# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ForkNamespaceEntity do include Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers include ProjectForksHelper let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let(:namespace) { create(:group, :with_avatar, description: 'test') } let(:entity) { described_class.new(namespace, current_user: user, project: project) } subject(:json) { entity.as_json } before do project.add_maintainer(user) end it 'renders json' do is_expected.not_to be_nil end %w[id name description markdown_description visibility full_name created_at updated_at avatar_url].each do |attribute| it "includes #{attribute}" do expect(json[attribute.to_sym]).to be_present end end it 'exposes path for forking project to the namespace' do expect(json[:fork_path]).to eq project_forks_path(project, namespace_key: namespace.id) end it 'exposes forked_project_path when fork exists in namespace' do namespace.add_maintainer(user) fork_in_namespace = fork_project(project, user, namespace: namespace) expect(json[:forked_project_path]).to eql project_path(fork_in_namespace) end it 'exposes relative path to the namespace' do expect(json[:relative_path]).to eql polymorphic_path(namespace) end it 'exposes human readable permission level' do namespace.add_developer(user) expect(json[:permission]).to eql 'Developer' end it 'sets can_create_project to true when user can create projects in namespace' do allow(user).to receive(:can?).with(:create_projects, namespace).and_return(true) expect(json[:can_create_project]).to be true end it 'sets can_create_project to false when user is not allowed create projects in namespace' do allow(user).to receive(:can?).with(:create_projects, namespace).and_return(false) expect(json[:can_create_project]).to be false end end