class Spinach::Features::AdminProjects < Spinach::FeatureSteps include SharedAuthentication include SharedPaths include SharedAdmin include SharedProject include SharedUser include Select2Helper step 'I should see all non-archived projects' do Project.non_archived.each do |p| expect(page).to have_content p.name_with_namespace end end step 'I should see all projects' do Project.all.each do |p| expect(page).to have_content p.name_with_namespace end end step 'I select "Show archived projects"' do find(:css, '#sort-projects-dropdown').click click_link 'Show archived projects' end step 'I should see "archived" label' do expect(page).to have_xpath("//span[@class='label label-warning']", text: 'archived') end step 'I click on first project' do click_link Project.first.name_with_namespace end step 'I should see project details' do project = Project.first expect(current_path).to eq admin_namespace_project_path(project.namespace, project) expect(page).to have_content(project.name_with_namespace) expect(page).to have_content( end step 'I visit admin project page' do visit admin_namespace_project_path(project.namespace, project) end step 'I transfer project to group \'Web\'' do allow_any_instance_of(Projects::TransferService). to receive(:move_uploads_to_new_namespace).and_return(true) click_button 'Search for Namespace' click_link 'group: web' click_button 'Transfer' end step 'group \'Web\'' do create(:group, name: 'Web') end step 'I should see project transfered' do expect(page).to have_content 'Web / ' + expect(page).to have_content 'Namespace: Web' end step 'I visit project "Enterprise" members page' do project = Project.find_by!(name: "Enterprise") visit namespace_project_project_members_path(project.namespace, project) end step 'I select current user as "Developer"' do page.within ".users-project-form" do select2(, from: "#user_ids", multiple: true) select "Developer", from: "access_level" end click_button "Add to project" end step 'I should see current user as "Developer"' do page.within '.content-list' do expect(page).to have_content( expect(page).to have_content('Developer') end end step 'current user is developer of project "Enterprise"' do project = Project.find_by!(name: "Enterprise") << [current_user, :developer] end step 'I click on the "Remove User From Project" button for current user' do find(:css, 'li', text:, 'a.btn-remove').click # poltergeist always confirms popups. end step 'I should not see current_user as "Developer"' do expect(page).not_to have_selector(:css, '.content-list') end def project @project ||= Project.first end def group Group.find_by(name: 'Web') end end