# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ObjectStorage::DirectUpload do let(:region) { 'us-east-1' } let(:path_style) { false } let(:use_iam_profile) { false } let(:consolidated_settings) { false } let(:credentials) do { provider: 'AWS', aws_access_key_id: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', aws_secret_access_key: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', region: region, path_style: path_style, use_iam_profile: use_iam_profile } end let(:storage_options) { {} } let(:raw_config) do { enabled: true, connection: credentials, remote_directory: bucket_name, storage_options: storage_options, consolidated_settings: consolidated_settings } end let(:config) { ObjectStorage::Config.new(raw_config) } let(:storage_url) { 'https://uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/' } let(:bucket_name) { 'uploads' } let(:object_name) { 'tmp/uploads/my-file' } let(:maximum_size) { 1.gigabyte } let(:direct_upload) { described_class.new(config, object_name, has_length: has_length, maximum_size: maximum_size) } before do Fog.unmock! end describe '#has_length' do context 'is known' do let(:has_length) { true } let(:maximum_size) { nil } it "maximum size is not required" do expect { direct_upload }.not_to raise_error end end context 'is unknown' do let(:has_length) { false } context 'and maximum size is specified' do let(:maximum_size) { 1.gigabyte } it "does not raise an error" do expect { direct_upload }.not_to raise_error end end context 'and maximum size is not specified' do let(:maximum_size) { nil } it "raises an error" do expect { direct_upload }.to raise_error /maximum_size has to be specified if length is unknown/ end end end end describe '#get_url' do subject { described_class.new(config, object_name, has_length: true) } context 'when AWS is used' do it 'calls the proper method' do expect_next_instance_of(::Fog::Storage, credentials) do |connection| expect(connection).to receive(:get_object_url).once end subject.get_url end end context 'when Google is used' do let(:credentials) do { provider: 'Google', google_storage_access_key_id: 'GOOGLE_ACCESS_KEY_ID', google_storage_secret_access_key: 'GOOGLE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' } end it 'calls the proper method' do expect_next_instance_of(::Fog::Storage, credentials) do |connection| expect(connection).to receive(:get_object_https_url).once end subject.get_url end end end describe '#to_hash', :aggregate_failures do subject { direct_upload.to_hash } shared_examples 'a valid S3 upload' do it_behaves_like 'a valid upload' it 'sets Workhorse client data' do expect(subject[:UseWorkhorseClient]).to eq(use_iam_profile) expect(subject[:RemoteTempObjectID]).to eq(object_name) object_store_config = subject[:ObjectStorage] expect(object_store_config[:Provider]).to eq 'AWS' s3_config = object_store_config[:S3Config] expect(s3_config[:Bucket]).to eq(bucket_name) expect(s3_config[:Region]).to eq(region) expect(s3_config[:PathStyle]).to eq(path_style) expect(s3_config[:UseIamProfile]).to eq(use_iam_profile) expect(s3_config.keys).not_to include(%i(ServerSideEncryption SSEKMSKeyID)) end context 'when feature flag is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_workhorse_s3_client: false) end it 'does not enable Workhorse client' do expect(subject[:UseWorkhorseClient]).to be false end end context 'when V2 signatures are used' do before do credentials[:aws_signature_version] = 2 end it 'does not enable Workhorse client' do expect(subject[:UseWorkhorseClient]).to be false end end context 'when V4 signatures are used' do before do credentials[:aws_signature_version] = 4 end it 'enables the Workhorse client for instance profiles' do expect(subject[:UseWorkhorseClient]).to eq(use_iam_profile) end end context 'when consolidated settings are used' do let(:consolidated_settings) { true } it 'enables the Workhorse client' do expect(subject[:UseWorkhorseClient]).to be true end end context 'when only server side encryption is used' do let(:storage_options) { { server_side_encryption: 'AES256' } } it 'sends server side encryption settings' do s3_config = subject[:ObjectStorage][:S3Config] expect(s3_config[:ServerSideEncryption]).to eq('AES256') expect(s3_config.keys).not_to include(:SSEKMSKeyID) end end context 'when SSE-KMS is used' do let(:storage_options) do { server_side_encryption: 'AES256', server_side_encryption_kms_key_id: 'arn:aws:12345' } end it 'sends server side encryption settings' do s3_config = subject[:ObjectStorage][:S3Config] expect(s3_config[:ServerSideEncryption]).to eq('AES256') expect(s3_config[:SSEKMSKeyID]).to eq('arn:aws:12345') end end end shared_examples 'a valid Google upload' do it_behaves_like 'a valid upload' it 'does not set Workhorse client data' do expect(subject.keys).not_to include(:UseWorkhorseClient, :RemoteTempObjectID, :ObjectStorage) end end shared_examples 'a valid AzureRM upload' do before do require 'fog/azurerm' end it_behaves_like 'a valid upload' it 'enables the Workhorse client' do expect(subject[:UseWorkhorseClient]).to be true expect(subject[:RemoteTempObjectID]).to eq(object_name) expect(subject[:ObjectStorage][:Provider]).to eq('AzureRM') expect(subject[:ObjectStorage][:GoCloudConfig]).to