTECTED = 'protected/access'; const BRANCH_PROTECTED_NO_ACCESS = 'protected/no-access'; const BRANCH_REGULAR = 'regular'; const BRANCH_REGULAR_NO_ACCESS = 'regular/no-access'; describe('IDE commit sidebar actions', () => { let store; let wrapper; const createComponent = ({ hasMR = false, currentBranchId = 'main', emptyRepo = false } = {}) => { store.state.currentBranchId = currentBranchId; store.state.currentProjectId = 'abcproject'; const proj = { ...projectData }; proj.branches[currentBranchId] = branches.find((branch) => === currentBranchId); proj.empty_repo = emptyRepo; Vue.set(store.state.projects, 'abcproject', proj); if (hasMR) { store.state.currentMergeRequestId = '1'; store.state.projects[store.state.currentProjectId].mergeRequests[ store.state.currentMergeRequestId ] = { foo: 'bar' }; } wrapper = mount(CommitActions, { store }); return wrapper; }; beforeEach(() => { store = createStore(); jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch').mockImplementation(() => {}); }); const findText = () => wrapper.text(); const findRadios = () => wrapper.findAll('input[type="radio"]'); it('renders 2 groups', () => { createComponent(); expect(findRadios()).toHaveLength(2); }); it('renders current branch text', () => { createComponent(); expect(findText()).toContain('Commit to main branch'); }); it('hides merge request option when project merge requests are disabled', async () => { createComponent({ hasMR: false }); await nextTick(); expect(findRadios().length).toBe(2); expect(findText()).not.toContain('Create a new branch and merge request'); }); it('escapes current branch name', () => { const injectedSrc = ''; const escapedSrc = '<img src="x" />'; createComponent({ currentBranchId: injectedSrc }); expect(wrapper.text()).not.toContain(injectedSrc); expect(wrapper.text).not.toContain(escapedSrc); }); describe('updateSelectedCommitAction', () => { it('does not return anything if currentBranch does not exist', () => { createComponent({ currentBranchId: null }); expect(store.dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('is not called on mount if there is already a selected commitAction', () => { store.state.commitAction = '1'; createComponent({ currentBranchId: null }); expect(store.dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('calls again after staged changes', async () => { createComponent({ currentBranchId: null }); store.state.currentBranchId = 'main'; store.state.changedFiles.push({}); store.state.stagedFiles.push({}); await nextTick(); expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ACTION_UPDATE_COMMIT_ACTION, expect.anything()); }); it.each` input | expectedOption ${{ currentBranchId: BRANCH_DEFAULT }} | ${COMMIT_TO_NEW_BRANCH} ${{ currentBranchId: BRANCH_DEFAULT, emptyRepo: true }} | ${COMMIT_TO_CURRENT_BRANCH} ${{ currentBranchId: BRANCH_PROTECTED, hasMR: true }} | ${COMMIT_TO_CURRENT_BRANCH} ${{ currentBranchId: BRANCH_PROTECTED, hasMR: false }} | ${COMMIT_TO_CURRENT_BRANCH} ${{ currentBranchId: BRANCH_PROTECTED_NO_ACCESS, hasMR: true }} | ${COMMIT_TO_NEW_BRANCH} ${{ currentBranchId: BRANCH_PROTECTED_NO_ACCESS, hasMR: false }} | ${COMMIT_TO_NEW_BRANCH} ${{ currentBranchId: BRANCH_REGULAR, hasMR: true }} | ${COMMIT_TO_CURRENT_BRANCH} ${{ currentBranchId: BRANCH_REGULAR, hasMR: false }} | ${COMMIT_TO_CURRENT_BRANCH} ${{ currentBranchId: BRANCH_REGULAR_NO_ACCESS, hasMR: true }} | ${COMMIT_TO_NEW_BRANCH} ${{ currentBranchId: BRANCH_REGULAR_NO_ACCESS, hasMR: false }} | ${COMMIT_TO_NEW_BRANCH} `( 'with $input, it dispatches update commit action with $expectedOption', ({ input, expectedOption }) => { createComponent(input); expect(store.dispatch.mock.calls).toEqual([[ACTION_UPDATE_COMMIT_ACTION, expectedOption]]); }, ); }); describe('when empty project', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ emptyRepo: true }); }); it('only renders commit to current branch', () => { expect(findRadios().length).toBe(1); expect(findText()).toContain('Commit to main branch'); }); }); });