eq({ URL: "azblob://#{bucket_name}" }) end end shared_examples 'a valid upload' do it "returns valid structure" do expect(subject).to have_key(:Timeout) expect(subject[:GetURL]).to start_with(storage_url) expect(subject[:StoreURL]).to start_with(storage_url) expect(subject[:DeleteURL]).to start_with(storage_url) expect(subject[:CustomPutHeaders]).to be_truthy expect(subject[:PutHeaders]).to eq({}) end end shared_examples 'a valid upload with multipart data' do before do stub_object_storage_multipart_init(storage_url, "myUpload") end it_behaves_like 'a valid upload' it "returns valid structure" do expect(subject).to have_key(:MultipartUpload) expect(subject[:MultipartUpload]).to have_key(:PartSize) expect(subject[:MultipartUpload][:PartURLs]).to all(start_with(storage_url)) expect(subject[:MultipartUpload][:PartURLs]).to all(include('uploadId=myUpload')) expect(subject[:MultipartUpload][:CompleteURL]).to start_with(storage_url) expect(subject[:MultipartUpload][:CompleteURL]).to include('uploadId=myUpload') expect(subject[:MultipartUpload][:AbortURL]).to start_with(storage_url) expect(subject[:MultipartUpload][:AbortURL]).to include('uploadId=myUpload') end it 'uses only strings in query parameters' do expect(direct_upload.send(:connection)).to receive(:signed_url).at_least(:once) do |params| if params[:query] expect(params[:query].keys.all? { |key| key.is_a?(String) }).to be_truthy end end subject end end shared_examples 'a valid S3 upload without multipart data' do it_behaves_like 'a valid S3 upload' it_behaves_like 'a valid upload without multipart data' end shared_examples 'a valid S3 upload with multipart data' do it_behaves_like 'a valid S3 upload' it_behaves_like 'a valid upload with multipart data' end shared_examples 'a valid upload without multipart data' do it_behaves_like 'a valid upload' it "returns valid structure" do expect(subject).not_to have_key(:MultipartUpload) end end context 'when AWS is used' do context 'when length is known' do let(:has_length) { true } it_behaves_like 'a valid S3 upload without multipart data' context 'when path style is true' do let(:path_style) { true } let(:storage_url) { 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploads' } before do stub_object_storage_multipart_init(storage_url, "myUpload") end it_behaves_like 'a valid S3 upload without multipart data' end context 'when IAM profile is true' do let(:use_iam_profile) { true } let(:iam_credentials_url) { "" } let(:iam_credentials) do { 'AccessKeyId' => 'dummykey', 'SecretAccessKey' => 'dummysecret', 'Token' => 'dummytoken', 'Expiration' => 1.day.from_now.xmlschema } end before do stub_request(:get, iam_credentials_url) .to_return(status: 200, body: "somerole", headers: {}) stub_request(:get, "#{iam_credentials_url}somerole") .to_return(status: 200, body: iam_credentials.to_json, headers: {}) end it_behaves_like 'a valid S3 upload without multipart data' end end context 'when length is unknown' do let(:has_length) { false } it_behaves_like 'a valid S3 upload with multipart data' do before do stub_object_storage_multipart_init(storage_url, "myUpload") end context 'when maximum upload size is 10MB' do let(:maximum_size) { 10.megabyte } it 'returns only 2 parts' do expect(subject[:MultipartUpload][:PartURLs].length).to eq(2) end it 'part size is minimum, 5MB' do expect(subject[:MultipartUpload][:PartSize]).to eq(5.megabyte) end end context 'when maximum upload size is 12MB' do let(:maximum_size) { 12.megabyte } it 'returns only 3 parts' do expect(subject[:MultipartUpload][:PartURLs].length).to eq(3) end it 'part size is rounded-up to 5MB' do expect(subject[:MultipartUpload][:PartSize]).to eq(5.megabyte) end end context 'when maximum upload size is 49GB' do let(:maximum_size) { 49.gigabyte } it 'returns maximum, 100 parts' do expect(subject[:MultipartUpload][:PartURLs].length).to eq(100) end it 'part size is rounded-up to 5MB' do expect(subject[:MultipartUpload][:PartSize]).to eq(505.megabyte) end end end end end context 'when Google is used' do let(:credentials) do { provider: 'Google', google_storage_access_key_id: 'GOOGLE_ACCESS_KEY_ID', google_storage_secret_access_key: 'GOOGLE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' } end let(:storage_url) { 'https://storage.googleapis.com/uploads/' } context 'when length is known' do let(:has_length) { true } it_behaves_like 'a valid Google upload' it_behaves_like 'a valid upload without multipart data' end context 'when length is unknown' do let(:has_length) { false } it_behaves_like 'a valid Google upload' it_behaves_like 'a valid upload without multipart data' end end context 'when AzureRM is used' do let(:credentials) do { provider: 'AzureRM', azure_storage_account_name: 'azuretest', azure_storage_access_key: 'ABCD1234' } end let(:storage_url) { 'https://azuretest.blob.core.windows.net' } context 'when length is known' do let(:has_length) { true } it_behaves_like 'a valid AzureRM upload' it_behaves_like 'a valid upload without multipart data' end context 'when length is unknown' do let(:has_length) { false } it_behaves_like 'a valid AzureRM upload' it_behaves_like 'a valid upload without multipart data' end end end end